confessions of a reissue buyer



  • Thanks for posting this. It might have been better if it was "confessions of a Reissue SELLER". I used to buy the heck out of them because they were so cheap, but Ive stepped up my game and now use p2p stuff to audition things before I buy them on vinyl (reissue or og). Anyway, I'm getting ready to do a big lot of auctions and getting ready to sell off a bunch of reissues in a lot. Thats the only way I can think to resell them. Anyone had any luck SELLING reissues? Whats this "scorpio xcel file"?

    They send us a spreadsheet fairly often of stuff available, we get our classic punk and rock records for the store from them...I was going through it marking out the stuff we still had in stock and saw Blue Notes and Fania among them and thought, "fugg it, Ima get some for myself"

  • It shoudl also be said that those most likely to buy a reissue are music appreciators and those looking for OG's only are more apt to be labeled collectors.

    Wrong! I appreciate the music as much as the next guy. Collectors buy, file and repeat. I play the shit out of my records... whether it be in my room or out DJing.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    It shoudl also be said that those most likely to buy a reissue are music appreciators and those looking for OG's only are more apt to be labeled collectors.

    Wrong! I appreciate the music as much as the next guy. Collectors buy, file and repeat. I play the shit out of my records... whether it be in my room or out DJing.

    but if you really wanted to hear it and you found a reissue of it would you pick it up, or wait until you found an OG?

    I'm not looking down, I've done stuff liket his in the past too, but I've come to the realization that the collector instinct in me is what stops me from getting them reish's

  • but if you really wanted to hear it and you found a reissue of it would you pick it up, or wait until you found an OG?

    9 times out of 10, I will hunt down the OG. It's more satisfying when I get it making me appreciate[/b] it and the music even more

  • this is the first reissue i have bought in years...

    mostly cause i know its not going to pop up on the bay for some time
    my friend has a kid and a house to pay for and likes music so i can understand his need to buy reissues cause of money issues but for me who has little responsibility other that making myself happy iam going for ogs

    and props to the folks that don't go for the bootlegs

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    To the moderately discerning ear, "reissues"/bootlegs generally sound like crap.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I've been approached by Scorpio about helping out with some re-issues. In each case I know as a fact that they contacted the artist and offered to pay them a fair price.....none have come to fruition as of yet but from my experience they at least make an attempt to "do it the right way".

    If it works out otherwise I will certainly report it here.

  • they at least make an attempt to "do it the right way".


  • two things.
    1. It all depends on the situation. Some reissues sound equal or better than anything that you will find. Like where they use original tapes for reiss. Also, using a reiss is fine on a mix or set as long as you don't try to hide the fact that that is what you are doing. Most of the time it matters none.
    2. Everything has changed with the invention of the Microwave. A mix can have OGs and mp3s of anything. We Should be taking advantage of the technology. Many struters are doing that and it shows through the quality of these mixes and remixes and mash ups.
    So stop buying reissues. Save the money and get a micro. then you never have to buy another re- ever.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    they at least make an attempt to "do it the right way".

    :5pager: soon as I start getting paid to post here I'm gonna hire a proof reader and a public relations person.

    By "do it the right way" I just meant pay the artist....their sound might suck...their packaging might suck....their thick Tony Soprano-like NJ Italian accents might suck...but all I meant was by my experience they appear to not just straight out bootleg everything they do.

  • So stop buying reissues. Save the money and get a micro. then you never have to buy another re- ever.

    some folks still like having a "hard copy" of music...when it is all ones and zeros and on a hard drive, there are too many things that could cause you to lose ALL your music and never be able to retrieve it...or what if some one steals your lap top? I dont see many folks breaking into houses and throwing a thousand records on their shoulders and boltin' down the street. I had an incident where my bands was doing hard disk recording and someone broke into the house and stole the computer...all of our tracks were lost, yeah I know back that shit up...but when you have been recording for 12 hours and wann go home and get some rest there is always "we will back it up tomorrow"...we didnt get a tomorrow. No one was gonna throw a half-inch reel to reel on their shoulder, but a lap top? gone in a second.

  • Are compilations included in this catergory? What is worse to buy, a compilation or a straight up reissue? I have my share of both. This is the latest one:

  • Damn that sucks that you lost your band's recordings. I'm sorry to hear that.
    It seems like the most efficient way to be into collecting records these days is to focus strictly on OGs and raers. Then you will still have plenty of hard copies of great collectors items to enjoy. For everything else though. i.e. new shit, why not just get it on mp3?

    BTW, I don't even have Microwave yet. but i've already stoped buying reissues.

  • i can picture it now, dude amasses greatest mp3 collection evar, gets serrato and sells his totally bad ass record collection. fast forward a few years to when some totally badder ass music digital file comes out. people are all gonna be like, dammmmmnn that fools still playing mp3s?!?!?!? what a sucker!!!!

    i wonder how long it will be when they stop making records all together and everybodys uses microwaves?
    5 years?


  • I'm not talking about selling your collection. I'm sure there are fools out there that are doing that. Just when everyone gets their record, reel to reel, 8track, cassette tape, CD, mp3 collections complete, that's when you have to replace it with the next thing that comes along. However, only one of those formats has stood the test of time. Records! Never sell off your collection. Too many have made that mistake already.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    classic records Blue Note reissues on 200 gram all tube pure mono cutting system from the OG mono master tapes. they even put deep grooves on the label. equals the OG in performance and appearance.

    when these come out, i get them and i sell my OGs.


  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    When I was a super lil'dude I was happy to buy reissues left, right and center.

    I just wanted the music to play. You know, I wanted all the stuff I'd heard on compilations/downloaded over the years so I could it DJ to my friends and stuff, no matter what the format was.

    But now I've upgraded to regular lil'dude. I am all for the OGs. My collection needs some rock solid foundation records. You know, stuff to be proud of.

    So , I've kind of been turned of re-issues. If I really need a song, I'd be tempted to get a re-ish 45 or 12". But Re-ish LPs are a no go zone for me these days.

    Plus, now, I've really started to get off on digging for myself. I.e. picking up shit that I know nothing about.
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