Always Ending Up With Known Stuff



  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    OK here???s my theory (condensed version):
    BR>While in Massachusetts in 2002 to suss out the legalities of reissuing the Stark Reality album with WGBH, DJ/digger supreme Eothen ???Egon??? Alapatt stopped at a few antique stores around the area to unearth some joints (Band X being high on his MA wantlist). In the basement of a certain antique shop in New Bedford he was crushed by a bookcase of Dean Martin, Beatles, Sinatra, Elvis, Streisand, etc. unbeknownst to the near-deaf elderly owner quietly napping on the second floor.
    BR>Trapped down there for days, madness set in and his mind fractured into split personalities; much like the Boston Strangler decades earlier. After eventually being found by the owner and cleaned up Eothen???s secondary personality ???Ethan Lopez??? became dominant. Cursed with no short term memory he rented a small 1-room apartment in New Bedford???s seedy downtown district to meek out an existence. With nothing but the local library???s internet connection to guide him he looks endlessly for 9th Wonder samples over and over again in the same shop that had trapped him before. Never learning, never remembering, and never understanding.
    The End.
    IMG SRC=>


  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Is there ever a place you go that you find absolutely nothing?

    I found absolutely nothing at the thrift this weekend, of course, I have grown tired of pawing through records in DC and now just look for cheap audiophile gear, rare recievers and turntables. I average a hit ratio of 1 good find for every 3 or 4 trips to the thrift, and that counts records, books, audio gear, whatever. In other words, even if you have a car, thrifts are luck of the draw.

    I would scour your local 'nifty nickel' type papers and try to hit up collections from the comfort of your home. Is there a New Bedford 'Craigslist'?

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Where can I go for some sweet, smooth, and sad/moody music? I'm talking about what 9th Wonder samples[/b] ???"
    I thought you didn't listen to rap music.

    Been reading the classics

    Dude New Bedford is totally tapped out for 9th Wonder Samples.

    However, I got my first hand job at a Hot Topic dressing room in the Worcester mini-mall. Not sure if that helps.

    Thank you for letting me laugh at that one all over again!

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    When you go to a record shop, flea market, or thrift store, is it normal to find the pop, rock, and swing of the 50s-60s (the known stuff; Beatles, Sinatra, Elvis, Streisand, Martin, ect., know what I'm getting at)? Or wherever you go is filled top to bottom with funk, soul, breaks, jazz, latin, library, and all the other rare goodies? Is there ever a place you go that you find absolutely nothing?

    Here is the secret to having a good collection, as provided by Folks Who Know on This Very Board:

    1) Find a person with a better collection than you;

    2) Buy it.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts

    1) Find a person with a better collection than you;

    2) Buy it.

    - spidey
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