The full Foley transcript



  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I came to the conclusion I did because of two factors:

    1. The age of the pages

    2. The furthest any of this appears to have gone, at least from the information thus far released, is cybersex.

    I cant see a similar furore being generated should 16 year old girls have been the subject of foley's attention. Incidentally since youve moved on to criticising fox(over something which is almost certainly a simple error) I wonder what the reaction wouldve have been had fox aquired aim transcripts of a democrats sexually explicit conversations with young boys and decided to drip feed their release in the run up to an election. Much speculation over rovian plots id guess.

    That's all very nice, but NO DEM SENT THOSE IM'S! That was a Republican, and that was the Republican leadership that kept that shit close to the vest, knowing full well that this involved teen pages. THAT'S the real issue here, not who leaked it and why, but that the GOP tried to cut off any ACTUAL investigation because of how it would damage them. They should all be censured at the very least, anyone who covered that trail.

    I love that the top level GOP knuckleheads are lining up behind Hastert, because it's their own hardcore base that they are offending and treating like sheep. And in an instance like this, that base is going to let them know exactly how they feel they have been treated.

    So Dolo, keep right on being a sheep for your party, but you are waaaayy out of step with the Republican on the street on this one. People are pissed off, and not because Foley is Gay. Because their party is making them look foolish.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I came to the conclusion I did because of two factors:

    1. The age of the pages

    2. The furthest any of this appears to have gone, at least from the information thus far released, is cybersex.

    I cant see a similar furore being generated should 16 year old girls[/b] have been the subject of foley's attention. Incidentally since youve moved on to criticising fox(over something which is almost certainly a simple error) I wonder what the reaction wouldve have been[/b] had fox aquired aim transcripts of a democrats sexually explicit conversations with young boys and decided to drip feed their release in the run up to an election. Much speculation over rovian plots id guess.


    C***, but can you see into the future, read minds through the TV and transport back and forth between here and pretend hypothetical world? He can.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I wonder what the reaction wouldve have been[/b] had fox photos[/b] of a democrats compromising photos[/b] and decided to drip feed their release in the run up to an election. Much speculation over rovian plots id guess.

    How anyone can be proud of/support either of these political parties that are filled with self serving finger pointers is beyond me....If these parties put as much effort into fixing the problems of this country as they do in attacking, investigating and denegrating each other we'd all be a lot better off.

    Foley disgusts me.....this guy White just sounds like a drunk Frat boy.....but the way this kind of stuff gets played out in the political arena doesn't help any of us in any just fuels the finger pointing horizontal politics that are destroying this country.

    Some of you are convinced Republicans suck and are the cause of all our problems.
    Some of you are convinced Democrats suck and are the cause of all our problems.

    I think they all suck ....and that's about as non-partisan as it gets.

    CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- A state senator said he is evaluating whether to continue his bid for a second term after a Charleston television station aired revealing pictures of him last week.

    "My family has urged me not to withdraw from the election and I will work with them to make a decision in the immediate future," State Sen. Randy White, a Webster County Democrat, said in a letter to newspapers in his district.

    An apologetic White also wrote that he was "shocked" and "horribly embarrassed" after WCHS-TV aired photos depicting him and at least two other men wearing only body paint.

  • Incidentally since youve moved on to criticising fox(over something which is almost certainly a simple error)

    Dolo, sorry man, but there is NO WAY in the history of fuck-ups that listing a KNOWN REPUBLICAN as a Democrat beneath his picture on television is a "simple error". Think about it - a producer or video editor actually had to key that in. It's not happening like that. Don't kid yourself. And if you still have any doubts, look no further than the source.

    Come on. Do you honestly think that fox would deliberately lie about his party affiliation and just hope their viewers didnt find out?

  • I came to the conclusion I did because of two factors:

    1. The age of the pages

    2. The furthest any of this appears to have gone, at least from the information thus far released, is cybersex.

    I cant see a similar furore being generated should 16 year old girls have been the subject of foley's attention. Incidentally since youve moved on to criticising fox(over something which is almost certainly a simple error) I wonder what the reaction wouldve have been had fox aquired aim transcripts of a democrats sexually explicit conversations with young boys and decided to drip feed their release in the run up to an election. Much speculation over rovian plots id guess.

    That's all very nice, but NO DEM SENT THOSE IM'S! That was a Republican, and that was the Republican leadership that kept that shit close to the vest, knowing full well that this involved teen pages. THAT'S the real issue here, not who leaked it and why, but that the GOP tried to cut off any ACTUAL investigation because of how it would damage them. They should all be censured at the very least, anyone who covered that trail.

    I love that the top level GOP knuckleheads are lining up behind Hastert, because it's their own hardcore base that they are offending and treating like sheep. And in an instance like this, that base is going to let them know exactly how they feel they have been treated.

    So Dolo, keep right on being a sheep for your party, but you are waaaayy out of step with the Republican on the street on this one. People are pissed off, and not because Foley is Gay. Because their party is making them look foolish.

    Oh dear. You seem to have attempted to think about too many things at once and the various threads of thought have become entangled. Foley's actions and the republican response to his actions are two quite seperate things. I havent even offered an opinion on the republican response.

  • Incidentally since youve moved on to criticising fox(over something which is almost certainly a simple error)

    Dolo, sorry man, but there is NO WAY in the history of fuck-ups that listing a KNOWN REPUBLICAN as a Democrat beneath his picture on television is a "simple error". Think about it - a producer or video editor actually had to key that in. It's not happening like that. Don't kid yourself. And if you still have any doubts, look no further than the source.

    Come on. Do you honestly think that fox would deliberately lie about his party affiliation and just hope their viewers didnt find out?

    yes, only idiots watch fox news. if the screen said that george bush was a democrat, half of its audience would not think it was a typo.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I wonder what the reaction wouldve have been[/b] had fox photos[/b] of a democrats compromising photos[/b] and decided to drip feed their release in the run up to an election. Much speculation over rovian plots id guess.

    How anyone can be proud of/support either of these political parties that are filled with self serving finger pointers is beyond me....If these parties put as much effort into fixing the problems of this country as they do in attacking, investigating and denegrating each other we'd all be a lot better off.

    Foley disgusts me.....this guy White just sounds like a drunk Frat boy.....but the way this kind of stuff gets played out in the political arena doesn't help any of us in any just fuels the finger pointing horizontal politics that are destroying this country.

    Some of you are convinced Republicans suck and are the cause of all our problems.
    Some of you are convinced Democrats suck and are the cause of all our problems.

    I think they all suck ....and that's about as non-partisan as it gets.

    CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- A state senator said he is evaluating whether to continue his bid for a second term after a Charleston television station aired revealing pictures of him last week.

    "My family has urged me not to withdraw from the election and I will work with them to make a decision in the immediate future," State Sen. Randy White, a Webster County Democrat, said in a letter to newspapers in his district.

    An apologetic White also wrote that he was "shocked" and "horribly embarrassed" after WCHS-TV aired photos depicting him and at least two other men wearing only body paint.

    Rock, unfortunately, the 2 parties are what we have at present, and if you are the realist you say you are, you and I both know that is not changing anytime in your children's lifetime. So being non-partisan as a rule gets you nowhere.

    I get tired at present of the Dems rolling over to the Republican's bullying tactics. You can call that partisan, but the GOP is well known for at least having substantial sac to their attacks, wether they are based in truth or not.

    The Dems often fail to capture the voter's imagination because they are reluctant to get into lock-step behind monolithic agendas. The Republicans are reknowned for their loyalty to monolithic agendas, and nearly always defer to their leadership. I don't LIKE nor RESPECT monolithic agendas, so generally voting Democrat appeals to my rational side....and it seems to me that voting Republican for many people appeals to their fear-based side.

    As far as that White dude is concerned in WV, sounds like someone was blackmailing him with embarrassment, but there was no mention of illegal activity.
    Foley's shit was illegal, just ask anyone pinched in one of those Datline stings. You don't have to get NEAR an actual teen to show intent. IN THIS CASE, the Republicans DO suck, and the Dems need to hammer this home to their base and the rest of America. If they don't they are even bigger pussies than I think they are.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I came to the conclusion I did because of two factors:

    1. The age of the pages

    2. The furthest any of this appears to have gone, at least from the information thus far released, is cybersex.

    I cant see a similar furore being generated should 16 year old girls have been the subject of foley's attention. Incidentally since youve moved on to criticising fox(over something which is almost certainly a simple error) I wonder what the reaction wouldve have been had fox aquired aim transcripts of a democrats sexually explicit conversations with young boys and decided to drip feed their release in the run up to an election. Much speculation over rovian plots id guess.

    That's all very nice, but NO DEM SENT THOSE IM'S! That was a Republican, and that was the Republican leadership that kept that shit close to the vest, knowing full well that this involved teen pages. THAT'S the real issue here, not who leaked it and why, but that the GOP tried to cut off any ACTUAL investigation because of how it would damage them. They should all be censured at the very least, anyone who covered that trail.

    I love that the top level GOP knuckleheads are lining up behind Hastert, because it's their own hardcore base that they are offending and treating like sheep. And in an instance like this, that base is going to let them know exactly how they feel they have been treated.

    So Dolo, keep right on being a sheep for your party, but you are waaaayy out of step with the Republican on the street on this one. People are pissed off, and not because Foley is Gay. Because their party is making them look foolish.

    Oh dear. You seem to have attempted to think about too many things at once and the various threads of thought have become entangled. Foley's actions and the republican response to his actions are two quite seperate things. I havent even offered an opinion on the republican response.

    Oh dear.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts

    I think they all suck ....and that's about as poorly thought through as possible[/b]

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts

    Come on. Do you honestly think that fox would deliberately lie about his party affiliation and just hope their viewers didnt find out?

    THAT"S CRAZY[/b]

  • dolo:

    so what's your opinion of Foley sending IM's to underage boys?

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Incidentally since youve moved on to criticising fox(over something which is almost certainly a simple error)

    Dolo, sorry man, but there is NO WAY in the history of fuck-ups that listing a KNOWN REPUBLICAN as a Democrat beneath his picture on television is a "simple error". Think about it - a producer or video editor actually had to key that in. It's not happening like that. Don't kid yourself. And if you still have any doubts, look no further than the source.

    Come on. Do you honestly think that fox would deliberately lie about his party affiliation and just hope their viewers didnt find out?

    You mean to tell me you can't see it as concievable that, in this, the final weeks before the election, with the public clearly leaning Democrat in the polls thanks to numerous recent scandals, the war in Iraq and a general mistrust of the current administration, that Fox would purposefully indicate Foley is a Democrat 3 TIMES[/b] in a desperate attempt to confuse people?

    It is widely known they come from the Rove school of tactics.
    So wide in fact, there is an entire Wiki page devoted to Fox News Channel controversies.

    On October 3, 2006 The O'Reilly factor claimed on a banner that Mark Foley was a democrat three times on the air.

    On March 23, 2003 the FOX News channel headline banners were rolling: "Huge chemical weapons factory found in Iraq... Reports: 30 Iraqis surrender at chem weapons plant... coal. troops holding Iraqi in charge of chem. weapons." On the next day the Dow Jones Newswires reported that U.S. officials had admitted that morning that the site contained no chemicals at all and had been abandoned long before the Iraq War.

    A news article on the Fox News website during October 2004 by Carl Cameron, chief political correspondent of Fox News, contained three fabricated quotes attributed to Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. The quotes included: "Women should like me! I do manicures," "Didn't my nails and cuticles look great?" and "I'm metrosexual [Bush's] a cowboy." Fox News retracted the story and apologized [40], citing a "jest" that became published through "fatigue and bad judgement, not malice."

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    p.s. your party is so desperate it's pathetic.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    How anyone can be proud of/support either of these political parties that are filled with self serving finger pointers is beyond me....If these parties put as much effort into fixing the problems of this country as they do in attacking, investigating and denegrating each other we'd all be a lot better off.

    Word the fuck up.

    Honestly, I don't give a shit which party controlls what branch or government or whatever so long as we have a divided government. This single-party-rule bullshit just plain does not work.

  • p.s. your party is so desperate it's pathetic.

    I wish I could find the full transcript of the Matt Drudge quote. It is positively psychotic[/b]. He goes on calling the interns "16 and 17 year old beasts" and how they were leading Rep. Foley on.

    BTW - Keith Olbermann apparently has excellent taste in fill-in anchors...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    I think they all suck ....and that's about as poorly thought through as possible[/b]

    Maybe so.....but no one has been able to convince me otherwise.......and I've had a lot more years to think about it than you have.

  • BTW - Keith Olbermann apparently has excellent taste in fill-in anchors...

    also, I dont know if it was mentioned , but AP[/b] is now labeling Foley as a Democrat.

    good God the Republican party are shameless cowards and pussies. How they have ANY credibility with any human with all 23 pairs of chromosomes is beyond me.

  • BTW - Keith Olbermann apparently has excellent taste in fill-in anchors...

    she gets my pre-emptive vote for most blappable cable television anchor.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    this movie does not work anymore
    what was it?

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts

    How anyone can be proud of/support either of these political parties that are filled with self serving finger pointers is beyond me....If these parties put as much effort into fixing the problems of this country as they do in attacking, investigating and denegrating each other we'd all be a lot better off.

    Word the fuck up.

    Honestly, I don't give a shit which party controlls what branch or government

    I'm not going to sit here and claim that the Democrats have always been effective or honest, but when you have one party fighting for universal healthcare and education, and another party fighting for the end of the estate tax, Terri Schiavo and giveaways to giant pharmaceutical companies, how can you possibly say you don't care? Doesn't at least acknowledging the problems in this country count for anything?

  • p.s. your party is so desperate it's pathetic.

    I wish I could find the full transcript of the Matt Drudge quote. It is positively psychotic[/b]. He goes on calling the interns "16 and 17 year old beasts" and how they were leading Rep. Foley on.

    BTW - Keith Olbermann apparently has excellent taste in fill-in anchors...

    That's like saying "DID YOU SEE HOW SHE WAS DRESSED??!?!?!? SHE WAS ASKING FOR SEX!!!!!"

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Despite how right-leaning media wants to spin this...I really don't think it's working. It's pretty laughable - you can smell the sheer desperation - and things are getting so bad that the Democrats can simply sit from the sidelines, pass the popcorn and Red Vines and just watch this meltdown without having to lift a finger.

    Ironically, even if Matt Drudge is accusing the pages of entrapment (I practically did a spit-take on that clip), the Drudge Report is milking this controversy for every ounce it can; he's contributing to Foley's flogging even as he's trying to mount one of the silliest defenses I've ever seen. That said, if Foley had been going after 16 year old teen women, I imagine it'd be even worse since you'd see all kinds of latent misogyny creeping into it. In a sense, people's homophobia may actually be protecting these pages from further pundit abuse since they'd rather see Foley take a fall than admit that maybe 16 year old teen men out there want to have sex with other men.

    I also agree that Olbermann's replacement is

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    How anyone can be proud of/support either of these political parties that are filled with self serving finger pointers is beyond me....If these parties put as much effort into fixing the problems of this country as they do in attacking, investigating and denegrating each other we'd all be a lot better off.

    Word the fuck up.

    Honestly, I don't give a shit which party controlls what branch or government

    I'm not going to sit here and claim that the Democrats have always been effective or honest, but when you have one party fighting for universal healthcare and education, and another party fighting for the end of the estate tax, Terri Schiavo and giveaways to giant pharmaceutical companies, how can you possibly say you don't care? Doesn't at least acknowledging the problems in this country count for anything?

    Dude, you have to read the entire sentence. I don't care which party controls what branch of government so long as it's a divided government[/b]. One party controls legislative, one party controls executive. Something like that. Single-party rule is for the party; divided government is for the people, generally speaking (and avoiding cynicism that any government we might have these days is truly "for the people.") Republicans have royally sucked shit the past six years, but I hardly think the solution is to turn everything over to Democrats. But if we split goverment between them, then neither gets their way, neither can be beholden to the extremists within them, and they have to actually, you know, be grown ups and work together.

    Basically, you were responding to an argument I didn't even make.

  • Dude, you have to read the entire sentence. I don't care which party controls what branch of government so long as it's a divided government[/b]. One party controls legislative, one party controls executive. Something like that.

    The Supreme Court is going to be slanted towards the conservatives for a long time. The next judge due for retirement and/or death is Stevens (86 years old) and he is a liberal (at least now he is). Meanwhile, bush added two conservatives to an already right leaning panel and we lost O'conner who was somewhere in the middle. Imo, it gonna take a democratic congress AND a dem in the white house to balance things out.

  • MeepMeep 320 Posts
    CNN makes awesome polls:

    Would you let your 15-year-old child become a congressional page?

    Yes 34% 31047 votes

    No 66% 60284 votes
    Total: 91331 votes

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts

    Word the fuck up.

    Honestly, I don't give a shit which party controlls what branch or government

    I'm not going to sit here and claim that the Democrats have always been effective or honest, but when you have one party fighting for universal health care and education, and another party fighting for the end of the estate tax, Terri Schiavo and giveaways to giant pharmaceutical companies, how can you possibly say you don't care? Doesn't at least acknowledging the problems in this country count for anything?

    Dude, you have to read the entire sentence. I don't care which party controls what branch of government so long as it's a divided government[/b]. One party controls legislative, one party controls executive. Something like that. Single-party rule is for the party; divided government is for the people, generally speaking (and avoiding cynicism that any government we might have these days is truly "for the people.") Republicans have royally sucked shit the past six years, but I hardly think the solution is to turn everything over to Democrats. But if we split government between them, then neither gets their way, neither can be beholden to the extremists within them, and they have to actually, you know, be grown ups and work together.

    Basically, you were responding to an argument I didn't even make.

    This is weak dude. I can understand the potential benefits of divided government, but my point, which you ignored is that the Democrats at least speak out over important issues, healthcare being prime example number one.

    In your worldview, you've given up any hope whatsoever for effective government, basically the republican platform (give all the taxes back, gov't is hopelessly broken). They are banking on your jaded complacence. I personally would take a Democratic government because maybe we could reverse some of these tax cuts for the rich, get health care, etc.

    When you say you would prefer that
    neither party gets their way
    you tacitly accept the moral equivalence of the two parties. How bout talking about some of issues i mentioned instead of just playing the aloof, bitter role? Once again,

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    neither party gets their way

    It's not a matter of a party "getting their way"'s that the two parties have turned our government into a political football game, by design.

    They've divided the public into two rooting sections, wishing ill will on their opponent and blindly cheering for "their side".

    The offensive part of the game is to attack the other team with a constant barrage of character assassination, name calling and personal attacks.

    While the defensive part of the game is to prevent your opponent from accomplishing anything that might actually benefit ALL the people with fear of losing their fans.

    The Offense is exciting and keeps all the fans occupied cheering for their team while talking trash about the opposing team.

    The Defense prevents anything from being accomplished other than things that will appeal to the extreme, diehard supporters of the team since they aren't potential defectors of the party.

    So from time to time each party actually "gets their way" but the majority of the country, the 60-80% who aren't "Fans For Life" of etiher party, are the ones who aren't getting their needs filled by EITHER party.

    You can pick that apart all you want....I'm not stating it as fact, nor am I trying to shove it down anyone's throat.

    It's simply how I have grown to believe how our government operates....It sucks that we have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    neither party gets their way

    It's not a matter of a party "getting their way"'s that the two parties have turned our government into a political football game, by design.

    They've divided the public into two rooting sections, wishing ill will on their opponent and blindly cheering for "their side".

    The offensive part of the game is to attack the other team with a constant barrage of character assassination, name calling and personal attacks.

    While the defensive part of the game is to prevent your opponent from accomplishing anything that might actually benefit ALL the people with fear of losing their fans.

    The Offense is exciting and keeps all the fans occupied cheering for their team while talking trash about the opposing team.

    The Defense prevents anything from being accomplished other than things that will appeal to the extreme, diehard supporters of the team since they aren't potential defectors of the party.

    So from time to time each party actually "gets their way" but the majority of the country, the 60-80% who aren't "Fans For Life" of etiher party, are the ones who aren't getting their needs filled by EITHER party.

    You can pick that apart all you want....I'm not stating it as fact, nor am I trying to shove it down anyone's throat.

    It's simply how I have grown to believe how our government operates....It sucks that we have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

    How bout talking about some of issues i mentioned instead of just playing the aloof, bitter role? Once again,

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    neither party gets their way

    It's not a matter of a party "getting their way"'s that the two parties have turned our government into a political football game, by design.

    They've divided the public into two rooting sections, wishing ill will on their opponent and blindly cheering for "their side".

    The offensive part of the game is to attack the other team with a constant barrage of character assassination, name calling and personal attacks.

    While the defensive part of the game is to prevent your opponent from accomplishing anything that might actually benefit ALL the people with fear of losing their fans.

    The Offense is exciting and keeps all the fans occupied cheering for their team while talking trash about the opposing team.

    The Defense prevents anything from being accomplished other than things that will appeal to the extreme, diehard supporters of the team since they aren't potential defectors of the party.

    So from time to time each party actually "gets their way" but the majority of the country, the 60-80% who aren't "Fans For Life" of etiher party, are the ones who aren't getting their needs filled by EITHER party.

    You can pick that apart all you want....I'm not stating it as fact, nor am I trying to shove it down anyone's throat.

    It's simply how I have grown to believe how our government operates....It sucks that we have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

    How bout talking about some of issues i mentioned instead of just playing the aloof, bitter role? Once again,

    How about you get back to me when ANY of those issues get solved.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Hastert is gone.
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