Once again, in what has become a Soulstrut holiday tradition, I bestow upon thee more of these HIP HOP LESSONS in hopes that a better understanding of THAT REAL SCHITT will be soaked in by future generations. Rare old school live raps and scratches for yo ASS. This is the foundation, the cornerstone, the ORIGINS of where this great music known as Hip Hop came from. Any persons with this wealth of history who doesn't share it with the young youth should, basically, be hanged like Sadaam. So therefore, it's yours. Bust the move-
Grandmaster Caz w/ Donald Dee Grandmaster Flash & The Furious 5 Pt 1 Grandmaster Flash & The Furious 5 Pt 2 1980 Celebrity Club MC Convention - You may be familiar with the Live Convention 81 & 82 records... this is another excerpt from the same tape that some of those recordings came from, featuring The Treacherous Three, Spoonie Gee & Busy Bee
Rob Base, Doug E Fresh & Slick Rick - Features the classic "Treat Her Like A Prostitute" plus some other stuff you may have never heard before
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five w/ Kool Kyle (entire side of tape, 36 min.) - rare recording from the summer of 1979, before rap music 1st hit wax. The sound quality on this is pretty terrible, but this is a great of example of what hip hop was really all about before record companies got ahold of it
Chuck Chillout KISS-FM 8-29-86 - miscellaneous radio show by legendary dj Chuck ChilloutRandom rap heads may also be interested to know that I threw some rare Phill Most Chill stuff up over at the DWG forum last night, so check em out asap before the links are deader than hip hop. HAVE A FUNKY FRESH NEW YEARS, BATCHES!
BTW, my little man Khalil Chill (pictured above) wants everyone on soulstrut to know that he doesn't like my old music and wants to hear the Chicken Noodle Soup song. He better go 'head with his little kryptonite vulnerable ass... these kids today, i just don't get 'em
tell that kid to
You are
While I'm here I got a request that i can not find ever!
It's Nice & Smooth No Delayin over the Cake and Eat It Too beat. They only played it on the radio a few times back in the day off the reels. I believe it's the original demo and then they made it into two different songs. IF ANYONE HAPPENS TO HAVE A TAPE OF THIS PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
p.s. Phil I have to wait for confirmation on dwg
edit.. here's some stuff
Juice Crew - Freestyle from The Capital Rad (featuring a very young tragedy too)
diggerswithgratitude.com is the forum in question.
Thanks again Phill
Thank you so much. Can't wait to fully embrace these, about to rip them to cd for portable enjoyment. cheers!
all best to you and yours in '07.
Celebrity CLub MC Convention
Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five Pt. 1
" Pt.2
Grandmaster Caz and Donald Dee
Rob Base Doug E Fresh Slick Rick
Phill, I just want to add my thanks for making time travel possible. Respect. 1980 Celebrity Club MC Convention is this shit.
Heyyyy... i just caught this joint right here. DOO DOO DOPE! Never heard this one before. Maaaan, so much fly unreleased stuff still floating around... I hope more of this stuff keeps getting released. I know dudes are sitting on crazy songs from BITD that the world at large has never heard.
Thanks for the drop, cuz!