Happy Birthday Dante!



  • happy birthday Dante

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Happy Birfday, Dante. Never met the guy, but we chat on IM like we fam.

  • happy birthday Dante

  • Chicago wordsmiths, please step up.
    What, like you live in Rancocas or something?


    Nonononono, I'm a music producer!

    Besides, I baked a cake and made a break montage! Words have never been my gift. I just try to get by on them.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    This gif has quickly risen to classic status. It needs to be in a gremlin, NOW.... altho I have no idea what the gremlin would say.... spaz? The caucasian flava flav???

    Don't tet[/b]


    ps-happy b day Dante.

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    Chicago wordsmiths, please step up.
    What, like you live in Rancocas or something?


    Nonononono, I'm a music producer!

    Besides, I baked a cake and made a break montage! Words have never been my gift. I just try to get by on them.

    Oh, you ganked some .jpg, burnt a couple minutes off your All The Breaks cd, and that???s a wrap? Pfft. You heshers are all fin, no shark.

    But cho: Despite the square halo of gnosticism and consecratory power that he so often gets fitted with by the lazy, the envious, and the gassed, and despite the creeping perception that he dwells in some sort of uber-dimension where he rules, Tron-like, folks need to know that Dante is???to the extent that I know him--a really cool, really grounded dude. (Folks also might need to know that just as there are many stripes of drunk???The Affectionate Drunk, The Aggressive Drunk, The Philosophical Drunk, etc.???there are all manner of breakfaces [mine, for example, is kind of an inward Lee Harvey Oswald phantom-pain grimace; your boy Dave Of Cake points at an invisible speaker just above his head and purses his lips in a silent ???oooooh???; Zilla acts like he???s hearing voices; et cetera], and know that the DCarface is as follows: point downward to an invisible turntable, on which an invisible record is playing, and ask of the assembled, ???Are you hearing this shit????) He works his ass off, and subsequently gets to stay a couple steps ahead of the weather, but nonetheless remains generous with his time and with his knowledge, and is easily one of the three or four funniest people I know, and I???m not just clacking my faucets, ???cause I fucking hate everybody. Dude is one to handle his whiskey business and just kinda slide off for some more of that Croatoan straw. Word around Worthington is that he???s sowing the seed money for a calamity-themed shake joint called Dante???s Peek, so we???ll see. Extra sawbucks gets some private press. Could be volcanic.

    Anyway, even though I wish you???d stop sweating me for that steel-drum record with the Fela cover, a belated happy birthday to you, youngblood.

  • Anyway, even though I wish you???d stop sweating me for that steel-drum record with the Fela cover, a belated happy birthday to you, youngblood.

  • Oh yeah and dante do you know anything about this record????

  • Anyway, even though I wish you???d stop sweating me for that steel-drum record with the Fela cover, a belated happy birthday to you, youngblood.

    That record is

  • Anyway, even though I wish you???d stop sweating me for that steel-drum record with the Fela cover, a belated happy birthday to you, youngblood.

    That record is

    WHat do you expect if it's put out by the lightbulb and dishwasher people

  • You heshers are all fin, no shark.

    whiskey business

    No fair, dude...no fair.

  • I've had posting problems in the last few days, otherwise I would have done this earlier, but I just wanna wish a happy 21st b-day to the semi-legendary Dante Carfagna.[/i]

    Also, mucho thanx for covering for me at the buffet table! (CHI-STRUT INSIDE JOKE)
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