been waiting to get my hands on this all year, downloaded it and there is no subtitles
I have the R3 Korean Import. I can rip the subtitles and e-mail them to you if you want, whatever works. Let me know. It was pretty interesting to see the R3 DVD come out 7 days after it premiered at CANNES, and 2 weeks before it hit small run theatres in France. I really liked this one. Anyhow, let me know.
thanks for the offer, i watched it last night without the subtitles, and i still understood what was going on, the dialog isnt that important for this kind of movie, and i have to say it was great, very tense and i didn't see the ending coming at all
if you regularly plant your hands on your hips and ask out loud, "Gosh, aren't people kooky?!?
I'm getting sick of these films. the worst one I ever saw was "me and you and everyone we know" or something like that.
Also, I find that a lot of films I see lately, I'm incredibly impressed by the acting and the photography but never the story or other elements that seem to make up a film.
Borat The Departed The Devil & Daniel Johnston Science of Sleep Jack Ass 2 Legend of Ricky Bobby Little Miss Sunshine Nacho Libre Hills Have Eyes Casino Royale
I think I saw Brick last year maybe, seems like it, but if it's an 07 movie put it in there too.
It looks like Pan's Lab. and Children of Men are two late must see films... (rotten tomatoes reviewed them at 98% and 94%. 98% is insanely high for a non-documentary film to reach on there).
I didn't see the Descent, Half Nelson, or Deliver us from Evil (Docu).
Hills Have Eyes is a real sleeper.. very well done and I'd say better than the original. Only problem is.. it seemed designed more for a theater audience than home viewing.. so if you catch it on DVD it might not have quite the same impact. I think the same way about M. Knight Shym. movies.. they are a lot better in a theater with an audience where you are collectively having your strings pulled than at home where it can just be annoying to have your solo strings pulled.
And yeah you would be crazy not to see the departed for any reason. This movie is the Truth.
Leo was on a roll from Aviator to Departed but I heard his faux accent in Blood Diamonds was .
Borat The Departed The Devil & Daniel Johnston Science of Sleep Jack Ass 2 Legend of Ricky Bobby Little Miss Sunshine Nacho Libre Hills Have Eyes Casino Royale
I really can't agree with this list. Nacho Libre and Borat had it's moments. But nothing I would re-rent or that would stand the test of time.
Check Pan's Labryinth, Babel, Science of Sleep, Tideland, Rampo Noir, Children of Men, Inside man.
Hills Have Eyes is a real sleeper.. very well done and I'd say better than the original. Only problem is.. it seemed designed more for a theater audience than home viewing.. so if you catch it on DVD it might not have quite the same impact. I think the same way about M. Knight Shym. movies.. they are a lot better in a theater with an audience where you are collectively having your strings pulled than at home where it can just be annoying to have your solo strings pulled.
You know I'm interested to see so many people really rate this film. I saw the guy's previous feature, Switchblade Romance, and found it enjoyable. I thought Hills Have Eyes was not bad as horror remakes go but for me it didn't really seem to do anything particularly different to any of the other remakes.
Maybe I'm just getting old but I prefer one well executed prosthetic gore scene to 500 cgi scenes of heads exploding, limbs being chopped off etc - overkill leaves me feeling numb. Plus horror directors really really need to find some new cinematographers with different lens filters as I don't think I can stomach watching another horror film shot in a series of beige monochromes.
Was I the only one who was slightly annoyed by the "LOOK! This is a pretty movie" thing that was going on? A good movie, certainly, but not quite as good as the other noteworthy 2005 western: The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.
I am glad I don't have to be part of any of those awards. It's pretty slim-pickings this year. I loved "The Departed" but Scorcese can't win the Oscar for that movie; it's not even close to being his best and it would almost be more embarassing for the Academy to pick that movie and not the 10 or so others they snubbed him on. I see an honorary Lifetime Achievement Award in his future, while Clint Eastwood again gets showered with love for his two war movies.
I really want to see "Letters from Iwo Jima." I think one reviewer from the Times said it was "pretty close to perfect."
I agree with Rolling Stone magazine in the worst movie this year: "Bobby." It was like Emilio took every sentimental moment from the entire West Wing series and strung them into a movie starring a bunch of crappy B-list actors. The only redeeming quality about that movie was the stock footage of Kennedy himself.
"Hills Have Eyes" was good but nothing that spectacular just more *shocking* horror. Got to love that dog, though -- what a trooper.
I am looking forward to catching "The Good Shepard," but that shit should include an intermission. Already devoting three hours of my life, might as well get a built-in smoke break.
I loved "Inside Man" and "Miami Vice" was maybe about as good as "Collateral" but not better than "Heat."
"Prairie Home Companion" would have been good if Garrison Keeler wasn't in it.
Did "Match Point" come out in '05? I thought that was a great movie.
I just caught Syriana last night. I know it's a 2005 movie but it was really fantastic. Intelligent, subtle, well acted, well directed. When it started out I didn't think I would enjoy it because grown-up type films like this usually bore me to tears (like Traffic).
The Fountain: Interesting film but not as good as his past works. Requiem and Pi were both entertaining and intelligent. This lacked in the entertaining department.
Pi was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
I also kinda hate Requiem.
i agree. i thought i liked pi when it came out and i saw it recently and hated it. the same thing with memento. i didn't see requiem recently but i hated that movie instantly. shit was overwrought and overedited
anyway, pan's labyrinth was alright. there are some parts that annoyed me. eyeless monster was awesome though
movies i liked this year were The Departed, Casino Royale, Half Nelson and Science of Sleep. movie i didn't like was Little Miss Sunshine
I just watched Little Miss Sunshine this weekend, and thought it was good. I was glad I didn't see it in the midst of its 'greatest movie EVAR!' hype; it wasn't all that, but it was an entertaining little movie, IMO. I was expecting 'Garden State,' after reading some of the things people on here said about it (Garden State being the worst movie that I have ever seen ever.)
thanks for the offer, i watched it last night without the subtitles, and i still understood what was going on, the dialog isnt that important for this kind of movie, and i have to say it was great, very tense and i didn't see the ending coming at all
I'm getting sick of these films. the worst one I ever saw was "me and you and everyone we know" or something like that.
Also, I find that a lot of films I see lately, I'm incredibly impressed by the acting and the photography but never the story or other elements that seem to make up a film.
I'm there with ya..
Best movies this year in aprox order
The Departed
The Devil & Daniel Johnston
Science of Sleep
Jack Ass 2
Legend of Ricky Bobby
Little Miss Sunshine
Nacho Libre
Hills Have Eyes
Casino Royale
I think I saw Brick last year maybe, seems like it, but if it's an 07 movie put it in there too.
It looks like Pan's Lab. and Children of Men are two late must see films... (rotten tomatoes reviewed them at 98% and 94%. 98% is insanely high for a non-documentary film to reach on there).
I didn't see the Descent, Half Nelson, or Deliver us from Evil (Docu).
Hills Have Eyes is a real sleeper.. very well done and I'd say better than the original. Only problem is.. it seemed designed more for a theater audience than home viewing.. so if you catch it on DVD it might not have quite the same impact. I think the same way about M. Knight Shym. movies.. they are a lot better in a theater with an audience where you are collectively having your strings pulled than at home where it can just be annoying to have your solo strings pulled.
And yeah you would be crazy not to see the departed for any reason. This movie is the Truth.
Leo was on a roll from Aviator to Departed but I heard his faux accent in Blood Diamonds was
I really can't agree with this list. Nacho Libre and Borat had it's moments. But nothing I would re-rent or that would stand the test of time.
Check Pan's Labryinth, Babel, Science of Sleep, Tideland, Rampo Noir, Children of Men, Inside man.
- spidey
You know I'm interested to see so many people really rate this film. I saw the guy's previous feature, Switchblade Romance, and found it enjoyable. I thought Hills Have Eyes was not bad as horror remakes go but for me it didn't really seem to do anything particularly different to any of the other remakes.
Maybe I'm just getting old but I prefer one well executed prosthetic gore scene to 500 cgi scenes of heads exploding, limbs being chopped off etc - overkill leaves me feeling numb. Plus horror directors really really need to find some new cinematographers with different lens filters as I don't think I can stomach watching another horror film shot in a series of beige monochromes.
Was I the only one who was slightly annoyed by the "LOOK! This is a pretty movie" thing that was going on? A good movie, certainly, but not quite as good as the other noteworthy 2005 western: The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.
I really want to see "Letters from Iwo Jima." I think one reviewer from the Times said it was "pretty close to perfect."
I agree with Rolling Stone magazine in the worst movie this year: "Bobby." It was like Emilio took every sentimental moment from the entire West Wing series and strung them into a movie starring a bunch of crappy B-list actors. The only redeeming quality about that movie was the stock footage of Kennedy himself.
"Hills Have Eyes" was good but nothing that spectacular just more *shocking* horror. Got to love that dog, though -- what a trooper.
I am looking forward to catching "The Good Shepard," but that shit should include an intermission. Already devoting three hours of my life, might as well get a built-in smoke break.
I loved "Inside Man" and "Miami Vice" was maybe about as good as "Collateral" but not better than "Heat."
"Prairie Home Companion" would have been good if Garrison Keeler wasn't in it.
Did "Match Point" come out in '05? I thought that was a great movie.
I recommend it.
Ben Stiller? Dont u mean Adrien Brody or Ben Affleck.
oops, yeah, duh - I meant Affleck...
Brody being good wouldn't be a hard-to-imagine
stretch like Affleck is, Brody is usually good, whereas Affleck ...
Affleck was good as Reeves. This wa the best Superman movie this summer.
the dardennes brothers are masters of social realism and quiet beauty.
these make my list too:
V For Vendetta (that was 06, right?)
Pans Labyrinth
i agree. i thought i liked pi when it came out and i saw it recently and hated it. the same thing with memento. i didn't see requiem recently but i hated that movie instantly. shit was overwrought and overedited
anyway, pan's labyrinth was alright. there are some parts that annoyed me. eyeless monster was awesome though
movies i liked this year were The Departed, Casino Royale, Half Nelson and Science of Sleep. movie i didn't like was Little Miss Sunshine
I want to see it but have heard conflicting reviews and have other flicks to catch
A little photoshop magic & Bi**y could have a new avatar!
I loved The Host. It was like a less-cheesy (although,there was definitely some cheese), more frighting Tremors.
Not as good as Office Space but had a decent amount of very funny moments and good to see a film that dares to do something a bit different.
Anyone else catch this yet?