music and mushrooms stories:

Sun_FortuneSun_Fortune 1,374 Posts
edited May 2005 in Strut Central
Been reminiscing a bit with some of my ne'er do well college friends. Here's a short one:Three or four years ago a bunch of us were drinking a little tea at our house which was on top of the mountains in Santa Barbara. I was playing Dj, (which i am) and throwing on a bunch of fun and not too freaky shit. Then I threw on Trans Euro Express and went outside to look at the stars and have a smoke with my homie. I come back inside and my roomate Meridith had taken all the VHS tapes we had and arranged them into a giant triangle. She was dancing as hard as she could inside of the triangle -- crazy geometric moves. The song was in that part where its all starting to come back together after that long breakdown. She then screams "This is greatest song I've ever heard in my life. these guys are geniuses! I can hear the architecture, so I made this triangle. Prime numebrs on each side!" Anway, not condoning, but man those things really let you hear the music. I kinda wanna get some again.Post some stories.


  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    One time we threw a party at the Nude Bowl which was an abandoned pool where all kinds of people used to skate waaaaaaay out in the middle of nowhere on the side of a mountain out here in the desert.

    We brought turntables and a generator and all that shit waaaaay up there and proceeded to get faded. I drank a bunch of rum and coke and bought an 8th of shrooms off somebody. I had taken mushrooms before and they never did anything, so being in my lucid state of mind, I ate the whole bag.

    All I remember after that is taking my shirt off and laying in the dirt and hearing multiple conversations at once all around me, then seeing everything with a red light on it in the van as we were going home and I swore my friends were driving me to hell.

    I'm not too big on shrooms but that was a fun night.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Once when some friends were on mushrooms, we set up one turntable to play records backwards (flip the cartridge upside down, put the record on a roll of duct tape, etc).

    We spent over an hour hunting down rap 12"s with both acapellas and instrumentals so that we could play the rhymes backwards over the beat....

  • Sun_FortuneSun_Fortune 1,374 Posts
    then seeing everything with a red light on it in the van as we were going home and I swore my friends were driving me to hell.

    Yes. definately been "there."

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    im pretty much not that into music when i trip.

    but 3d imax tore my fucking head off!!! Its kinda intense, but you gotta try it on shrooms.

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    i tend to get real "heavy" on shrooms... ie can't get up just want to lie on the ground... but i remember playing my accoustic guitar and it was the most intense beautiful finger picking guitar i'd ever played in my life.. like somebody else was playing.. total out of body experience.

    usually i like to go sit in the park and what not.

  • ArchaicArchaic 633 Posts
    The Church - Travel by Thought

    This was the make-sure-to-crank-this-for-yourself-after-you've-dosed-up among my circle of Houstin cap-combers.

    Butthole Surfers - Hairway to Steven LP

    Maybe I'm confusing acid for mushrooms here...but add kind bud, Mescal, and Whip-Its, a group in an apartment assembled around a candle, tearing into a bloody ultra-raer venison steak, tweaking out to the Buttholes as their music seamlessly slowed, stopped, fragmented, distorted, melted, coagulated, gushed, danced, exploded, then chilled again.

    Fishbone - Reality of My Surroundings LP

    Just a nice listen on a swervy afternoon.

  • ehuffmanehuffman 302 Posts
    this lp:

    wrecked me while trippin. My wife still jokes that I stood up and announced to the group of people we were with "i'm gonna go throw up, i'll be right back".

  • ericeric 155 Posts
    I did it two time,first time was mad funny,second was funny to but the morning was hard (stomac pain).There was music but i dont remember it,i wus way out. shit was
    Don't wanna do it again , i know people that ad a no turning back to normal,there brain stayed in altered state and turned crazy.
    So be carefull homeboys,don't mix shroom species,keep in mind that it's a drug and it powerfull.

  • ericeric 155 Posts
    I did it two time,first time was mad funny,second was funny to but the morning was hard (stomac pain,feel real bad).There was music but i dont remember it,i wus way out. shit was
    Don't wanna do it again , i know people that ad a no turning back to normal,there brain stayed in altered state and turned crazy.
    So be carefull homeboys,don't mix shroom species,keep in mind that it's a drug and it powerfull.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Woh... I haven't seen a double post in awhile.

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    drugs are bad..

    but, one time (no bandcamp) it was a lil past midnight and I was at friend's eating fungus and hanging out on the balcony facing the apartment compelx's pool. So we were drinking beer the whole time and after we finished each one we'd heave the empty bottles into the pool. Yes, it was incredibly irresponsible and just plain wrong but I was young and on drugs. Anyhow as the night went on we must've have a couple cases floating and we were all convinced while gazing out over the pool that we were watching the Bud Bowl on television. We were all rooting for different bottles and laughing till it hurt. Shit was intense.

    Don't remember what music was playing but I remember the dude who lived there eating about 17 containers of custard yogurt and leaving them all over the apartment.... drugs...

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Yes, it was incredibly irresponsible and just plain wrong but I was young and on drugs.


  • coselmedcoselmed 1,114 Posts
    I was young and on drugs.

    What were you high on when you were Naked Slip n' Slidin' aka Dancing With the Fire Ants?

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    we were all convinced while gazing out over the pool that we were watching the Bud Bowl on television.

    we were all convinced while gazing out over the pool that we were watching the Bud Bowl on television.

    we were all convinced while gazing out over the pool that we were watching the Bud Bowl on television.

    we were all convinced while gazing out over the pool that we were watching the Bud Bowl on television.

    we were all convinced while gazing out over the pool that we were watching the Bud Bowl on television.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts

    geez, shroom stories..lots of them, but as far as the fungus and music...saw the Flaming Lips and the Butthole Surfers with a headful psylocibin..whatta concert!!! I guess seeing a band that projects giant films of cockroach dissections projected over a film of a Charlie's Angels episode helps facilitate a far out experience.

  • funky16cornersfunky16corners 7,175 Posts
    I last did shrooms more than 15 years ago. However I remember it to have been an altogether delightful experience which I would readily repeat at any time. All smiles (which is more than I can say for any of the many other psychedelic experiences I had).

  • prof_rockwellprof_rockwell 2,867 Posts





    (in a very[/b] good way)

  • prof_rockwellprof_rockwell 2,867 Posts
    as the night went on we must've have a couple cases floating

    but did you guys clean it up?

  • Mr. CasualMr. Casual 953 Posts
    I must say that I haven't fuxed with Boomers for a while.. It would have to be the right time and place

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    as the night went on we must've have a couple cases floating

    but did you guys clean it up?

    it was incredibly irresponsible and just plain wrong

  • Garcia_VegaGarcia_Vega 2,428 Posts
    I went to a Full Moon Party at the Bomba Shack in Tortola about six or seven years ago. This place is legendary for the tripping debauchery that goes on. So, a few friends and I were sippin tea hanging out with these American chicks, who were tripping out of their skulls. I can't remember what song was playing, but they got all amped up and decided that they wanted to go skinny dipping in the beach. So they tear off their clothes and start running full blast into the water. What they didn't know is that there is a lot of coral on that beach and as hard as I tried to yell at them not to go, they dove in face first. They were in the water for half an hour, we didn;t know what was going on, but then we see them running back. They have these shit eating grins on their faces and the rest of their bodies are all cut up, somehow they didn't feel a thing. I was bugging out and couldn't look at them because I was hallucinating that their cuts were opening and closing up. I left and smoked weed on the beach until about 9am when my trip was fading. Never saw the girls again.
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