SummerDrunkStrut - Whatcha sippin?

batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
edited June 2006 in Strut Central
Mango - Habanero Margarita.Tecate beer w/ serrano pepper and lime(bored of Corona). The bottle though - cheap!!!


  • spivyspivy 866 Posts

    my anytime of day beer of choice!

    marg...straight up w/ cointreau and a lightly salted rim.

  • mostly:

    on the topic of corona and tecate, i had a sol for the first time the other night, good stuff.

  • for football?

  • TobiTobi 187 Posts
    In the summer I always go for "Apfelwein" (="Applewine"). That's a speciality from Hassia / Germany. I doubt that any non-germans know about this, even most germans don't know it...

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    pisco sour, algorobinna and straight up

  • Had a beer called Cicus Boy last night which wasn't bad.

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    got this right now

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Victory's Ten Year joint is off the chain!

  • djstefdjstef 534 Posts
    Cutty Bang

  • ZeusZeus 162 Posts
    White Russians with The Dude

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    In the summer I always go for "Apfelwein" (="Applewine"). That's a speciality from Hassia / Germany. I doubt that any non-germans know about this, even most germans don't know it...

    Better known as cider in these parts.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts

    Unless i get in the mood for something hoppy, then its Sierra Pale Ale,,,old faithful.

    Cosign on Patron. i am not into tequila, but its just so nice.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    pitchers of hairy buffalo for dayzz

    or just pictures of hairy buffalos?

  • +


  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts



    Are you serious? Mix these together? THAT does not look good. WHY do people mix red bull with alcohol? If you drink good liquor, you don't have to mix it with crap like red bull! LOL. Is this a European thing? I know that it has caught on here in the states as people drink red bull and vodka at clubs. I will not be drinking any red bull this summer.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    I love these alcohol-related threads!

    So much knowledge is dropped in these threads.

    I'm drinking the following ales:

    That schitt will have you blasted but no end-of-the-world headache the next day.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    This and The India Pale Ale is my fav of the Brooklyn beer.

  • ZeusZeus 162 Posts
    gimmie this
    or this

    anyday of the week over Magners

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    I love these alcohol-related threads!

    So much knowledge is dropped in these threads.

    I'm drinking the following ales:

    That schitt will have you blasted but no end-of-the-world headache the next day.

    True that...low in alcohol = drink all night long and not too beat up the next day. i was working one night last summer and these guys brought a bunch of their business associates in who were from England, i was icing down "Boddy's" as fast as they could drink them. Its funny because you sort of have a grasp on how fast you go through inventory (give or take) and then something like that happens and you are scrambling to get it all cold.

    PS....The English can drink.

  • This and The India Pale Ale is my fav of the Brooklyn beer.

    Their Brown Ale is my favorite beer period.

  • gimmie this

    or this

    anyday of the week over Magners

    Man I cant touch that cider anymore.Just the smell makes me retch.Magners is nice in the summer watered down with ice,and being only 4.5% you can have a couple at lunch and not right off the afternoon.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts


  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts

    This and The India Pale Ale is my fav of the Brooklyn beer.

    Their Brown Ale is my favorite beer period.

    Brooklyn Brown is a beautiful thing. Ever had Dogfish Head India Brown? Another really good east coast beer along those lines.

  • This and The India Pale Ale is my fav of the Brooklyn beer.

    Their Brown Ale is my favorite beer period.

    Brooklyn Brown is a beautiful thing. Ever had Dogfish Head India Brown? Another really good east coast beer along those lines.

    Yeah, my friend hipped me to all the Dogfish family; great beers, just too steep for me to drink on the regs.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    Had a beer called Cicus Boy last night which wasn't bad.

    I too had Circus Boy Beer the other night. It was pretty good. I had the hefeweizen.

    Also, the recent summer nights call for...

    ... but inna michelado style is how I get down.

  • Had a beer called Cicus Boy last night which wasn't bad.

    I too had Circus Boy Beer the other night. It was pretty good. I had the hefeweizen.

    Also, the recent summer nights call for...

    ... but inna michelado style is how I get down.


    what's a chelado/michealado? I googled that after reading it in the My Life...thread, but couldn't find anything. My summer has been all about citrusy Tequilla cocktails, with this one local bourbon cocktail thrown in (MVP of the summer right thur.)

    Oh, and Red Stripe. I think it is because they are sponsoring Pardon the Interruption, which we watch as I leave work and stop at the liquor store. Ad money well spent on their part. Saw me coming.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Red Stripe...
    Hell yes.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts


    what's a chelado/michealado? I googled that after reading it in the My Life...thread, but couldn't find anything. My summer has been all about citrusy Tequilla cocktails, with this one local bourbon cocktail thrown in (MVP of the summer right thur.)

    Oh, and Red Stripe. I think it is because they are sponsoring Pardon the Interruption, which we watch as I leave work and stop at the liquor store. Ad money well spent on their part. Saw me coming.

    Hey dude... I don't know why the images didn't load. The beer is Pacifico.

    As for the Michelados, my dudes down in Mexico hipped me to it. Take a tall glass, like a pint glass, and take a slice of lime and run it around the rim of the cup. Then dip the rim in salt so that it coats the entire rim. Then fill your glass with ice. Then, you pour into the glass freshly squeezed lime juice, and on top of that a few shakes of habanero hot sauce. Then you pour your beer into the cup and make sure it all mixes well, then throw a few slices of lime up in there. Shit is the bomb.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts


    what's a chelado/michealado? I googled that after reading it in the My Life...thread, but couldn't find anything. My summer has been all about citrusy Tequilla cocktails, with this one local bourbon cocktail thrown in (MVP of the summer right thur.)

    Oh, and Red Stripe. I think it is because they are sponsoring Pardon the Interruption, which we watch as I leave work and stop at the liquor store. Ad money well spent on their part. Saw me coming.

    Hey dude... I don't know why the images didn't load. The beer is Pacifico.

    As for the Michelados, my dudes down in Mexico hipped me to it. Take a tall glass, like a pint glass, and take a slice of lime and run it around the rim of the cup. Then dip the rim in salt so that it coats the entire rim. Then fill your glass with ice. Then, you pour into the glass freshly squeezed lime juice, and on top of that a few shakes of habanero hot sauce. Then you pour your beer into the cup and make sure it all mixes well, then throw a few slices of lime up in there. Shit is the bomb.

    And a Chelado is just without the hot sauce. Still banging.
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