sabadabada HAS BEEN BANNED



  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I've been following this thread for two days,
    and had alot of time to really put together
    what I want say about this, so here goes:

    who cares?

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    As far as banning Sabadabadaba....that dude brought it upon himself.

    Rock can point out how he was treated badly, but he brought that upon himself too. You get what you give in this world, no different here.

    See ya!

    A very wise person once told me that you're usually the last one to smell you're own B.O.

    Fuck Bush
    Fuck The Current Administration
    Fuck Republicans
    Fuck Christians
    Fuck America
    Fuck Corporations
    Fuck American Corporations
    Fuck Anyone Who Supports Any Of The Above
    Lizard People Theories
    Bush Planned 9/11 Theories

    All perfectly acceptable, well thought out and intellectually stimulating. And in no way offensive to ANYONE in the "real world", and certainly not offensive to ANYONE here on SS.

    And of course the folks who state all of the above like to think of themselves as being "tolerant".

    So tell me, What the fuck could Saba have said, from the other side of the above spectrum, that would get so many of you so pissy that you have to act like a Lynch mob to run him off the board?

    Oh yeah, "he brought it on himself"[/b] by daring not to fall into line with the SS mindset....and THEN he had the nerve to use some of the classic SS mentality demonstrated above to fight fire with fire vs. the Fuck A Bush morons.

    All it does is show this place to be inhabited by immature, intolerant people who can't smell their own B.O. and must be AFRAID to read anything that you don't agree with.

    A guy who comes here and uses the board to rip people off of their cash doesn't get banned....but some one who "annoys you"(say that in the whineiest voice possible) has to get Ban.

    If you support banning Saba you suck......oh shit...I might be next....

    Jesus Christ, Rock.

    How many ways can I spell it out?


    He was a dick, pure and simple, time and again, over and over TO EVERYONE and ANYONE.

    Seems to me he got banned for the same reason, and he fucking practyically double dog dared Drewn to ban him.

    Y;all making this into something it's not.

    How can you shit where you eat over and over and NOt expect to be asked to vamoose?

  • And knowing you Cousin Lefty, you'll probably call bullshit

    editing text to make youself look clairvoyant

  • some of yall sound like ass hurt lil kids in school throwing rats to the teacher cuz billy took your lunch money...

    crying for ban(dwagons) get a life, handle shit in the street like real men, saba's a fuckin lame pussy imo, but so is 1/2 the people on this site who have done far worse & far more offensive shit, but moderhaters need to feel important & like they belong to some shit, & sorry to say but if soulstrut is your claim to fame, you really are pathetic, get over it, most of the fools crying for bans are the same people mad about our FREEDOMS being ripped apart by the current admin, seems the same here to me, your either w/ us or against us...

    You sound ass hurt.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I consider myself conservative on a lot of issues. My beef is almost entirely based on Iraq.

  • exactly the kind of response i expect from a bitch...

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    some of yall sound like ass hurt lil kids in school throwing rats to the teacher cuz billy took your lunch money...

    crying for ban(dwagons) get a life, handle shit in the street like real men

    Is putting people on blast on a message board an example of "getting a life" and "handling shit in the street like real men"? Seems to me, you're doing the exact same thing you're clowning folks for.

    Welcome to the Super Sissy club.

  • Fuck every single last one of the motherfuckers... I'm saying. Who gives a fuck? Bunch of bitches.

    I fucked your bitch. Its not something im proud of. She is butt ugly

  • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    exactly the kind of response i expect from a bitch...
    Have you posted your physical address yet?

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Fuck every single last one of the motherfuckers... I'm saying. Who gives a fuck? Bunch of bitches.

    I fucked your bitch. Its not something im proud of. She is butt ugly

    "Hehe, tell him you fucked his bitch. Ooh, oh and that she's ugly. Butt ugly."

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    but who gives a shit how many idiots want to jump up and defend our worst president ever????

    He defended FDR?

  • Fuck every single last one of the motherfuckers... I'm saying. Who gives a fuck? Bunch of bitches.

    I fucked your bitch. Its not something im proud of. She is butt ugly


  • but who gives a shit how many idiots want to jump up and defend our worst president ever????

    He defended FDR?

    saba? is that you?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    How anyone could shit talk Cosmo, I'll never understand.

    You guyz are making me laugh tho. Kinda like when I use to watch those kids playing D&D.

    "Insert Caption Here"[/b]

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    How anyone could shit talk Cosmo, I'll never understand.

    You guyz are making me laugh tho. Kinda like when I use to watch those kids playing D&D.

    "Insert Caption Here"[/b]

    Dude, it's some sad pathetic dude. Not the type of shit to be taken seriously. Seriously, when has ANYONE taken that dude seriously? What's fucking me up is it's like the first time our friend Dolo has actually been proactively aggresive. Muy interesante...

    Anyway, back to the topic at hand, all you dudes bitching about banning - ENOUGH TO MAKE THIS A 6 PAGER - is fucking hilarious. Please get over it, and on to things that really matter.


  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    but who gives a shit how many idiots want to jump up and defend our worst president ever????

    He defended FDR?

    saba? is that you?


    Dude wrote the textbook on pissing on checks & balances (everyone here would shit a brick if Bush tried to shoehorn extra Justice seats for his favor), profiteering on war at the expense of the american worker (gotta make sure the companies gov't doles out exclusive contracts to keep the same profit margin - hey, let's freeze wages and jobs despite demand being an all-time high and up the taxes anyway! Who cares about their standards of living?), elaborate federal spending, starting the shift towards high-interest bonds that just put gov't from local to federal more in debt, corporate collusion (place my corporate friends in charge of labor practices? Great idea!), creating internment camps, etc.

    Bush is definitely somewhere in the bottom echelons, but he just doesn't compare to me.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Please get over it, and on to things that really matter.


  • but who gives a shit how many idiots want to jump up and defend our worst president ever????

    He defended FDR?

    saba? is that you?


    Dude wrote the textbook on pissing on checks & balances (everyone here would shit a brick if Bush tried to shoehorn extra Justice seats for his favor), profiteering on war at the expense of the american worker (gotta make sure the companies gov't doles out exclusive contracts to keep the same profit margin - hey, let's freeze wages and jobs despite demand being an all-time high and up the taxes anyway! Who cares about their standards of living?), elaborate federal spending, starting the shift towards high-interest bonds that just put gov't from local to federal more in debt, corporate collusion (place my corporate friends in charge of labor practices? Great idea!), creating internment camps, etc.

    Bush is definitely somewhere in the bottom echelons, but he just doesn't compare to me.

    most people would consider the enactment of social security, a minimum wage, and relief to thousands of unemployed farmers and laborers after the depression to be a good thing. i also think most historians regard him as one the best presidents, which we can probably agree will never be the case with bush. further, while fdr will be forever linked with the programs of the New Deal, there is nothing positive we can take from bush's legacy other than some tough talk while standing at ground zero.

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    but who gives a shit how many idiots want to jump up and defend our worst president ever????

    He defended FDR?

    saba? is that you?


    Dude wrote the textbook on pissing on checks & balances (everyone here would shit a brick if Bush tried to shoehorn extra Justice seats for his favor), profiteering on war at the expense of the american worker (gotta make sure the companies gov't doles out exclusive contracts to keep the same profit margin - hey, let's freeze wages and jobs despite demand being an all-time high and up the taxes anyway! Who cares about their standards of living?), elaborate federal spending, starting the shift towards high-interest bonds that just put gov't from local to federal more in debt, corporate collusion (place my corporate friends in charge of labor practices? Great idea!), creating internment camps, etc.

    Bush is definitely somewhere in the bottom echelons, but he just doesn't compare to me.

    most people would consider the enactment of social security, a minimum wage, and relief to thousands of unemployed farmers and laborers after the depression to be a good thing. i also think most historians regard him as one the best presidents, which we can probably agree will never be the case with bush. further, while fdr will be forever linked with the programs of the New Deal, there is nothing positive we can take from bush's legacy other than some tough talk while standing at ground zero.

    Relief after the depression? You mean through WWII? Yeah, there was definitely jobs available then due to said contracts at shit wages. It's like celebrating today's welfare to work programs that cut your pay in half for the privilege of being a janitor. There's a reason most labor organizations, especially the ones born out of the 70s farm labor union movement, have speeches and classes on FDR setting the precedent for the gov't collusion taking place today in privatization of public services from utilities to healthcare.

    And social security and minimum wage, while being sold as beneficial/for the people, were chiefly passed because his other means of creating new taxation failed and as a way to help with wage freezing, respectively. (I mean, SS has consistently been used as a means to fund other aspects of gov't since it was put in place, and min wage is only potentially useful, after a tumultuous initial placement, w/ consistent readjustment in conjunction with other tools like EITC.) I guess I'm of the type that despite those programs potentially doing some sort of good, I'm not giving him credit since it wasn't his intention.

    I assume the same thing that happened to FDR will happen to Bush - a significant turnaround in popular opinion and burying of dissenting opinion in public school after several generations pass by. Bush'll probably be considered a middle-of-the-road type prez when our great-grandchildren are great-grandparents.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I made 2 posts in this thread.

    One said that Saba should not have been banned.

    The other said that if people try to find common ground first they can have more intelligent discussions on the issues on which they disagree.

    Some how one or both of these were taken to mean I thought every one who didn't agree with me should be banned.

    Baby, do you understand me now
    Sometimes I feel a little mad
    Well don't you know that no-one alive
    Can always be an angel
    When things go wrong I seem to be bad

    I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
    Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

    Baby, sometimes I'm so carefree
    With a joy that's hard to hide
    And sometimes it seems that
    All I have to do is worry
    And then you're bound to see my other side

    I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
    Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

    If I seem edgy, I want you to know
    That I never mean to take it out on you
    Life has it's problems and I get my share
    And that's one thing I never mean to do

    'cause I love you
    Oh, oh, oh, baby, don't you know I'm human
    Have thoughts like any other one
    Sometimes I find myself alone and regretting
    Some foolish thing, some little simple thing I've done

    I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
    Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

    Yes, I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
    Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

    Yes, I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
    Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

    Yes, I'm just a soul who's intentions are good
    Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    but who gives a shit how many idiots want to jump up and defend our worst president ever????

    He defended FDR?

    saba? is that you?


    Dude wrote the textbook on pissing on checks & balances (everyone here would shit a brick if Bush tried to shoehorn extra Justice seats for his favor), profiteering on war at the expense of the american worker (gotta make sure the companies gov't doles out exclusive contracts to keep the same profit margin - hey, let's freeze wages and jobs despite demand being an all-time high and up the taxes anyway! Who cares about their standards of living?), elaborate federal spending, starting the shift towards high-interest bonds that just put gov't from local to federal more in debt, corporate collusion (place my corporate friends in charge of labor practices? Great idea!), creating internment camps, etc.

    Bush is definitely somewhere in the bottom echelons, but he just doesn't compare to me.

    most people would consider the enactment of social security, a minimum wage, and relief to thousands of unemployed farmers and laborers after the depression to be a good thing. i also think most historians regard him as one the best presidents, which we can probably agree will never be the case with bush. further, while fdr will be forever linked with the programs of the New Deal, there is nothing positive we can take from bush's legacy other than some tough talk while standing at ground zero.

    Relief after the depression? You mean through WWII? Yeah, there was definitely jobs available then due to said contracts at shit wages. It's like celebrating today's welfare to work programs that cut your pay in half for the privilege of being a janitor. There's a reason most labor organizations, especially the ones born out of the 70s farm labor union movement, have speeches and classes on FDR setting the precedent for the gov't collusion taking place today in privatization of public services from utilities to healthcare.

    And social security and minimum wage, while being sold as beneficial/for the people, were chiefly passed because his other means of creating new taxation failed and as a way to help with wage freezing, respectively. (I mean, SS has consistently been used as a means to fund other aspects of gov't since it was put in place, and min wage is only potentially useful, after a tumultuous initial placement, w/ consistent readjustment in conjunction with other tools like EITC.) I guess I'm of the type that despite those programs potentially doing some sort of good, I'm not giving him credit since it wasn't his intention.

    I assume the same thing that happened to FDR will happen to Bush - a significant turnaround in popular opinion and burying of dissenting opinion in public school after several generations pass by. Bush'll probably be considered a middle-of-the-road type prez when our great-grandchildren are living in the toltalitarian country he is establishing[/b].

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    Same stuff was said about FDR at the time, too. Dude used the CIA as his own personal vendetta force. And when his domestic surveillance and wiretapping plans were squashed by Congress, he said fuck it and did it anyway, refusing to divulge the extent and specifics when questioned. That's never really discussed and the Japanese interment camps are glossed over, why won't Bush's wiretapping, Iraqi prisoner abuse, etc. be any different after enough time passes?

    Just saying that it's not unreasonable to think that most encyclopedia blurbs and public class discussion on Bush would be something along the lines of signing in legislation that repairs/expands US's transportation system, signing that one act in response to Enron, Tyco & WorldCom that setup the accounting oversight board, increasing trade with Australia and a few other countries, "great leadership and resolve during 9-11," etc. and gloss over everything else. We turn a blind eye to FDR worsening the depression with gold confiscation and forced bank closings (which helped create more of a crisis in the air, making it easier to overstep bounds and push damanging legislation), why not Bush's economic blunders too?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Same stuff was said about FDR at the time, too. Dude used the CIA as his own personal vendetta force. And when his domestic surveillance and wiretapping plans were squashed by Congress, he said fuck it and did it anyway, refusing to divulge the extent and specifics when questioned. That's never really discussed and the Japanese interment camps are glossed over, why won't Bush's wiretapping, Iraqi prisoner abuse, etc. be any different after enough time passes?

    Just saying that it's not unreasonable to think that most encyclopedia blurbs and public class discussion on Bush would be something along the lines of signing in legislation that repairs/expands US's transportation system, signing that one act in response to Enron, Tyco & WorldCom that setup the accounting oversight board, increasing trade with Australia and a few other countries, "great leadership and resolve during 9-11," etc. and gloss over everything else. We turn a blind eye to FDR worsening the depression with gold confiscation and forced bank closings (which helped create more of a crisis in the air, making it easier to overstep bounds and push damanging legislation), why not Bush's economic blunders too?

    Sabadaba is back!

    ... I'm not sure if you are serious. CIA did not exist when FDR was president. Interment camps were not glossed over. They have been memorialized. They have been found to be illegal. The congress has apologised. Retribution has been paid. You should make a small attempt to get one or two facts right.

    So your argument is that Bush will be lionized in the future for his ground breaking bold diplomacy with... Australia? :thatsjustsad:

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts

    ... I'm not sure if you are serious. CIA did not exist when FDR was president. Interment camps were not glossed over. They have been memorialized. They have been found to be illegal. The congress has apologised. Retribution has been paid. You should make a small attempt to get one or two facts right.

    So your argument is that Bush will be lionized in the future for his ground breaking bold diplomacy with... Australia? :thatsjustsad:

    Sorry, I meant FBI, not CIA.

    And the official apology and compensation for the camps came 40 years after the fact (and memorial site about 50 years after), with nothing going to the roughly 120,000 detainees that weren't of Japanese descent, or the Native Americans whose reservations were used for the camps. I don't see how this happening decades after his passing absolves FDR, which certainly has happened considering he's regularly considered one of the greatest presidents ever.

    My argument is that we'll have a reversal/softening of opinion decades after the fact by trumping up minor/trivial accomplishments like Australian diplomacy and essentially glossing over, ignoring, or detatching Bush from his list of disasters and wrongdoings.

  • MeepMeep 320 Posts
    9 pages of this and I still have no idea why Sabadabababdaba is gone and Dolo is still here....
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