Have You Ever Seen A Ghost?



  • the house i live in at the moment - allegedly the previous owner committed suicide before we moved in. When we moved in I remember shitting myself like there would be ghosts in there. Never seen one (yet!) but heard some mad ghost stories from other people so I'm open

  • ok cool...it's one of my favorite topics to hear about so I'm anticipating....

    I just tried to write my experiences down but this piece of shit timed out and when I clicked back, my writing was gone. Can someone please fix this? I'm fucking pissed right now!

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    ok cool...it's one of my favorite topics to hear about so I'm anticipating....

    I just tried to write my experiences down but this piece of shit timed out and when I clicked back, my writing was gone. Can someone please fix this? I'm fucking pissed right now!

    straight up

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    when i was 8 or so i woke up to a suspended ball of light floating in my doorway. i didnt go to school for a week i was so scared. just last year or so i found out theres some semi-explained phenomena known as "ball lightning", which would explain it.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,967 Posts
    Nothing's real til you see it, or allow yourself to be open to.

    I agree. I mean, I've never seen Oxygen or radioactivity but I believe it's there. Don't we all?

    They call people who have UFOs on video "Nuts". Yet people build Cathederals, Mosques, Synangogues to glorify what they have never seen themselves, or have any footage of, and are seen as pillars of the community by the public. Seems faith in these "Religions" = OK. Faith in not being the only worthwhile life in the universe = crazy talk.

    I've never *seen* a ghost, but I believe that there are things out there that are on some non-human frequency, some that we are just not able to see or understand. It's just the wavelength the human mind is set to that allows us to only see or comprehend so far. I am not sweating it - we are probably designed to work best this way.

    A bloke called Claude Shannon did a lot of research into something called Information theory - the idea that what you can observe is purely relevant to your distance from it and the time you can observe it. Google it. Dude was saying that if he put you 1 atom away from a red vw beetle and asked you what it was, you'd only be able to tell him it was something made of paint atoms (if you had good eyesight - work with me here).

    If you were 10 feet away, you could tell him it was a red VW beetle. If you were a mile away, maybe a red car. 10 miles away? Something red. At the other side of the universe? No fucking chance of seeing anything. In the same way we might need to observe something super-close for 1000000 years to see wtf is actually happening, but it's just beyond us. Dude knew his shit - it's his ways of encoding stuff that makes digital telephony work faster. All built on Shannon theory.

    I've known some real LSD munchers, dudes who made their own LSD, and they likened it to me as re-tuning their radio, allowing them to percieve some other world shit that we just do not pick up on. But the human mind, in trying to search for a match for what it's seeing, can only come up with imagery from our own little mortal menagerie. Hence these bizzare hallucinations.

    They would regularly play pool on speed and LSD and told me the black ball [pause for racism debate... end pause] when rolling would look like a big scarab beetle or a piece of coal until it slowed down enough for their brain to match it to an 8-ball. Like when you crash a computer program and you can see how it's trying to draw the screen - that's the insight into the function of your own mind you apparently get when tripping. So they said anyway - wtf do I know, with my mind, I was best off it. "Hard Drug Users" please to confirm?

    As long as you *know* you are tripping, you can stay calm, but these dudes were convinced they were trapped to the wall one night by the flock-effect on wallpaper. He really didn't want me to pull him away from the wall in case it shredded him like a cheesegrater. He also did some "Rave in a Cave" and thought he'd turned into a stalagmite and wouldn't move there either. Anything that turns one of the cleverest minds I know into that made me do the mental "finger crucifix" to.

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,419 Posts
    one time my sister woke up to a figure petting her cat in the corner of her bedroom

    turned out it was real, and a robber...but why the fuck was he doing that?!

    she also saw an alien at the end of her bed playing with her barbie dollhouse one time, when she was younger

    i havent had any ghostly experiences that i can remember, but reading the shit in this thread is FUCKING ME UP.

    once when i was little i swear to god i saw a UFO though.

    anybody ever try to explore supposedly haunted/cursed places? theres a grave in my town called "the black angel" and its pretty fucking creepy. i went there with a huge group of people and not a single person would even touch it. creepy shit.

  • ok cool...it's one of my favorite topics to hear about so I'm anticipating....

    I just tried to write my experiences down but this piece of shit timed out and when I clicked back, my writing was gone. Can someone please fix this? I'm fucking pissed right now!

    That shit happened to me, but luckily I copied and pasted it into a word document to correct any spelling errors.

    Whenever I post essay like replies, I try to copy and paste them shits for insurance purposes.

    Having said that, please share your story.

  • Nothing's real til you see it, or allow yourself to be open to.

    I agree. I mean, I've never seen Oxygen or radioactivity but I believe it's there. Don't we all?

    They call people who have UFOs on video "Nuts". Yet people build Cathederals, Mosques, Synangogues to glorify what they have never seen themselves, or have any footage of, and are seen as pillars of the community by the public. Seems faith in these "Religions" = OK. Faith in not being the only worthwhile life in the universe = crazy talk.

    I've never *seen* a ghost, but I believe that there are things out there that are on some non-human frequency, some that we are just not able to see or understand. It's just the wavelength the human mind is set to that allows us to only see or comprehend so far. I am not sweating it - we are probably designed to work best this way.

    A bloke called Claude Shannon did a lot of research into something called Information theory - the idea that what you can observe is purely relevant to your distance from it and the time you can observe it. Google it. Dude was saying that if he put you 1 atom away from a red vw beetle and asked you what it was, you'd only be able to tell him it was something made of paint atoms (if you had good eyesight - work with me here).

    If you were 10 feet away, you could tell him it was a red VW beetle. If you were a mile away, maybe a red car. 10 miles away? Something red. At the other side of the universe? No fucking chance of seeing anything. In the same way we might need to observe something super-close for 1000000 years to see wtf is actually happening, but it's just beyond us. Dude knew his shit - it's his ways of encoding stuff that makes digital telephony work faster. All built on Shannon theory.

    I've known some real LSD munchers, dudes who made their own LSD, and they likened it to me as re-tuning their radio, allowing them to percieve some other world shit that we just do not pick up on. But the human mind, in trying to search for a match for what it's seeing, can only come up with imagery from our own little mortal menagerie. Hence these bizzare hallucinations.

    They would regularly play pool on speed and LSD and told me the black ball [pause for racism debate... end pause] when rolling would look like a big scarab beetle or a piece of coal until it slowed down enough for their brain to match it to an 8-ball. Like when you crash a computer program and you can see how it's trying to draw the screen - that's the insight into the function of your own mind you apparently get when tripping. So they said anyway - wtf do I know, with my mind, I was best off it. "Hard Drug Users" please to confirm?

    As long as you *know* you are tripping, you can stay calm, but these dudes were convinced they were trapped to the wall one night by the flock-effect on wallpaper. He really didn't want me to pull him away from the wall in case it shredded him like a cheesegrater. He also did some "Rave in a Cave" and thought he'd turned into a stalagmite and wouldn't move there either. Anything that turns one of the cleverest minds I know into that made me do the mental "finger crucifix" to.

    Information Theory sounds interesting. I'm going to check it out.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    one time my sister woke up to a figure petting her cat in the corner of her bedroom

    turned out it was real, and a robber...but why the fuck was he doing that?!


    OK, there is no such thing as ghosts, but I'll share my story anyways...

    When I was in jr. high me and a few friends were spending the night at one of the dude's house. we decided to hold a seance (sp?). So we sat in a circle and tried to think of somebody dead to contact. I suggested Elvis, although it was possible that he wasn't actually dead. So we closed our eyes and began contacting elvis and then we heard a huge crashing sound right next to us. we all jumped about 12 feet in the fucking air and hauled balls outta there. we hid in the kitchen for a while. we were pretty shook, I have to admit. we finally headed back to the bedroom to see what had happened. The blinds had fallen off the window and to the floor. came right off outta nowhere.

    But... Elvis was the King, not a venetian blind hater, thus, no such thing as ghosts!

  • ok cool...it's one of my favorite topics to hear about so I'm anticipating....

    I just tried to write my experiences down but this piece of shit timed out and when I clicked back, my writing was gone. Can someone please fix this? I'm fucking pissed right now!

    A*****, whenever you write a long post, copy and paste it into notepad before submitting just in case this happens. Better yet, just write it in notepad in the first place.

    Whenever my ex-gf was climbing the stairs in her aunt's house, she would get this strange feeling like she was being watched.

    I don't even get that feeling when I know that someone is looking right at me.

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
    I hang out at my friends house a couple times a week out in Pasadena. He lives in an old house from the 60's and sometimes we hear weird sounds. He said he used to hear footsteps in the attic space, so we decide to go up there (he says he never went up there as long as he's lived in that house). So, it's nighttime and we're kinda spooked so we take a flashlight and climb up to the attic. We start walking on the houses roof beams until we get to the end of the house space and the flashlight beam comes reflecting back at us. It's a full length black mirror that has an opaque sheen on the glass. That shit scared the fuck out of us, so we hightailed it back down to the ground and never went back up there again. Fuck dark mirrors and shit.

  • I have had 'sleep paralysis' twice that i can remember.Not a nice experience..

    I can also fall asleep so quickly that i start dreaming right away.many times i have fallen asleep and started dreaming and my lady has woken me saying 'damn..you sleeping already??'

    My grandmother had narcolepsy all her life(she passed away 3 years ago at 89) and i wonder if i am heading in that direction or have a mild form.Later on my grandmother had to be careful if she laughed too much she would just freeze and could hear you speak but couldn`t move a muscle.The most common thing for her was to fall asleep while eating - which we thought was fun as kids("see how close nan`s face can get to her food before waking her") but for her was a great source of embarassment being a very quiet,shy person.I miss her..
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