What you eating?



  • im leaving for HI on saturday, so there is no food here, just water and stale cheerios. stranded carless, plus this heat is paralyzing... so walking 3 blocks to the nearest bus stop to wait in the sun for a bus that will takes 20ish mins through the east to bart is not an activity im feelin right now.

    mmm stale cheerios.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    cold soba noodles w/ sesame dressing
    a few palouri w/tamarind sauce
    ginger beer
    double espresso

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I can never say it enough...CARNE GUISADA TACOS!!!

    And I had my first official Chingo Bling tamale the other day down in the most appropriate place...Pasa-get-down-dena, TX. And yes, it was absolutely delicious.

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    im kinda eh on the carne guisada. i mean, first off, its basically glorified chili. dont lie. i mean, dont get me wrong, im a stew lover, but stews are a good way to hide subpar meat and shotty cooking skills. that said, ive had really good guisada at some taqueria outside of austin somewheres. they served it with mangoes which was good. anyways, i like the burn flavor of grilled flap steak [carne asada] myself.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    im kinda eh on the carne guisada. i mean, first off, its basically glorified chili. dont lie. i mean, dont get me wrong, im a stew lover, but stews are a good way to hide subpar meat and shotty cooking skills. that said, ive had really good guisada at some taqueria outside of austin somewheres. they served it with mangoes which was good. anyways, i like the burn flavor of grilled flap steak [carne asada] myself.

    It's all about finding a place thats serves a carne guisada that you can personally get with, for everyone makes it a different way.

    My favorite comes from La Reyna on South First (interior Austin).

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    this is true of all regional food dishes.

    the problem with guisada is that its a borrowed dish of sorts. i mean, its a stew. every culture has a stew. the problem is, carne guisada is a dish on about 3/4 of the menus of the spanish speaking world. so unless you know, its hard to find the correct flavoring on the regional stew unless you basically go there. that said, texmex guisada is better than colombian guisada, but not better than puerto rican carne or better yet langosta guisada [lobster stew].
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