i hate my baby momma



  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    this isnt exactly baby momma related but within the same realm

    one of my friends was on and off dating this girl and the last time they got together, she got pregnant. this was about two years ago. dude was all shook but at the same time kinda stoked that he was going to be a dad. they ended up getting married and moved away to north carolina (i think.)

    so, shit is all good, girl is taking care of the kid and my friend gets a job offer in vegas, so the plan was for him to work there and to fly back every month or so. this is going all fine and shit until one time when he flies back, girl is all "we need to talk." she busts out some paternity papers and apparently the kid is not my friend's. she basically knew from beginning but didnt know what to do.

    so of course my friend is all fucked up about the whole thing and moves back to san francisco to live with his dad and work. i'm pretty sure got divorced and all that (lying about a kid is a good enough reason to get divorced, right?) but dude has completely lost all trust with people now. it's pretty sad.

  • Are you a father? I'm guessing not.

    Let's just say that I escaped an unpleasant situation a long time ago...

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    this isnt exactly baby momma related but within the same realm

    one of my friends was on and off dating this girl and the last time they got together, she got pregnant. this was about two years ago. dude was all shook but at the same time kinda stoked that he was going to be a dad. they ended up getting married and moved away to north carolina (i think.)

    so, shit is all good, girl is taking care of the kid and my friend gets a job offer in vegas, so the plan was for him to work there and to fly back every month or so. this is going all fine and shit until one time when he flies back, girl is all "we need to talk." she busts out some paternity papers and apparently the kid is not my friend's. she basically knew from beginning but didnt know what to do.

    so of course my friend is all fucked up about the whole thing and moves back to san francisco to live with his dad and work. i'm pretty sure got divorced and all that (lying about a kid is a good enough reason to get divorced, right?) but dude has completely lost all trust with people now. it's pretty sad.

    few years back on dateline or one of those shows they had a story about a dude who had four kids, three boys and one girl. After some years they get divorced and he pays child support. Standard divorce setup until one kid gets sick, turns out it's hereditary and as a result dude finds out he is not the father of any of his sons. Naturally he's pissed, his ex knows the dude who is the father but because he's not financially stable she went with the one that was. The court forces the father to keep on supporting the children that aren't his. No action was taken against the biological father. I don't know if shit was ever reversed but from what I remember it was fucked for dude. He took his frustration out on the kids distancing himself from his sons which sucks for them cause in their eye's he is their father.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    Try having an ex who has your son who you have done your duty and supported for each year of his life.You`ve never missed a chance to see or speak to him on the phone or let him down in any other way.
    His mother has had countless men in this time and at least three who have moved in with her only for the relationship to dissolve in one way or another.
    You have only had one woman in your life who you refused to allow them to meet your son until you had been together six months and thought the relationship might go somewhere..

    Your ex finds another man and gets pregnant by him within six months,has the baby and remain together.

    The week after your sons seventh birthday you get an email from your ex letting you know that she has changed your sons second name to that of her current mans.This was 'because he wanted to be in a family and have the same name as his baby sister'.The ex hasn`t married the guy so she has a different name still.

    You are powerless legally to do anything.
    Having his name changed was treated like a birthday gift.

    yeah fuck her, my baby momma tried the same, every dude treating her like shitt.

    Things have to change, I know of coalitions locally that deal with father custody, but its still 1950 dealing with custody in the courts these days.

    in the meantime some lewis taylor: Lovelight

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    this isnt exactly baby momma related but within the same realm

    one of my friends was on and off dating this girl and the last time they got together, she got pregnant. this was about two years ago. dude was all shook but at the same time kinda stoked that he was going to be a dad. they ended up getting married and moved away to north carolina (i think.)

    so, shit is all good, girl is taking care of the kid and my friend gets a job offer in vegas, so the plan was for him to work there and to fly back every month or so. this is going all fine and shit until one time when he flies back, girl is all "we need to talk." she busts out some paternity papers and apparently the kid is not my friend's. she basically knew from beginning but didnt know what to do.

    so of course my friend is all fucked up about the whole thing and moves back to san francisco to live with his dad and work. i'm pretty sure got divorced and all that (lying about a kid is a good enough reason to get divorced, right?) but dude has completely lost all trust with people now. it's pretty sad.

    I have a close friend who went thru almost the same thing. The girl was an unreliable cokehead, but she told him he was going to be a father and he believed her. She had a little girl and the baby ended up getting sick and in the course of doing blood work they discovered that there was no way he could be the father. He was so proud when that baby was born too, it was really heartbreaking for him. He ended up moving out to Colorado and hasn't been back to NYC in a few years now.

    Stories like these make me that much more thankful and determined that my kids will never end up in this situation.
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