definitive NEXT LEVEL



  • wooshiewooshie 490 Posts
    I emailed dude a couple of days ago and told him to check out SS re his website...his response:

    I looked through that thread at this URL: I saw that there was a claim that my website is down. Yes, I'm undergoing a server migration. Haven't you seen the large, yellow-colored text on the main index yet? I stated that my site may be down and that it would span the next week. I'm otherwise no longer using the 0-1000 rating system as I found it a bit confusing. Now I'm using the "times better than neutral" system as it's easier to work with, both mathematically and understanding. One thing you could point to is the extreme play counts I have with Winamp. Take note of the variants of the songs I have though. It may seem like 20,000, but it's more around 60,000 putting all the variants together. In a short time, when the DNS propigation is done, I'll have a forum set up. I've already got in installed (within 15 minutes instead of 5 days, longer due to installing it to the wrong directory so I had to uninstall it and reinstall it to the correct directory to fix that - creating the categories and things haven't been factored in yet because I cannot do anything until DNS propigation is done). As to that one animation of my mud dreams, I'd like to make big improvements to it - increased realism and fogging effects. That image is from around 2003 - very old. If you want some more decent animations, look at category 8 on the main index.

    propigation wha?

    DNS - Domain Name Server, He means when the DNS is updated with his server records, propigation should usually only take 24 hours.

  • This really reminds me of a website I saw a few years ago, definitely Asperger's syndrome all the way. It was a guy who was running for mayor in NYC, a cab driver at the time but he had been some math genius at UC Berkeley, then ran some corporate scam and ran off to Afghanistan and then Japan? Does this sound familiar to anyone? Anyways, the site had no coherence whatsoever, just hundreds of pages with tons of links to other parts of the site, really fascinating stuff but I forgot dude's name.

    ah, yes...
    Sam Sloan.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    it is very trying caring for someone w/ autisim. I wouldn't criticize the parents so easily, they've probably had an incredibly exhausting time raising him.

    His behavior reminds me of this book....


  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts
    This really reminds me of a website I saw a few years ago, definitely Asperger's syndrome all the way. It was a guy who was running for mayor in NYC, a cab driver at the time but he had been some math genius at UC Berkeley, then ran some corporate scam and ran off to Afghanistan and then Japan? Does this sound familiar to anyone? Anyways, the site had no coherence whatsoever, just hundreds of pages with tons of links to other parts of the site, really fascinating stuff but I forgot dude's name.

    ah, yes...
    Sam Sloan.

    YES! I was trying to explain this dude to my co-workers today and they were a bit perplexed.

  • does the NEXT LEVEL dude have a name? i was checkin' for it and got sidetracked by a billion other interesting tidbits of info. peace, stein. . .

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    Wow, cant wait to read more of this tomorrow. His views on Music are very intriguing. He doesnt like songs with lyrics, so he doesnt like singers....
    but # 20 on his list of Favorites could be of interest to some dedicated producers on this board.

    From Favorties:
    #20. Band?
    This question is extremely difficult to answer due to twoproblems: I don't know who makes the songs in video games and I don't know how to figure it who made them.

    Also from Music History:

    My music comes from video games. So, how do you suppose it gets on my computer? There ain't much to it. Just pop a microphone near the TV speaker, get the music for the game playing, and hit record on the sound program. Nothing to it. Of course, I take the extra steps and crop the wave so I get a seamless loop as if the game's music was playing as it was meant to be. I never give the music to anyone except myself only. Also, the quality isn't as great as it was intended as you get noise, TV static, and the sound itself isn't optimized for maximum volume or recording when too loud causes distortions.

    Sounds like he really likes keyboard and synth sounds. I think there are probably a few folks here that could help him out with that huh? Do you think he likes simple Castlevania and Level 8 Mario Dungeon Tunes. Or more detalied Hip Hop or HEavy MEtal based video game music of recent years? Im very curious now....someone should send him a CD with some beats on it though. That or get him a going on a casio.

    Wow, cant wait to read more of this tomorrow. His views on Music are very intriguing. He doesnt like songs with lyrics, so he doesnt like singers....
    but # 20 on his list of Favorites could be of interest to some dedicated producers on this board.

    From Favorties:
    #20. Band?
    This question is extremely difficult to answer due to twoproblems: I don't know who makes the songs in video games and I don't know how to figure it who made them.

    Also from Music History:

    My music comes from video games. So, how do you suppose it gets on my computer? There ain't much to it. Just pop a microphone near the TV speaker, get the music for the game playing, and hit record on the sound program. Nothing to it. Of course, I take the extra steps and crop the wave so I get a seamless loop as if the game's music was playing as it was meant to be. I never give the music to anyone except myself only. Also, the quality isn't as great as it was intended as you get noise, TV static, and the sound itself isn't optimized for maximum volume or recording when too loud causes distortions.

    Sounds like he really likes keyboard and synth sounds. I think there are probably a few folks here that could help him out with that huh? Do you think he likes simple Castlevania and Level 8 Mario Dungeon Tunes. Or more detalied Hip Hop or HEavy MEtal based video game music of recent years? Im very curious now....someone should send him a CD with some beats on it though. That or get him a going on a casio.

    I recently gave my to a neighbor. Now I wish I had it to send to this kid.

  • pj4533pj4533 481 Posts
    does the NEXT LEVEL dude have a name? i was checkin' for it and got sidetracked by a billion other interesting tidbits of info. peace, stein. . .

    yeah, apparently it is 'Nick'. I did a little googling. He still frequents some forums on the web:

    Go here: HOWWHATWHY and do a 'search for all posts' by 'ulillillia'.

    I read a few of them. Very interesting guy...glad he is doing his thing. I hope his game gets released.


  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    This ain't a 5-page thread yet?

  • tjamestjames 156 Posts
    This really reminds me of a website I saw a few years ago, definitely Asperger's syndrome all the way. It was a guy who was running for mayor in NYC, a cab driver at the time but he had been some math genius at UC Berkeley, then ran some corporate scam and ran off to Afghanistan and then Japan? Does this sound familiar to anyone? Anyways, the site had no coherence whatsoever, just hundreds of pages with tons of links to other parts of the site, really fascinating stuff but I forgot dude's name.

    ah, yes...
    Sam Sloan.

    YES! I was trying to explain this dude to my co-workers today and they were a bit perplexed.

    This guy's ..... I don't even know what to say?

    "With these test results (in PDF Format), anyone who believes that I might be their father can have their own DNA test done and compare the results with the data I have posted and determine with a fair degree of certainty the likelihood that I am their father."[/b]


  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    great bump

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    great bump

  • ignastyignasty 163 Posts

    I just spent the last hour or so teaching myself to do this. It works. He's not a very good teacher, tho.

    EDIT: With 2x2 problems, natch.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    I did quick browse of his website. Other than his parents and schoolmates, I saw no mention of (non-imaginary) friends. That's sad.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    I can't believe he was put on timeout for his refusal to eat pudding with an unfamiliar spoon.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    I can't believe he was put on timeout for his refusal to eat pudding with an unfamiliar spoon.

    Are you saying that you don't carry around a spoon with you for emergencies?
    Mine is particularly deep so that I can do the nose-balance-trick once I've finished pudding.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    This came up on my YouTube feed, and I’m thinking, “I feel like this is connected to SoulStrut somehow.”
    billbradleyklezmer electro-thug beatsJimster

  • Oh man I'd forgotten about this dude. I think he's since moved and is living a much more adjusted life out of state somewhere now?! Interesting but a bit freaky to see the droll nerd voice from his old videos in the flesh.

  • JimsterJimster 6,992 Posts
    A real sojourn in to the man's private mind-garden. 

    Only in America...
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