90s Brit dance Raer (RR)

So, I'm blasted and nowhere near 99% of my record collection. However, with it being record day and all thought I'd contribute with a twist on normal selections with some forgotten Brit 90's dance music instead. If anyone's interested I have way way too much vinyl from this period to share.But for now howsabout some unique electronica from brit group Spooky.....Spooky - Can't RememberSpooky - Do Not Adjust Your Set
Its shagged, but just about works
Ha ha I don't know whether to be impressed or disturbed.
How about both?
Ultimate Brit Dance Raer? Stoke in the house! Does it smell of Vicks?
haha very good Georgy, I got it from a Brum studio that got it off him a few years back....I might strip it for the upgrades then flog it
Its the one on the left.