how long have you listened to a RUNOUT GROOVE

Half an hour here, if I'm really focused and don't want to get up and flip it over. tick... hiss...... tick. tick... hiss...... tick. tick... hiss...... tick. tick... hiss...... tick. tick... hiss...... tick. tick... hiss...... tick. tick... hiss...... tick.

More people should have put closed loops on the run out groove to cater for the stoners etc.
There are a few records around that did this and the Beatles may have been one of the first.
From Rollling stone article
And the famous "Inner Groove" - the snippet of pointless conversation that sticks in the album's run-out groove and that was not included in the original American version of "Sgt. Pepper" - has an equally zany genesis. Around the time of "Sgt. Pepper's" release, McCartney explains, "a lot of record players didn't have auto-change. You would play an album and it would go, 'Tick, tick, tick,' in the run-out groove - it would just stay there endlessly. We were whacked out so much of the time in the Sixties - just quite harmlessly, as we thought, it was quite innocent - but you would be at friends' houses, twelve at night, and nobody would be going to get up to change that record player. So we'd be getting into the little 'tick, tick, tick,': 'It's quite good, you know? There's a rhythm there.' We were into Cage and Stockhausen, those kind of people. Obviously, once you allow yourself that kind of freedom . . . well, Cage is appreciating silence, isn't he? We were appreciating the run-out groove! We said, 'What if we put something, so that every time it did that, it said something?' So we put a little loop of conversation on."
To answer your question tho, "listened"--- maybe a 1/2 hr.
but I've passed out asleep for 6hrs or so and woke up to that tsskkk....tsskkk....
this is usually a daily occurance for me. either that or some loop i just recorded and playback...then get involved in some other shit and dont even realize ive been listening to the same 3 second loop for an hour
turntable, I would go to sleep with Beatles albums playing
over over over all night long. One night I fell asleep with
the "Hey Jude" 45 on repeat. That freaking song was in my head
for a MONTH.
next to the serial numbers, ya mean?
No sniff?