eddie harris late 60's appreciation

ive been listening to my "funky doo" and "wait, please" 45s nonstop for a few months now. this shit is just so goddamn good....just builds and builds and ends on some
echo shit....perfection.

-Signed: A "Funk Hatter"
This was a little bit after the late sixties, but you should hear 1973's "Drunk Man," this sick little jam where not only is he playing sax through some electronic apparatus (the Varitone), but he's talking through it as well...
I've picked up some stuff recently where others have done that too: Lester Bowie and of course Rahsaan Roland Kirk. There's another one, where the guy is talking through his flute but I don't remember who it was.
Hey Ako,
Eddie Harris is one of my favorites from that time period. I have all of his stuff from that era and there after (in the 70's). I used to sample the shit out of that stuff (e.g., "Hey Wado", "Wait Please", "Ballad (for my Love)") in the late 80's/early 90's too.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Harold Alexander?
There's one track on his Sunshine Man album where he is just babbling up a storm...with the flute still in his mouth...
There were actually a couple other people doing that same thing, and Harold Alexander did that on a couple albums as well.
Alexander LPs with that:
Don Burrows from Australia:
Alexander with Pucho:
I think Ken Munson might havae done some of that as well:
So what do you think of his comedy album, The Reason Why I'm Talking S--t?
My friend sam, who isn't into records at all, absolutely loves this record. There was a period of about a year that he would ask me to play it every time he came over. It is a pretty funny record though. When that lady in the back says "why do you say fuck all the time?"... that shit kills me.
Is it fonkay!? Early 1960s = not a very fonkay era!
That picture needs to be made into a R Vincent avatar: "On the one! AOWWWWWW!"
I was actually hoping to find the pic of Vincent modelling the Trombipulation-style rubber elephant nose for his class--that one really should be its own graemlin.
I love Rahsaan's version of Ain't No Sunshine on Blucknuss. He sings the chorus through his flute on that one.
I've been through three of his Vee-Jay Lps including this one - for me the only keeper was 'Bossa Nova', the others were just too dry... Tiffany's was okay but not much different than the OST from what I recall
So it isn't fonkay?!
funk a fonkay, iam looking for tasteful
WOW THANKS, how come nobody else said anything about these?
Actually, Eddie was a funny dude. I liked him better on sax, though.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Big Stacks from Kakalak
my father would see him live in chicago and raves about it til this day...majestic soul!@
Bought over the past week: Come On Down! and E.H. In The U.K.
I thought Ron Steen's trio was backing him up with Peter Boe on keys, but Peter says it wasn't them.
Anyway, Eddie Harris was funny.
He also mentioned that does a lot of cartoon background music because it is so hard to play and keeps your sight reading chops fresh.
And because no one mentioned it let me say Swiss Movement, Compared To What.