Steve Harvey

What's the deal with this foll? He's kinda mesmerizing in a weird way. For a comedian, he's not funny at all but yet I can't change the channel when he's on the tube. Something bout his crazy mustache and neatly trimmed hairline just trip me out. hahaDiscuss.
(On his sitcom THE STEVE HARVEY SHOW, Steve plays a former funk star teaching at a Chicago high school. Every now and then there are references to the Hi-Tops, his old band.)
Steve pretty showed all the typical traits of "older folks": bagging on the youth's cloeths, music etc while claiming his generation's music was simply flawless and he's got some mesmering false teeth.
Cedric killed it.
I love Cedric, but Bernie was the star of that show. Notice who went on last....wasn't nobody gonna follow Bernie.
I agree. Bernie Mac was the standout on that one. Cedric I never really think is very funny, at least not on any of his recent material (any TV show, Johnson Family Vacation, on and on). Steve Harvey is OK, nothing standout, but he can be funny. I think he was actually funnier when he did an interview on the radio locally than he has been on actual "comedy" shows/tours. DL can be funny but (IMO) he needs to move more away from the sliver of Comicview material he's known for and more towards Bernie Mac status.
kinna wack, harvey did a lot for the hood, gave part of every paycheck to hood foundations here in LA...
Especially the scene where he takes that guy in the audience's coat... that had me rollin'. Modern Cedric i find wack but he was funny in that movie too. The part where hes talkin' bout how it would be when black men are driving spaceships... very funny.
Word. That shit was mad funny when Steve Harvey kept clownin' that thug dude in the front row. Harvey asked him how he made money and the thug dude said "Computer Technology." Harvey said yeah right, dude you can't even spell computer technology!"