Whats some real good ones? Some real live ones?Some ones tha are doing it today.YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT... the type of motherfuckers who are gonna put the horns from Jacksons "Dancing Machine" on blast real loud for like 35 minutes straight.Anyway, who's really hip.ALSO...For the bonus beat, hit me with CONTACT INFO of these dudes if you know it.
Afround for 20+ years, but always filled w/ hungry young dudes. Saw 'em in Nola two years ago and they killed it: from Beyonce to the Meters and back. Highly recommended.
Critical Brass
Are these the guys out of Wisconsin? My friend saw them with Talib Kweli and Mike Ladd and said is was a total
saw them perform with Antibalas a few years back and yes these dudes are
My band did a show with them in the village and they KILLED it!!! people moved all the tables out of the way and danced all night non-stop.
They turned Sexual Healing in to a dancefloor monster. And they are from NOLA.