cellphones in theatres / Miami Vice



  • snosno 332 Posts
    On Miami Vice :
    What a mess. Michael Mann is having the Tony Scott Ssyndrome by going overkill with a visual style he hit upon in previous movies.
    I had some curry before going to the movie and I have to visit the washroom midway in the movie, when I came back my friend told me, "you haven't missed anything because while you were away, Farrell and Gong Li got on twice."
    I know Gong Li is hot for a 40 year old, but them getting it on...I was glad I was at the washroom.

    That said, the movie tie-in PSP game is dope, especially in the Ad-hoc two-player coop mode.

    On cinema etiqutte:
    I gotta give a big shout-out to the cinema-goer in Taipei because not one of the them talked and not a cellphone rang during the course of the movie (watched Miami Vice last weekend in Taipei).

    Last time I watched Superman Returns in here in HKG was a torment...

  • paulnicepaulnice 924 Posts
    On cinema etiqutte:
    I gotta give a big shout-out to the cinema-goer in Taipei because not one of the them talked and not a cellphone rang during the course of the movie (watched Miami Vice last weekend in Taipei).

    Last time I watched Superman Returns in here in HKG was a torment...

    Thats kinda surprising as I've heard from a few folks (Chan being one) that it's really not a thing for movie goers in HK to just start yapping away in theaters all during the movie.
    And not just one person here or there either.
    Seems to be an accepted thing.

  • it's just as bad when you have people text messaging during the film. you can't concentrate on the movie when a blinding lcd screen is shining in your direction.

    and this movie was beyond garbage. 2 1/4 hours of terrible acting and a bullshit plot.

  • paulnicepaulnice 924 Posts

    and this movie was beyond garbage. 2 1/4 hours of terrible acting and a bullshit plot.

  • snosno 332 Posts
    Thats kinda surprising as I've heard from a few folks (Chan being one) that it's really not a thing for movie goers in HK to just start yapping away in theaters all during the movie.
    And not just one person here or there either.
    Seems to be an accepted thing.

    How am I going to put it in proper English????

    Let me just say this kind of behaviour is accepted as in something you cannot avoid as part of the cinema experience in HKG. Therefore many people rather watch a movie when it comes out on DVD on their plasma/LCD. As for myself? I still prefer watching celluloid running through the projector.

    At the end of the day, watching "Young and Dangerous" in Mongkok Boardway Cinema at Midnight with a rowdy MK crowd is one thing, being forced to withstand loud and dumbass remarks make by idiots in the cinema is a totally different story.

    [out of topic]a million apologies to Paul for not able to send in the Shaw's Brother martial arts movie book I promised a year ago...you still want it?[/out of topic]

  • snosno 332 Posts
    and this movie was beyond garbage. 2 1/4 hours of terrible acting and a bullshit plot.

    My head was hurting with all the obvious color palatte changes between DV/filmstock...and wait a minute...there's a plot? Shit I must have missed it or something...

    Dialogue wise..."I trust you" out of Jamie Foxx's mouth belongs in Brokeback Mountain rather than Miami...I also think the monologue/bluff of the female vice squad member before offing the redneck is fo false...just pop that guy and get on with it. Not to mention the so called cartoonish villain. Perhaps Mann should stick to directing other people's script.

    The ending shootout...is it just me or is Michael Mann tries too hard to top his "Heat" shootout scene???

  • paulnicepaulnice 924 Posts

    a million apologies to Paul for not able to send in the Shaw's Brother martial arts movie book I promised a year ago...you still want it?

    Yeah, no worries at all mate. Check your pm.

  • snicka_gsnicka_g Hong Kong 276 Posts
    Thats kinda surprising as I've heard from a few folks (Chan being one) that it's really not a thing for movie goers in HK to just start yapping away in theaters all during the movie.
    And not just one person here or there either.
    Seems to be an accepted thing.

    How am I going to put it in proper English????

    Let me just say this kind of behaviour is accepted as in something you cannot avoid as part of the cinema experience in HKG. Therefore many people rather watch a movie when it comes out on DVD on their plasma/LCD. As for myself? I still prefer watching celluloid running through the projector.

    At the end of the day, watching "Young and Dangerous" in Mongkok Boardway Cinema at Midnight with a rowdy MK crowd is one thing, being forced to withstand loud and dumbass remarks make by idiots in the cinema is a totally different story.

    [out of topic]a million apologies to Paul for not able to send in the Shaw's Brother martial arts movie book I promised a year ago...you still want it?[/out of topic]

    Last time I went to a midnight show at the Mongkok Broadway, 3 triad looking dudes whipped out their PSP's and started playing through-out the whole movie. Those PSP screens are small but in a dark cinema they give off a shitload of light. I ended up just watching the guys screen for 30 mins or so. All 3 of them were linked up playing against each other......stinky food is another things I can't handle. Theres always some lady behind me with a big bag of dried cuttle fish!

  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts
    a big bag of dried cuttle fish!

    LOL!!! thats a killer.

  • snosno 332 Posts
    Last time I went to a midnight show at the Mongkok Broadway, 3 triad looking dudes whipped out their PSP's and started playing through-out the whole movie. Those PSP screens are small but in a dark cinema they give off a shitload of light. I ended up just watching the guys screen for 30 mins or so. All 3 of them were linked up playing against each other......stinky food is another things I can't handle. Theres always some lady behind me with a big bag of dried cuttle fish!

    To be frank while I was watching Miami Vice I was so bored I was tempted to whip out my PSP to play a few round of MV the PSP game because, the game is much much more interesting than the movie itself.

    I guess you expect things to go south at Boardway Mongkok with all the MK dudes and dudettes outside. But mang, I cannot believe movie-goers still act like crap at UA Langham Place. Last time I watched the Brit horror movie "Creep" the fucker sitting next to me was giving away the spoilers, acting like he's so smart in front of his Lolita-looking movie date. To this day I still think you wanna see a movie quietly in HKG, go to Olympic City or Cyberport or Space Museum. that's where it's at.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I likeded this schitt, though.

    me, too.

    put aside my hate for the music, the stiff (and not in a good way) scenes between Li and Farrell and the one-dimensional characters to enjoy a beautiful looking action summer movie.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    put aside my hate for the music, the stiff (and not in a good way) scenes between Li and Farrell and the one-dimensional characters...
    That's a lot to put aside.

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    Miami Vice was dat Piff i dont know what you fools talking about.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    i hear there's a sex scene every 5 min and chris cornell is all over that soundtrack

    please tell me this isnt true. i don't want to picture people sexing to chris cornell.

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    I cant remember them sexing to Chris, but he is all over the soundtrack.

  • Strider79itStrider79it 1,176 Posts
    gong li is hot, but I laughed hard when I ve heard her speaking that south american language ahahaha...... the movie and the actors take themselves too seriously...it doesn;t have the irony of the original tv show I guess......

    it is a well known colin farrell can't act but Foxx is the most overrated actor ever..

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    This movie was straight up wick wick wack! I fell to sleep three times and finally got up and left.

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    Watching this again tomorrow night,i cant get enough of it.

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    My fiance had a class at a local community college this summer. The teacher was complete shit. During final presentations for the class the teachers cell phone kept ringing. She didn't turn it off she just let it ring. Then during my fiances presentation the teacher got up answered the call and left the room.

    Oh and Miami Vice looks like a huge steaming turd.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    i hear there's a sex scene every 5 min and chris cornell is all over that soundtrack

    please tell me this isnt true. i don't want to picture people sexing to chris cornell.

    this is partly true. my friend who i went with thinks it might be audioslave and we would have hung around to check the credits except it was freezing in the theatre and we wanted out of there. yes, farrell is so unsexy and some weak-ass rock music did not help him.

    there are not sex scenes every five minutes, but Li does cry as she's having sex with Farrell at one point.

    despite all this, i still thought it was a good summer flick and i have to say once again, it was gorgeous.

    i guess Farrell just doesn't have it in him - as an actor or otherwise...what's my motivation?

    Colin Farrell Spanked By Au Pair: "Letdown Between Sheets"
    By Toshiba Reynolds
    Aug 8, 2006

    The ladies may find him quite the heartthrob, but Colin Farrell is finding himself in the uncomfortable position of being labeled a "lousy lover" with only "half a baguette" in his shorts, as yet another Colin Farrell sex partner bitch-slaps the studly star.

    According to a story in Rush & Molloy, au pair Angelique Jerome, a former nanny for Woody Allen, has sold her sordid tale to London's Sunday Mirror with the shocking revelation that one of Hollywood's hottest studs isn't much more than a thumbtack.

    Jerome, 24, tells the Brit newsy that she got together with the "Miami Vice" star a few hours before the London premiere of his new film, when she knocked at his hotel suite in the morning. She says they made love three times before lunch.

    Says the chatty child care provider: "He has a great body and a charm that any woman would kill for. But he's all talk. Between the sheets, he is a letdown, with only half a baguette in his lunchbox, if you know what I mean."

    Guess her profession as a babysitter gave her the following frame of reference: "He comes across as a tiger onscreen, but behind closed doors he's as wild as Mickey Mouse."

    Farrell has also been made a laughingstock by former Playmate Nicole Narain, when she tried to sell a videotape of them having sex, and by phone sex operator Dessarae Bradford, who wrote a nasty tell-all called Colin Farrell: A Dark, Twisted Puppy".

    "Maybe he has lots of women because he's not that good in bed," says Jerome. "Maybe they don't want to stay.

    Or maybe he just keeps picking the wrong women to dump after he's done with them.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts

    despite all this, i still thought it was a good summer flick and i have to say once again, it was gorgeous.

    I thought it looked like garbage. Michael Mann made the entire film on video like he did Collateral. It was an interesting experiment in Collateral but I thought Miami Vice deserved that slick look you can only get with film.

    Some of the action scenes were excellent in the way only Michael Mann can do it.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    No character development whatsoever. yeah but it was just an action movie you say. well then, WHERE was the fucking action. one good shootout does not a dope action movie make.

    It would have been one thing if it was just a bad Miami Vice remake. But it had NOTHING whatever to do with the series. No references to Tubbs coming from NY, whcih was a constant theme in the show. Ditto on Sonnys failed marriage. The leutenant was crap. Foxx was not the slick and goofy DOminican that Tubbs was AT ALL.

    basically given that the movie had NOTHING to do with the original series (except the names), I was basically cheated into seeing a bad action movie that I never would ahve paid for were it not for my vain hope that it was based on teh series. Total fraud. A fucked up attempt to sell the movie straight off the back of the name of the series, with no connection otehrwise.

    Mann??s downward spiral confirmed: Mohicans (dope) >> Heat (DOPE) >> Insider (dope) >> Ali (decent) >> Collateral (highly overrated) >> Miami Terd (sucked ass).
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