seriously. so coooold. its like, in the socal blood is not ready for this.its been cold all week.on monday i even had ice on my windshield!!brrrr. i don't even own a heavy coat.
El Nino batches. It was in the 70's here in VA this week. Its getting colder now, but its still warm for this time of year. Yall can take our cold weather for a year though.
all y'all SOCAL BATCHES need to SACKTHEFUCKUP and come to the BAY!!!
you know, where it's like, I dunno, about 10 degrees colder or something...?
This time last year when I was still in London, I was spending 20 minutes every morning de-icing the locks to my car and looking like a Michelin Man with all the extra layers.
I'm more than happy sitting here right now in shorts and a tee-shirt.
FO REAL it was 60 degrees in the Crib and I had to put on the heater!
Then again I can't complain this was the 1st week I had to turn it on! Freaking Cold Lucky I don't live in the east... Did sombody say the bay as in bay area, shoot I was there during the summer and it was NICE and Cool if the winters are like that I'm their!!!
Yes the winter is SO NICE but summer my balls just start to sweat thinking about it, but man I sure could go for a Zippy's breakfast! Spam and Eggs please, but make my spam extra thin and crispy please!
I believe he's not talking about chicken and gravy, sir.
hey, I believe you! Went to Chicago in the Winter, and those damn winds were KILLIN' ME! Each time we hit a gust of wind by Lake Michigan, me and my ex were like "OHHHH FUCKKKK....". It was actually quite funny how cold it was.
I know it's been DAMN COLD in LA this winter though. When I wake up in the morning, my room is like a refridgerator.
Yeah, I had to wear a sweater yesterday.
all y'all SOCAL BATCHES need to SACKTHEFUCKUP and come to the BAY!!!
you know, where it's like, I dunno, about 10 degrees colder or something...?
This time last year when I was still in London, I was spending 20 minutes every morning de-icing the locks to my car and looking like a Michelin Man with all the extra layers.
I'm more than happy sitting here right now in shorts and a tee-shirt.
Come visit Minnesota and find out about the -40s.
I like the fact the furnace isnt running, saving some dough, but it is hard to get into the Christmas spirit when it is 70 degrees and muggy....
Then again I can't complain this was the 1st week I had to turn it on! Freaking Cold Lucky I don't live in the east... Did sombody say the bay as in bay area, shoot I was there during the summer and it was NICE and Cool if the winters are like that I'm their!!!
Mostly Sunny
HIGH: 81??F LOW: 69??F
Detailed forecast >>
Yes the winter is SO NICE but summer my balls just start to sweat thinking about it, but man I sure could go for a Zippy's breakfast! Spam and Eggs please, but make my spam extra thin and crispy please!
I believe he's not talking about chicken and gravy, sir.
hey, I believe you! Went to Chicago in the Winter, and those damn winds were KILLIN' ME! Each time we hit a gust of wind by Lake Michigan, me and my ex were like "OHHHH FUCKKKK....". It was actually quite funny how cold it was.