WOW! (record store owner related)

So i go into a record shop, bringing scraps from a collection i've bought to trade and i'm FLOORED by the owner when he asked/said:What's sweet soul?Who's this Cannonball Adderley?I've never seen this Hancock before [looking at VSOP].What's this Black Oak Arkansas? Is it rock or something?[looking at Spectrum] Billy Cobham? Damn, I know I've seen that name yeah, if you have any local bay area records, i'm bout it.him: okay. how do i know if they're from around the area?me: ummmmm, it'll say on the label.him: ooooohhhh. man, i guess that would make it an important thing to read the labels now.i left with his eddie drennon's "collage" and a test pressing of black sheeps "choice is yours" in exchange for a bob james one & two (later pressings), and shaft on pickwick.

Doesn't seem like such a wild trade to me. You might have a
slight edge, but any store in the US can get $10-$15 each for all 3 of those
albums you traded in, and Eddie Drennon is like a $15-$25 LP at best.
I guess it comes down to the Black Sheep value, but I don't see test presses of
common hip hop records fetching too much more than stock copies, and I see the OG
of Wolf in Sheep's... on a weekly basis. Unless it has some value I'm unaware of.
Eddie Drennon is harder to find than the records you traded in though
If it happens that this was a different store/ drennon, etc, then by all means, son away.
Oh wait, so this was the spot in N***s?
It doesn't matter hip hop 12" person, If you're gonna run a record store you gotsa have a small amount of knowledge to save yourself from getting ripped off.
*pulls out a crumpled printout of remar's want list...*
I like your avatar Josh. Borgnine meets Princess Leia.
They didnt get ripped off...whether they know about "hot and nasty", etc doesnt matter...they obviously look everything up on the internet anyway so there aint no secrets. If you go in there and trade them your little feat lp for quintessence then it would be worth posting about.
I mean, you didn't get massively over on the store, but for those guys not to know Adderley and Cobham. I mean, I know old style ma-and-pa record proprietors over here that know Cannonball Adderley and Billy Cobham!
2nd: tick, which guy were you? one of the santa cruz guys or the dude who came at the homie like, "yeah, right now i'm into really deep acid type psych, you know, RARE[/b] stuff"?
i wasn't trying to rip them off. i also knew about the thing people call the internet on which homie could look up the record prices online anyway. those guys are good peeps, for real. i chopped it up with them until 6:30 or so, talking about records, exchanging dj stories, and hipping them to the game, and random life stuff.
my whole point was that dude has ZERO knowledge of records... naw fuck that, MUSIC other than old school and electro hip hop yet owns and runs a record store. dude, his section of expertise is only a fifth of the store. for god's sake he's been collecting for 20 years and didn't know you could tell what area the record is from just by reading the label.
i'm not trying to shit on his business. notice i haven't even dropped a name. i'm actually concerned about his success, because in this business you HAVE to know your shit to be able to afford an office lease AND to put food on the table for your family.
3rd: please tell me where i can sell non-gatefold bob james 1&2, and soulmann's shaft for $15 because i can definitely use the $300
and yo the drennon plays vg++
hahahahaha. i said bay area records in general, not bay rap exclusively! and yo, my man has remar's wantlist tacked on the wall where everyone can see it. no joke, that list took up an entire page. remar, you're locced out holmes!
I only posted about this because that store was a pleasant suprise and the two guys running it seemed like good peeps. It seems like they would actually be pretty happy getting something like mardi gras, I just don't think they would brag about sonning you on a message board afterwards. It is pretty crazy to have been collecting that long and not know who cannonball and cobham are but whatever, Im not mad at em. Or you--glad you knocked off some personal wants. I was the guy in there you shouldve talked to about some trades for bay raers. Just dont try and come with red clay and mountain live.