so what you fools get for christmas?

pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
edited December 2006 in Strut Central
Get some hot shit? Break it down. I got me some nice shirts, hoodies, new Microwave records, slipmats, styluses, some jimmy smith albums, hugo montenegro joints, a ton of funk 45's like isleys and rick james, money, herbals, some other random shit. This chick ive been talking to though got my dog some bones/toys and nothing for me, which i thought was a little strange. But whatever....


  • This chick ive been talking to though got my dog some bones/toys and nothing for me, which i thought was a little strange. But whatever....

    sounds like someone needs to read the recent ladyfriend/dating threads.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    This chick ive been talking to though got my dog some bones/toys and nothing for me, which i thought was a little strange. But whatever....

    sounds like someone needs to read the recent ladyfriend/dating threads.
    haha i know right. she knows i really love my dog, so i think she thought that was a good move, but that mo fuckin dog gets enough shit from me he doesn't need anything else.
    its all good though. Im happy, shes happy, and the mutt is happy. good holiday all around, except for the james brown tragedy.

  • I got myself some Chrome Hearts.

    Chrome Hearts - Blanker Frank - Chilling

    We got a Vita-Mix but I'm going to call it a Vita(Veeta) Mix because my girlfriends mother gave it to us and her name is Vita.

    That's about it.

  • ipod shuffle.
    neoprene sleeve for my laptop (score!)
    lrg hoodie (too big.. gotta exchange)
    stussy jacket
    hugo boss cologne
    keyboard protector and scratch protector for my laptop (g4 pb)
    best buy, banana republic and starbucks gift card

    a gutload of food. fuck im full and drunk. yay. wish i didnt have work.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

  • damn y'all are rich

    I got a plain zip up hoodie.

    edit: King Most hooked me up with a fresh music related t-shirt.

    My gifts to the fam was all paintings, except the kids who got some storebought jernts...would have loved to have given more but that's the way it is right now.

    Honestly my favorite gifts this year were moments that make me realize how much I really do have.

  • Honestly my favorite gifts this year were moments that make me realize how much I really do have.

    real talk

    The best thing I got was seeing my parents happy with what I got 'em. EL GIFT OF GIVING IN EFFECTO!

  • This year I gots a New Turntable/cd/tape/am/fm combo type thing from the In-laws..Its not quite what I was looking for but, I cant expect them to know what a Vestax Portable is, It was a very nice tought, and Ill probly put it in the spare room for tunes while im not near the main system.

    In addition I got 2 new shirts, a 200 gig serial ata Hard drive, some star wars transformers, cash, some starbucks gift cards, and a shiatsu back massager for the computer chair.

    But most of all I got to spend time with my Family & Grandmother, shes gettin pretty old, and its not to long before we lose her, so every moment is presious.

    As a whole I find myself very blessed this year, I got Married to a GREAT woman, picked up a whole new set of family, who are great BTW, I have a good job, a decent boss, the Wife got a GREAT job just before we ran out of money after the wedding.......Someone is looking out for me this year, It feels good for a change.

    Peace and love to you and yours this holiday season.

    Mike (Oldschoolspinna) Closser

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    Honestly my favorite gifts this year were moments that make me realize how much I really do have.

    Exactly. "Things" mean nothing.

    All that I got was a total surprise for me. It's been a good year and this was a nice way to end it. I'm glad everyone liked what they got. The most expensive thing I gave was a week of me watching the kids and taking care of all the housework for my wife.

  • Honestly my favorite gifts this year were moments that make me realize how much I really do have.

    Exactly. "Things" mean nothing.

    All that I got was a total surprise for me. It's been a good year and this was a nice way to end it. I'm glad everyone liked what they got. The most expensive thing I gave was a week of me watching the kids and taking care of all the housework for my wife.

    heh heh,

    my lady has been working a temp job for the last few weeks and I've soaked up the
    extra domestics along the way (picking up kids from school, additional trips to
    the park, "clean your room/mess", initiating activities, cooking, dishes/laundry for 4, etc)....having dinner ready by 6:00 is not always as easy as it might seem . Needless to say the music stuff has been strictly late night, haha

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    best gift I got was seeing 20 happy faces at my christmas dinner party.

    thanks guys...

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts

    Honestly my favorite gifts this year were moments that make me realize how much I really do have.

    Exactly. "Things" mean nothing.

    Says the owner of a new Xbox.

    Just joking.

    I am at a good point in my life where I was able to give way more than I got. In addition to hooking up most of my family nicely, I also surprised a bunch of friends who I never really bought gifts.

    As far as myself, I got a new teapot, new pots and pans, several books (including Barrak Obama's latest), and the Wire on DVD.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,136 Posts
    CD reissues of Thelonious Monk's "Monk's Dream", two Clifford Brown / Max Roach EmArcy sessions and Lee Morgan's "The Sidewinder", which is good since a couple of those I have on vinyl are scuffed up

    Korg metronome/tuner

    Mystery Science Theater 3000 Amazing Colossal Episode Guide

    Some herb

  • grahamgraham 201 Posts
    I got an expedit freed up some floor space from all the crates.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts

  • a new turntable
    a reel-to-reel recorder
    brazilian portuguese audiobook

  • Weird Ohio book
    Weird Michigan book
    Dennis Coffey book
    Grit Noise and Revolution book
    gift cards, cash, and other stuff

  • boast1boast1 142 Posts

    My gifts to the fam was all paintings, except the kids who got some storebought jernts...would have loved to have given more but that's the way it is right now.

    i hear ya. money was tight this year so i did a painting for the parents. they prolly dug it more than anything i couldve bought them though

    i got a faux down comfortor and some highthread count sheets much better than the 10 year old hand me down joints ive been rocking for a while.
    also picked this up for myself on christmas eve..

  • got a bunch of cool stuff(including the Studio One Story DVD), but the cool part was that my girl put all my presents in vintage LP and 45 carrying cases! (I know, I already started a thread about it, but it was a cool thing and I am excited about it)

    The food this year was top shelf...

    espresso and marizipan stolen while opening gifts, then my girl started making breakfast from scratch:

    broccoli, roasted red pepper and mushroom Quiche

    then for a snack a couple hours later
    dry italian sausage

    then we watched a movie and had some killer ginger potato chips...

    then christmas dinner:

    I grilled a Sirloin tip Elk Roast (Elk is awesome, not gamey at all and a lot of flavor)
    my girl made:

    Pan fried Sweet Potato, Butter and Parmesan au graten...
    ginger carrots
    fresh baked bread

    then for dessert (from scratch)
    ginger cheesecake (uhh, I like ginger if you couldnt guess)

    then as a digestiv:
    Poli grappa

    then a big bowl of kind bud

    it was a good day....

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    "The Hook Up,"

    Is that Katon DePena from Hirax in your avatar?

  • RonanRonan 86 Posts
    i did a painting for the parents. they prolly dug it more than anything i couldve bought them though

    i'm not surprised...awesome gift. Show us some more paintings, really like that

  • "The Hook Up,"

    Is that Katon DePena from Hirax in your avatar?

    the one and only!

  • I got some great clothes, gift certificates, some great records like... Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    and 3 Eduardo Munoz Bachs posters
    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

  • DescryDescry 229 Posts
    two pairs of sweatpants
    two best buy gift cards
    some candy
    a lacoste polo
    two spindles of cd-r's

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    "The Hook Up,"

    Is that Katon DePena from Hirax in your avatar?

    the one and only!

    WOW! You are a foll! Random 80s thrash metal for days. I saw Hirax live in the 80s. We need to start an 80s thrash/speed/death metal thread.

  • then for dessert (from scratch)
    ginger cheesecake (uhh, I like ginger if you couldnt guess)

    holy shit that sounds amazing. my fiancee and i made white chocolate covered pretzels and then covered them in crystallized ginger, those were pretty tasty.

  • then for dessert (from scratch)
    ginger cheesecake (uhh, I like ginger if you couldnt guess)

    holy shit that sounds amazing. my fiancee and i made white chocolate covered pretzels and then covered them in crystallized ginger, those were pretty tasty.

    yeah, she made the crust out of ginger snaps, and added ginger and Dundee's ginger preserves to the cake....sooo good. if ya aint up on this steez:

    get some post haste!

    this stuff is unfukwitable!!! soooo good on everything, put a couple spoonfuls in some plain yogurt( some Fages works well)....

    them pretzels sound good....

  • "The Hook Up,"

    Is that Katon DePena from Hirax in your avatar?

    the one and only!

    WOW! You are a foll! Random 80s thrash metal for days. I saw Hirax live in the 80s. We need to start an 80s thrash/speed/death metal thread.

    word! I just atarted doing a rock n roll movie/DJ night...we show concerts on a big screen(10'x 8') and crank up the audio loud as fuck, then I DJ rock and metal a couple weeks I am gonna show "The Ultimate Revenge" concert with Slayer, Exodus and Venom from '84(or is it 85?)...gonna be
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