

  • hyphy music sounds great in the whippiece, also tracks like "Stuntin Like My Daddy"...

  • a friend of mine told me the other day he was at the gas station, and there were 2 mexican dudes in a minivan blasting "short dick man" while filling up... he took a video on his cell phone, but i haven't seen it yet

  • Yall dudes hating on slow jams at loud volume probably ride the fucking bus. You probably need some trim too.

    I STAY blasting oldies. Only way to roll.

    Fool I'm talking about "THESE ARE MY CONFESSIONZ" type slow-jamz...FUCKING LOUD!

    I would love to hear some blue magic type shit out of someone's car. holmes

    and when I mean club music i'm talking about top 40 hip-hop and other assorted becky bangers.

    and yes gold digger still gets some love from lame-dicks.

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    We all know that I can and will POST ON A MESSAGEBOARD from my car.

    no question.

  • holmes

    joo mad ese?

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    I listen to club mixes at work. I work in a kitchen and when it's dinner time I bust out dj mixes. It makes everybody work faster. Mash ups are crowd pleasers too. Like Raj was saying, I don't listen to these mixes on the clock radio but I might as well. The boom box (and I use that term lightly) is a heap of shit. It cracks me up when bass heavy tracks distort the mini speakers. Jorge Ben is not a crowd pleaser at my work. Now that football has started we've been rocking a satelite radio boombox. Try to cook food when your team is losing sucks. Oh yea club music is good in the car I guess.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i listen to baltimore club at the gym

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I would like to know what the dudes who think that one shouldn't listen to either club music or slow jams in the whip would have us listen to.

    Wait! Let me guess!

    Little Brother?

  • I would like to know what the dudes who think that one shouldn't listen to either club music or slow jams in the whip would have us listen to.

    Wait! Let me guess!

    Little Brother?

    I don't think anyone was saying you shoudn't listen to club music in the whip. I do.

    For me, I just don't get listening to ONLY club music in the whip, but really I think that just is more about the average people's tastes.

    I feel bad for Phonte, his just has a bad producer and a stick up his ass. Otherwise dude is dope.


    Yeah I fuck with club music in the gym. My gym sometimes plays some shit (Snap Ya Finder, T. I., Pitbull). They where playing this one WILD techno song that starts out with this voice saying "I NEED SATISFACTION". Shit was kind of hype.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    I would like to know what the dudes who think that one shouldn't listen to either club music or slow jams in the whip would have us listen to.

  • On my way to work this morning I was bumpin Scottie B's Discobelle mix. It made me speed like a madman.

    But yeah 99% of the time, outside of the club I'm trying to hear some real chilled out shit, 'cause I hear music for clubs when I'm working at the club, I cant' go home and listen to it.

    Before I went on my vacation, I loaded up the ipod with nothing but chilled out brazilian joints, BLAZING downtempo and the like, souldies, and some fusion shun shun shun raer for laying on the beach. GET ON MY RELAXATION LEVEL BATCHES.


  • I like bass in my car. Lately club music has been really bassy so it's in there.

    I listen to it like it's Pink Floyd, meaning, I get real high and listen to all the crazy sounds in the beats. They take my on a journey to the foggy castle on the crystal mountain.




  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    On my way to work this morning I was bumpin Scottie B's Discobelle mix. It made me speed like a madman.
    the ghostface drop on that is great. good mix overall. if you haven't heard it yet, you should listen to the aaron lacrate breezeblock mix. shit is crazy

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts

    Yeah I fuck with club music in the gym. My gym sometimes plays some shit (Snap Ya Finder, T. I., Pitbull). They where playing this one WILD techno song that starts out with this voice saying "I NEED SATISFACTION". Shit was kind of hype.
    man, 24 hour fitness has the WORST music for working out. i mean i know they gotta keep shit safe cos they're all corporate and stuff but playing fucking shakira and shit? if i don't go with my ipod, i seriously cannot stay there for more than ten minutes.

    the last time i went without my ipod, shakira's hips don't lie came on and this huge girl just starts singing along with it. she goes for like the whole song and i wanted to throw some weights at her or something man. girl didn't even have hips, she had like flaps and stuff

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    i love club music but i can't stand clubs.

  • i love club music but i can't stand clubs.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i love club music but i can't stand girls, dancing with girls, and drinking with girls.
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