i used to think Apple was cool..until..

Ayrotollah77Ayrotollah77 415 Posts
edited September 2006 in Strut Central
I was just working on my Ibook g4 which is a year old and it just shut of f and won't turn on..I called tech support and they said i'd have to pay to ask questions and talk to them about it...not get it repaired..just answer my questions..anybody else delt with this bullshit??


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    no company is required to help with anything after you are out of warranty

  • Is it still under warrantee? If not you could try a Mac specialist in your area.

    I didn't buy AppleCare on my last G4 PowerMac but I didn't have any problems. Just the optical drive went out, but my boy is a computer tech in a design firm so he gave me one they had lying around. I was lucky.

    I bought it this time with my new new MacBook and MacBook Pro. They're fucking laptops so I needed the piece of mind.

  • no company is required to help with anything after you are out of warranty
    yeah i know but just seems kinda cold after layin out that kinda money..I mean I got a student discount which is cool,not like i'm asking them to fix it for free.. .

  • montymonty 420 Posts
    did you try restart?

    1. Unplug any devices that are connected to your iBook except the power adapter.

    2. Hold down the Command and Control keys and press the power button to restart the system.

    3. Let the battery charge to at least 10% before plugging in any external devices and resuming your work.

  • yeah tried to restart, it had juice when it shut down too.. i don't got my power chord w/ me..gotta try when i get home..hope it works..thanks though..

  • power chord

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I would search the internet for your symptoms and try to fix it yourself before you do anything else.

    Which, I realize, can be hard since your computer is working. either that or make a computer nerd friend, or find one at work. Maybe that dude ANon from the friend thread will be your computer friend.

  • What's so idiotic about about Apple is that when you do have something wrong, you have to speak to some stuck up dork that wears a shirt that simply says "Genius". Everyone refers to him as the Mac Genius and he will not speak to you on the phone, you must bow before him to receive his help.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts
    wow...I just bought one of their laptops today and the guy selling it to me was fighting tooth and nail trying to get me to buy AppleCare. I declined thinking he was just a commission-payed worker exaggerating risks of hardware failure. Good looking out.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    good thing you can buy the additional two years of applecare before the first one runs out =P

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    What's so idiotic about about Apple is that when you do have something wrong, you have to speak to some stuck up dork that wears a shirt that simply says "Genius". Everyone refers to him as the Mac Genius and he will not speak to you on the phone, you must bow before him to receive his help.

    Where's that ass-hurt graemlin again?

    I'm just saying - as someone who's worked in computer tech/customer support, the people helping you, for the most part, are definitely a lot nicer and helpful than the people they help.

    That said, I haven't loved every Apple Genius I've dealt with but on the whole, their tech service runs pretty well...IF YOU'RE UNDER WARRANTY.

    Applecare for a laptop =

  • Well once again, my po' stubborn ass gotta learn the hard way..time to warm up the credit card for that apple care i guess..good thing i can use the computers at school for my record related internet activities..

  • power choad

  • power chord

  • good thing you can buy the additional two years of applecare before the first one runs out =P

    yeah, they don't advertise it, but you can extend the warranty on apple products at any point during the initial warranty period. wish i'd known that with my first ipod, which got super-janky about a year after i bought it and then promptly died.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I'm just saying - as someone who's worked in computer tech/customer support, the people helping you, for the most part, are definitely a lot nicer and helpful than the people they help.

    Where'd you work?

    - spidey

  • power chord

  • I installed a RAM chip in my boss' computer today. Worked great and I looked like a champ.

    Until a few minutes later when he said "Um.. the Air Port isn't working anymore."

    and lIterally

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    I tell the same thing to everyone I know who buys an Apple computer, spend the money for Applecare.

    My G5 died last year just after the initial year of warranty ran out. Because I had Applecare they did almost $2000 in attempted repairs, and then gave up and gave me a brand new, upgraded machine when they couldn't solve the problem with my old one. For free. No problems. Tell me that kind of service isn't worth the $200 or whatever Applecare costs.

    And back your shit up while you're at it.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    I had the same power issue with my g4 powerbook. Called up and the dude went through all kinds of bullshit with me. Went to the apple store later that night--luckily there's a 24 hour one in Manhattan, because you know my ass had a paper due the next day--and a splendid young lady had my shit urnning fine again in under five minutes.

    I think someone already mentioned it but take out the battery, and disconnect the power source and then hold down the power button for 4 or 5 seconds. Then put the battery back in and hopefully everything will be fine. The lady at the apple store told me that this resets some kind of power sensor in the machine.

    And definitely spring for that extended apple care. for $125 per year it is worth the piece of mind if nothing else.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    i'd just like to throw in, i just bought a 2.6 ghz, 512 mb, 80 gig hp today for $499.. the guy offered me the in-store 3 year warranty for 100 bucks, but I turned it down, and i was going to walk on the laptop, then he decided to throw the warranty in free.. so i took it home.. i just installed windows vista rc-1. It's running Aero perfectly.. w00t.. sorry i just needed to gloat.

    - spidey

  • MAN fuck apple. My shit (desktop) was broken, powering down after a few minutes, sometimes a few seconds. Took it to tek serve, they took like a month on it. Got it back last week, and now the fan goes nuts as soon as i look at it and it goes to sleep after two minutes.
    Im slowly letting the idea creep in that somehow the internet porn i downloaded is causing these problems...

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    It definitely sounds like an overheating problem, probably with the heatsink to your processor, or the fan for your videocard.

    - spidey

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I'm just saying - as someone who's worked in computer tech/customer support, the people helping you, for the most part, are definitely a lot nicer and helpful than the people they help.

    Where'd you work?

    - spidey

    IGC (Institute for Global Communications). They were a non-profit ISP during the early to mid 1990s, eventually got bought out by Earthlink.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    ewww.. nerdy, I've done tech support for Logitech, Dell, and cheaptickets.com (don' ask)

    - spidey

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    That's what I hate about Apple too. In theory the idea that the schitt "Just works" is great, but unfortunately they don't make computer bits with anything like the reliability of car components. So when something "Under the hood/bonnet" does go wrong with Apple, you are proper fooked.

    Gimme DOS 6.22 or gimme death.
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