I was almost a victim of road rage

street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
edited December 2006 in Strut Central
Some big dude jumped out of his car to pummel me with his fists so before he got to my car I jumped out with a big ol' hunting knife (i use as a tool) and told him to step back. He got in his car threatening to call the police. I was blocked in and threatened. He moved his car and I drove off. Did I do the wrong thing? Please spare me the "You could have been shot business. No shit but the threat was there and that's all I had to defend myself. I stopped the violence and got out of dodge. What do you think? or ??


  • damn, riding around with a hunting knife? you'd better hope cops never have a reason to search your car...

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Self preservation, a key component to survival.

    Apparently the teenage kids who spit on my car the other night (while I was at a gas station) didn't realize I would walk right up to their car as they timidly drove off and waited in the left turn lane and ask them to


    Yah I let them drive off after I got them shook. Maybe they'll think twice before pulling schitt like that on a random stranger. Fukin suburban kids! BAH.

    Apparently they've never seen Reservoir Dogs where the carjacking goes wrong cos even housewives are packing heat in LA. lol.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    damn, riding around with a hunting knife? you'd better hope cops never have a reason to search your car...

    but yeah, nothing like a big fucking knife to stop the doggies barking...

  • damn, riding around with a hunting knife? you'd better hope cops never have a reason to search your car...

    I have an old VW Beetle and I use it for a tool.

  • I think you handled it quite well. Biggest risk is that dude will come at you with a gun or is psycho and will use your own knife against you.

  • so homie just came at you, unprovoked or what? If so, pullin a knife on a psycho like that might be .

    then again, be killed or be

    what year is your beetle?

  • Nah, it was some asshole in a suv. He was going the wrong way down the alley and because I drove by pointing at the one way sign he decided to back up and block in my now parked car to scold me. I'm still in my car with the window rolled down and he askes me if I have a problem.

    I said no, I was just letting you know you were going the wrong way. He told me to slow down and went on a rant. I got fed up and said, "Go the right way down the alley, then tell me I'm going too fast."

    He askes me if I've considered the that maybe he was parked behind a business and he didn't see the sign?

    I said OK.




    He's still there. after a long ass pause, like 30 seconds. He's staring me down and I say, "OK, bye," When he says I don't have to have an attitude and be an asshole. At this point I had almost lost it and said, "You pulled up and your the one that's a muthfuggin asshole. " I should have let the insults and name calling roll off me but it was too late. He was getting out of his car so I reached for my utincel and jumped out in a squared position, facing him with the knife held military style, So when I block his punches with my fore arm he gets cut up.

    I was pretty sure it wouln't go that far and I was right. I sized the dude up and I didn't think he would call me on what I would like to consider a bluff,
    although I would have used the blade in self defense.

    My car is a 74 super beetle. Not super classic, but still

  • fair nuff, you had me at SUV.

    so what year is your beetle?

  • see edited post above

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Self preservation, a key component to survival.

    Apparently the teenage kids who spit on my car the other night (while I was at a gas station) didn't realize I would walk right up to their car as they timidly drove off and waited in the left turn lane and ask them to


    Yah I let them drive off after I got them shook. Maybe they'll think twice before pulling schitt like that on a random stranger. Fukin suburban kids! BAH.

    Apparently they've never seen Reservoir Dogs where the carjacking goes wrong cos even housewives are packing heat in LA. lol.

    Don't fuck with grumpy record collectors! You go Mark.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    fair nuff, you had me at SUV.

    Classic material.

  • Shiiiiiiiit...road rage is a way of life here in San Jose ca.

    I carry a sawed off pool cue, lead corded, with a wrist strap.

    Handy little item, it will break windows, teeth, bones,..like I said ...handy.

    I have used it once.....that guy should have used a turn signal, and not flipped me off as he cut me off.....he wouldnt have had to replace 2 taillights if he had.......My guees is he pissed his pants, but I didnt see, he drove off to fast.

    Turn signals are safety equipment, and RED MEANS STOP STUPID.

    Those are my 2 pet rages.

    Id like to wound every person I see running red lights....and by wound I mean shoot them in the shoulder or something non lethal like that.

    As for the No signal using bastards, Id like to push them around on the road like a hocky puck, just pushing them untill they cry and give up on trying to fight back, then ill get out and scold them for an hour on the hazards of not using a signal, after that Ill breal all the signals out of their cars, so thay have to go and get new ones.....Maybe they will use THIS set of signal lights if they had to pay for new ones.

    Can you tell which I dislike more?

    Untill I moved out here, I didnt understand road rage, now I understand it and I know why people have to protect themself on the roads, If I could carry a gun I would.

  • fair nuff, you had me at SUV.

    Classic material.

    I told a friend, "I got flicked off by an asshole in a Hummer this week."

    As he said, " 1) flicked off, 2) Hummer 3) asshole...Isn't that saying the same thing three times."

  • be killed or be


  • I cant decide which one I hate more, BMW boy or the red necks.

    One thing is for sure, Id like to shove a gun barrel thru BMW Boys teeth, make him gag on it.

    The red necks folded to ez.

    They should have used that pick up as a weapon, ...follow him back to wheres theres people and ram that BMW, jump out and scream "HES GOT A GUN"..call 911 and wait for the cops.

    Theres nothing on that video tape that hangs the red necks, just BWM Boy.

    But then again, that requires thought and reason, 2 things those "good ole boys" didnt have.

    This is my Friday, Im sick to death of holiday traffic and stupid people behind the wheel.

    Christmas vacation cant come soon enough.

  • I cant decide which one I hate more, BMW boy or the red necks.

    One thing is for sure, Id like to shove a gun barrel thru BMW Boys teeth, make him gag on it.

    The red necks folded to ez.

    They should have used that pick up as a weapon, ...follow him back to wheres theres people and ram that BMW, jump out and scream "HES GOT A GUN"..call 911 and wait for the cops.

    Theres nothing on that video tape that hangs the red necks, just BWM Boy.

    But then again, that requires thought and reason, 2 things those "good ole boys" didnt have.

    This is my Friday, Im sick to death of holiday traffic and stupid people behind the wheel.

    Christmas vacation cant come soon enough.

    are you canadian aye? those rednecks were looking for trouble and the bmw guy was trying to bounce.

  • you live in Michigan don't you? People here are INSANE. I was just followed around the other night for flipping a guy off because he was riding my ass on a 2 lane road, even though there was someone in front of me so there was nowhere I could go, and if he wanted to he could pass us. I pretty much need to stop giving people the finger, even though they always deserve it, it's not worth getting killed over.

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    uhh yeah, that video is fucking retarded and boring. and seems fake as shit.

    if its not fake, those douchebags in the truck got sonned. nice try starting shit and then not being able to hang when dude took it to the

  • uhh yeah, that video is fucking retarded and boring. and seems fake as shit.

    if its not fake, those douchebags in the truck got sonned. nice try starting shit and then not being able to hang when dude took it to the

    cool. i just posted it cause i thought it was relevant and kinda clever. i also think it's prolly fake.

    do you get road rage a lot?
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