Rock the Bells Concert in T.O. - Not a good look



  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I couldn't make it out, but I guess I was lucky.

    seriously. i was feeling optimistic about live rap shows after an amazing boot camp show a while back and was all ready to go to this. given the line-up and the unreasonable canadian border, i guess it was doomed from the get-go.

    somewhat related - a friend of mine got quarters thrown at him and his friends after they left their waitress a $0.25 tip. he said they probably deserved it.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts

    Mind you, I don't remember anything like this happening in years. I mean, we (all Toronto people here) remember countless jams that were broken up, or when the headliner gets booed offstage (or worse, the bottles a la DJ Scratch) or whatever incident (who remembers that jam where the riot broke out? I think it was actually Kieth Murray that got mashed up in that.

    Ha, I remember this... They were chasing Murray down hallways.

    I remember people coming back mad as hell for their refunds. Which we couldn't give back until we heard from the promoter.

    that was "rap fest" at the varsity arena (u of t), around 94 or 95. The story was, Ron Nelson didn't have enough loot to pay everybody their 2nd half of the 50% at the beginning of the show. He wanted them to perform, then pay them afterwards when all the door sales were tallied up. Obviously all the acts weren't down (keith, redman, common, and a grip of other dudes). None of them came out to perform, even though a lot of them went out briefly to do sound check.

    Folks were getting mad rowdy, bottles getting tossed on stage. Kids begin ganking equipment left and right, walking out w/ flight cases of turns and such. The mixing console in the middle of the arena gets flipped over by a bunch of rowdy kids. Then you see red and keith walk out amongst the crowd, they're swarmed by kids, and punches start flying.

    That's when I um decided to leave, hah!

    I still remember Ron going on powermove and apologizing profusely. Keep in mind, this flop show was the final straw in a string of no shows around that year, folks were simply fed up.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    first of all, the promoter's supposed to have the work visas sorted out - it's their responsiblity. Period. If anyone can't get across the border - BLAME THE DUDES IN YOUR BACKYARD WHO TRY TO TAKE YOUR HARD EARNED CASH WHILE DOING THEIR JOB HALF-ASSED.

    this would be true in a perfect and reasonable world. i used to bring bands up from the States and you can have every damn thing lined up but if the customs person got up on the wrong side of the bed that day, all the paperwok in the world won't help.
    if promoters don't tell folks all the artists aren't there before they step in and don't give the option of a refund - that's bullshit.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    I posted this way way back but this is from some big comedy show that two Philly radio DJs held over in Camden. Apparently the crowd was just booing everybody and Bill Burr went off.

    Put the kids to bed before you play this one.

  • I'm so happy I'm not throwing that kind of cash around to see acts past their prime

    considering how much money erick sermon makes off of "just like music" and "i'm hot" and that record with the bolly samples(hit records on many many clear channel urban stations) i respect the shit out of the for still doing shows like this. peace, stein. . .

  • -

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    I posted this way way back but this is from some big comedy show that two Philly radio DJs held over in Camden. Apparently the crowd was just booing everybody and Bill Burr went off.

    Put the kids to bed before you play this one.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    lucky he didnt go kramer on the crowd.

  • this would be true in a perfect and reasonable world. i used to bring bands up from the States and you can have every damn thing lined up but if the customs person got up on the wrong side of the bed that day, all the paperwok in the world won't help.
    if promoters don't tell folks all the artists aren't there before they step in and don't give the option of a refund - that's bullshit.

    I've taken four tours in & out of Canada this year without drama at the border. It's a difficult (and House of Blues Canada is a godsend for me), but not crazy tough. And maybe cuz that's I'm the promoter and I'm coming across the border with the artists, but the shit's not impossible.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Yeah, but if you have a criminal record of any sorts. It gets alot tougher.

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    I am playing at and promoting this show in Seattle, next wednesday night.

  • Yeah, but if you have a criminal record of any sorts. It gets alot tougher.

    three of the four artists I brought to Canada had criminal records. Again, if you don't do the work before the day of the show, you run into problems. it's amazing how many smaller promoters don't even make the ability to show up a term of breaching the contract.

  • I'm so happy I'm not throwing that kind of cash around to see acts past their prime

    considering how much money erick sermon makes off of "just like music" and "i'm hot" and that record with the bolly samples(hit records on many many clear channel urban stations) i respect the shit out of the for still doing shows like this. peace, stein. . .

    No doubt. I say good on him for still getting out there and rocking shows, even when he's doing perfectly fine financially (at least I imagine so). Going out on the road is a hard thing and it would be much easier for him to sit on his gold records, so I gotta give it up. Still... it's just not the same seeing some of these rappers up there nowadays, going through the motions and not really giving a 100% show (obviously not the same for all, there are the exceptions). In my personal experience, I find that these shows are just too much for me to justify the cost of some tickets. Now with regards to this, don't let that discourage anyone from going out and having a fun time. I would personally love to see DJ Scratch perform again, as it's been so many years, and he's an amazing dj. It's just that it seems like these ticket prices are a little crazy for (mostly) half-assed performances. Here's hoping that EPMD absolutely rip it at every other show on this tour. I'm sure Scratch will do it up.

    Just a quick co-sign that DJ P-Plus is in fact a really dope dj.

  • I posted this way way back but this is from some big comedy show that two Philly radio DJs held over in Camden. Apparently the crowd was just booing everybody and Bill Burr went off.

    Put the kids to bed before you play this one.

    ha!!! for someone just saying shit off the top of his head as thousands of people were booing him, that was pretty damn funny and impressive. i'm sure 99% of comediens would have either just continued with their acts or gone into a short rant and then stormed off the stage. This dude was giving rapid fire insults for 10 minutes...just about philly. Moreover, half the shit he was saying is dead on about the type of philly peeps who would have been at the show booing a comic.

    "I ironed my shirt for this shit".

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    Went to this last night in Chicago, it was pretty hot, especially when Ghost came on stage for his verse to "Ice Cream Man" and the crowd went nuts. He also did "One" and aside from a song on "More Fish" didn't do much of his cheesy new shit. The new Raekwon shit is strong, I think I'll enjoy it now before it gets overhyped and Cuban Linx 2 becomes the next The Big Bang. I walked into the HoB lobby after the show and Ghost was standing there with like 2 other people and i got a picture taken although it was so dark and my camera phone looks like so much shit you cant tell whose in the picture but whatever.
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