Barak & Trilary Clinton Running For President?



  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    seeing as how less than 50% of eligible voters actually voted in the last several elections, i think its just inaccurate to say that the country will not elect a black or female president. what is the % of blacks that voted in the last election?? i guarantee it was far below 50%. if obama runs for pres or even vice president, you will see a huge jump. the same goes for hillary (and women). these two candidates will pull people to the polls who have never voted before, or were indifferent in the last election.[/b]

    You are absolutely right.

    But why can't you see that they'll pull massive amounts of people who didn't vote last time that don't want to see a person of color or person with vagina as President?

    As well as keeping a large number of people who voted Democratic last time at home.

  • I think the real question that needs to be asked is how much credibility will you lose if Hillary or Barack wins.

  • or a better question is why there is such a debate over whether a black person or woman can win in light of all the polls which show that Hillary leads McCain and Obama is running neck and neck.

  • you

    Cool. I'll let my Iranian sister know.

    1). KEWL do that

    2). and i can't understand how a person of color ,like yourself, can have some[/b] of your views.

  • you

    Cool. I'll let my Iranian sister know.

    1). KEWL do that

    2). and i can't understand how a person of color ,like yourself, can have some[/b] of your views.

    I'm white.

    What were those views, again?

  • you

    Cool. I'll let my Iranian sister know.

    1). KEWL do that

    2). and i can't understand how a person of color ,like yourself, can have some[/b] of your views.

    I'm white.

    What were those views, again?

    I'm assumed having an Iranian sister= Iranian yourself.

    you've dropped mad nuggets in a lot of threads. One of my fav's was something about calling Ed Powers arrogant & smug by being able to what you saw as "flaunting" with his ability to comment of racism, really on some "HOW DARE YOU COMPLAIN" schitt.

  • One example, huh?

    It's comforting to know that making a reactionary comment to the "You sound white" quip now condemns someone as being 100% racist.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    It's comforting to know that making a reactionary comment to the "You sound white" quip now condemns someone as being 100% racist.

    Respect the game


    You sound white

  • One example, huh?

    It's comforting to know that making a reactionary comment to the "You sound white" quip now condemns someone as being 100% racist. It wasn't that you actually responded but what you said. I'll start keeping a runnin tally and have my microsoft clipboard open. *SHEESH*

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I'm not sure what's stranger....

    Someone who thinks they are throwing out an insult by saying "You sound white"

    Or the person who is truly insulted by the phrase "You sound white"

    I think a much more appropriate insult here at SS would be..

    "You sound like you wanna be black"

    And I'd like to know if getting a Socialogy Degree qualifies a white dude to come here and talk about "the real black experience"??

  • these two candidates will pull people to the polls who have never voted before, or were indifferent in the last election.[/b]

    This scares the schitt out of alot of people. it's wide open right now...

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Cool. I'll let my Iranian sister know.

    I already did. She says HI!

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    these two candidates will pull people to the polls who have never voted before, or were indifferent in the last election.[/b]

    This scares the schitt out of alot of people. it's wide open right now...

    I'm not so sure this statement is true. The same was said with the Kerry Campaign after pushes to get the youth to go out in droves and vote. Puff Daddy's Vote or Die campaign didn't realy make a change, the way folks had hoped.

    A major factor in Bush's (re?)election was the right to gay marriage proposals placed on many states ballots. The fearn of having Frank and Harry be recognized as a legally married couple really got the red states galvanized and cost Kerry the election more than just about anything.

    Just ask them Zogby fuckers

  • these two candidates will pull people to the polls who have never voted before, or were indifferent in the last election.[/b]

    This scares the schitt out of alot of people. it's wide open right now...

    I'm not so sure this statement is true. The same was said with the Kerry Campaign after pushes to get the youth to go out in droves and vote. Puff Daddy's Vote or Die campaign didn't realy make a change, the way folks had hoped.

    A major factor in Bush's (re?)election was the right to gay marriage proposals placed on many states ballots. The fearn of having Frank and Harry be recognized as a legally married couple really got the red states galvanized and cost Kerry the election more than just about anything.

    Just ask them Zogby fuckers

    That myth has been debunked many times.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    these two candidates will pull people to the polls who have never voted before, or were indifferent in the last election.[/b]

    This scares the schitt out of alot of people. it's wide open right now...

    I'm not so sure this statement is true. The same was said with the Kerry Campaign after pushes to get the youth to go out in droves and vote. Puff Daddy's Vote or Die campaign didn't realy make a change, the way folks had hoped.

    A major factor in Bush's (re?)election was the right to gay marriage proposals placed on many states ballots. The fearn of having Frank and Harry be recognized as a legally married couple really got the red states galvanized and cost Kerry the election more than just about anything.

    Just ask them Zogby fuckers

    That myth has been debunked many times.

    Not to mention the fact that nobody ever said any such thing about Kerry invigorating the youth vote...

  • I'm just wondering, if the people who will come out of the woodwork to vote against a female or black person normally do not vote, what difference would race or gender play when these people, whoever they are, feel disenfranchised to begin with? It's not like they're clamoring for more rich, white guys.

    Really, now, if they didn't show up to vote down the gay issue (and I think a gay politician would be the very last person to be voted in), why would they suddenly show up to vote against a female and a black person? Is it as simple as the living object of their sexism and racism?

  • As it turns out, there have been 33 women senators in the modern era.

    And there have only been 3 black senators since Reconstruction (but shouts out to the 2 black senators from Mississippi who won seats in that era).*

    So is America 11 times more likely to elect a women than a black man for president?

    And note that black men have had the right to vote--at least in theory--since 1867, while women have only had the vote since 1920.

    *One of the black senators was also a woman, Carol Moseley-Braun.

  • So is America 11 times more likely to elect a women than a black man for president?

    Obviously not. Demographics play a large part, of course. I didn't know that the two black senators prior to Obama were from Mississippi -- I never would have guessed that. Where were the closet racists and sexists during those races?

    There's an article in "Time" magazine about the black vote and Obama. According to the article, many black people are skeptical of Obama for a variety of reasons -- experience being one of the major worries. When Powell was being talked about as a presidential runner, I always heard the line that he'll secure the black vote simply because he's a black person, too. Personally, I'm glad that this appears not to be the case with Obama, although, funny enough, I hear more than a few white kids talking about how they'll vote for him just because he is black. Insert "You sound like you want to be black" graemlin here. I blame hip-hop, like I do for all the ills of America's youth.
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