What to do in Amsterdam

Yo yo...It's been a long time since I've posted on here. Just been laying low, handling some grown up ish. Everything is good just been grindin as of late... I'm going to Amsterdam in a couple weeks and have never been. Wanted to ask if anybody would recommend what to check out, where to eat, shop, etc. I'm going for work and will be there for a week but will have some free time as well...Here's a few things I'm doing thus far:Heineken Brewery, need I say more...Van Gogh Museum, ya I dig his style.And I also just saw an e-flyer for Kon & Amir who will be spinnin out there - DAMN!Also, any strutters in Amsterdam - feel free to hit me up...[email]deejaycire@yahoo.com[/email]Thanks in advance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smoke and drink
Bang a female hooker
in that order.
Paulus Potterstraat. I love that street name. I think there's a decent art museum on there as well.
Grey Area and Greenhouse where my two faves. Get the fish on a stick too.
There are a few really good jazz spots in Amsterdam although I can't remember their names.
Eat some french fries with mayonaise or curry ketchup.
There's a pretty cool swap meet somewhere around there. Check a guide book.
If you've got the time and want to leave Adam, jump on a train for Bruges, Belgium. Great beer.
make sure it is a female, be sure to not get in touch with those Asian girls/whatever they are though...but be sure to visit the redlight district and have a walk. In case you really wanna fuck, do so early in the morning and not during rush hours around 11 in the evening. You don't wanna be seen next to drunk Englishmen comin out of the hookers place with their panties still down shouting...
go to FAT BEATS and buy expensive vinyl...go to the "pata" store and buy even more expensive kicks. coffeshopwise the green house next to waterlooplein has been a good place for years...and cosign on the bulldog thing, evil, evil....
Get some Golden Palm hash somewhere. Shit will get you feelin' LIVE.
And bang some h to the izzo's
Werd werd, good lookin on the tips... and keep em coming!
Rijksmuseum is being rebuild, but I think there is a part of the colection still on display. Try visting the Stedelijk in the Post CS building, good museum.
ride a bike.
Don't bang a ho, though.
Have some stampot met een gehaktbal.
And watch out for trams!
Yeah, the Rijks is being rebuilt until 2007. The collection on display right now is a little disappointing. Although seeing The Night Watch was pretty incredible. Make sure to hit the Van Gogh Museum. It was pretty incredible. If you're going to go to a few museums you might want to get a museum card which gives you entrance into all the museums.
Also, eat a kroket (sp?). It's fried meat gravy and it's incredible. McDonald's and Febo have them on the cheap.
Rent a bike and just ride around, although watch out for cars on the narrow roads.
NEVER eat a kroket at McDonalds!
Eat one at van Dobbe, just of the RembrandtPlein.
Greenhouse, Rokerij, Dampkring
www.90sqm.com, www.henxs.com, www.rdlfs.nl
Bitterzoet, Patta, Melkweg, Paradiso, Appelsap
http://www.yabyum.nl (only 4 reel ballaz)
And check out the zoo, Artis Dierentuin
food wise I went bananacakes for Indonesian food. Ate it every day.
Also those little carts with the chocolate waffles. Yum
Its dangerous being in a city with a direct flight to Amsterdam and a couple grand in your savings account. I have, so far, resisted the temptation, but I wanna go back so bad.
Yes, crazy records, every little "book fair" seems to have boxes of the things lying all over the place.
Also copped a ticket for Jay-Z at the Heineken Music Hall, so that should be cool...
And the rest is being worked on - thanks fellas... I'm trying to come up with some extra cash cuz I don't know when I'll be back in Amsterdam, but overall I'm looking forward to this trip.