who's coping APPL, get your day trade on



  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I watched the keynote lastnight and I have to say. While it was interesting. But at the same time, it seems like a let down to.

    I mean, what can buyers run out and buy today or download? No iTV til some time in Feb and no iphone til june??? Will the hype last 6 months? Probably.

    Also, where was the talk on the new OS or even ilife or iwork? Was there even any talk on the Mac itself?

    Maybe I'm too much of a geek and just find stupid shit like THIS way more interesting. While most wouldn't even care. Yes, I know... It's shitty Sony. But fuck... 1000000-to-contrast ratio??? HOLY FUCK!!

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    What is with iTV being only 40-gig? That's so small. Anyone who buys that first generation of that product is just throwing away cash. Now if it was a terabyte iTV, maybe...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Agreed. My laptop 5 years ago had a 40 gig drive. And this is suppose to be ur media center? HD content will filled at thing as fast as you can take a bathroom break and shake ur willy. Or why have HDMI and Component if the max resolution is 640 x 480?

    Am i missing something?

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    it's because itunes store is selling video content sized for ipods. So everything they sell is very compressed and shrunk down. The file sizes themselves aren't that big, hence the 40gb drive.

    this thing isn't made for us internerds that want to watch div x rips that we get off BT. It's a vehicle to sell content off the itunes store.

    Perhaps someone will hack this thing.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I'm wondering how the image will look upconverted and stretcheddddddddddd on peoples big LCDs & Plasmas!

    But I dun get why all the hype. This is shit people have been doing for along time already on their phones and media centers.

    OK enough of me bitching...

    I :heart: techie crap. Even apple

  • What is with iTV being only 40-gig? That's so small. Anyone who buys that first generation of that product is just throwing away cash. Now if it was a terabyte iTV, maybe...

    Apple is about the end consumer. A terabyte drive is, what, at least $400 bucks still? Nobody in their right mind is going to shell out that much for a cable TV box replacement.

    Check this out, tivo & roxio partnered to create a program to transfer programs from your tivo to an iTV.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Come on seriously... I'm sure Apple could have put a 250 gig drive in there and it would have cost them 50 bucks.

    40 gig drives to me anyways is sad (That is no where near ). Shit, my girls mp3 player has a 60 gig in it and she bought it over 3 years ago.

    I'm just saying. The hardware itself is a letdown big time. Service tho is another topic. I'm sure they will do great service and provide well.

  • Come on seriously... I'm sure Apple could have put a 250 gig drive in there and it would have cost them 50 bucks.

    40 gig drives to me anyways is sad (That is no where near ). Shit, my girls mp3 player has a 60 gig in it and she bought it over 3 years ago.

    I'm just saying. The hardware itself is a letdown big time. Service tho is another topic. I'm sure they will do great service and provide well.

    ummm...dudes...you DO realize that the 40gigs is a LOCAL storage drive. It's intended to be wirelessly (or wired) networked to your computers HD to access music and video content that way. It has airport and ethernet connections built in.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Come on seriously... I'm sure Apple could have put a 250 gig drive in there and it would have cost them 50 bucks.

    40 gig drives to me anyways is sad (That is no where near ). Shit, my girls mp3 player has a 60 gig in it and she bought it over 3 years ago.

    I'm just saying. The hardware itself is a letdown big time. Service tho is another topic. I'm sure they will do great service and provide well.

    ummm...dudes...you DO realize that the 40gigs is a LOCAL storage drive. It's intended to be wirelessly (or wired) networked to your computers HD to access music and video content that way. It has airport and ethernet connections built in.

    Yeah? An over priced media center extender? Hmm, that sure hasn't been around for a minute... This is Apple. I need some shit that will make me go WOW. I want one!

    I mean, shit I've been able to stream my media for like ever. Hell, for a year now I've been using orb to stream not just all of my media, but my cable TV for free anywhere in the world. Including my wifi cell phone.

    This is really just "iTunes on your TV". And thats all she wrote. And to be dead honest, I could care less about 640 x480 or 320x240 video on my big HDTV. And for music. I don't need a $299 box to make it happen.

    But whatever. I guess I'm just bummed because I was hoping they would incorporate DVR. I would have bought one then. And a new laptop to boot!

  • back to the original post...if any of you fools would have taken dude's advice - the stock has shot from 85 to 96 over the past day and a half.

    i know that the stock jump might seem obvious, but most stock movement doesnt come from the average joe picking up a few shares, but from major investment companies. so even the people in the know were not jumping on this until after the announcement.

    any more stock tips???? i was really contemplating going in on some shares yesterday morning but the high price per share drove me away.

  • any more stock tips????

    Toyota is dropping like a rock. Wait until it evens out and re-up on that.

    That's gonna be my portfolio once payday arrives. AAPL+TM = $$$

  • any more stock tips????

    no, but watch for bonds to rally big time in 07

  • Agreed. My laptop 5 years ago had a 40 gig drive. And this is suppose to be ur media center? HD content will filled at thing as fast as you can take a bathroom break and shake ur willy. Or why have HDMI and Component if the max resolution is 640 x 480?

    Am i missing something?

    yes, USB 2 port on itv to connect a harddrive

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    back to the original post...if any of you fools would have taken dude's advice - the stock has shot from 85 to 96 over the past day and a half.

    i know that the stock jump might seem obvious, but most stock movement doesnt come from the average joe picking up a few shares, but from major investment companies. so even the people in the know were not jumping on this until after the announcement.

    any more stock tips???? i was really contemplating going in on some shares yesterday morning but the high price per share drove me away.

    Wait for the hype to die down (a few weeks/months). The Apple tock always goes up during/after mac world and drop back down. Buy apple about a month before the iphone hits shelves and ride it out. I bought it 2 years ago for 30 a share in September. it went nuts after the Macworld and split (hell yeah) to 16 a share and is now back to 90 range... it may split again if it gets about the $100 range.

  • Options
    back to the original post...if any of you fools would have taken dude's advice - the stock has shot from 85 to 96 over the past day and a half.

    i know that the stock jump might seem obvious, but most stock movement doesnt come from the average joe picking up a few shares, but from major investment companies. so even the people in the know were not jumping on this until after the announcement.

    any more stock tips???? i was really contemplating going in on some shares yesterday morning but the high price per share drove me away.

    Wait for the hype to die down (a few weeks/months). The Apple tock always goes up during/after mac world and drop back down. Buy apple about a month before the iphone hits shelves and ride it out. I bought it 2 years ago for 30 a share in September. it went nuts after the Macworld and split (hell yeah) to 16 a share and is now back to 90 range... it may split again if it gets about the $100 range.

    No one in here mentioned the iTV device? I heard a projection that they expect to sell as many of those as they did iPods.

    Buying it a month or so before iPhone hits shelves might be a good idea. AAPL always jumps or declines on news events and sales updates (I think I made 15grand betting on macworld last year). However, iTV is supposed to start shipping in a month or so, I heard they are already taking orders if I'm right? You could get a pop from a "iTV selling better than expected" update before the iPhone is even released.

    These last two days been fun, I got a nice grip of AAPL shares that I just picked up last week or the week before at low 85 after Steve Jobs got cleared of the options pricing scandal (after selling another chunk for profit in late december that I bought in september). Also loaded up on options yesterday morning at 11:30, and dumped them this morning at 11:00. Also bought an even bigger grip of shares for my family the day before Macworld.

  • Options

    any more stock tips????

    Toyota is dropping like a rock. Wait until it evens out and re-up on that.

    That's gonna be my portfolio once payday arrives. AAPL+TM = $$$

    Add Goldman Sachs (GS).

  • You read Cramer, didn't you?

    I've been thinking about GS, too, but I'm feeling good with TM as a long term, two-year investment. Plus, GS costs $200+ per share. I don't have that much money to pour into the market.

    EDIT: Unless you're talking about a neopolitan sundae.

  • Options
    You read Cramer, didn't you?

    Nah man. GS is like the Yankees of the financial world. Plus I play poker with a guy who works for them. I stopped watching Cramer last year, he's not for everybody. Don't get me wrong, he's got his good points. Lots of them. He's just not for me. Too aggressive. I like to chill.

  • Martha Stewart alert!
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