Classic Old Film Late Pass Confessions



  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    battle of algiers? is that a classic or something

    Yes it is. Big time.
    I remember reading somewhere that Pentagon was screening that movie a few years back to find out why they fucked up in Iraq.

    This classic was largly forgotten untill the run up to the Iraq war. It received an art house rerelease with the tag line that the Pentagon has been viewing it in preperation for the Iraq war. Way to intense to see with my wife. I didn't find any friends to go so I didn't see it.

  • I don't get JLG either, but I like his movies. "Weekend" is fun to watch.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    I liked Alphaville a little more than Breathless, if only for the weird sci fi angle, but overall I have to admit that I just don't "get" Godard.

    I used to be embarassed by this, but now I think I just don't care...

    he's one of my you mean you don't get the hype surrounding him or the point of his movies or...?

  • vajdaijvajdaij 447 Posts
    this is the only fiction book ive read cover to cover. its pretty good!

    My confession - Do The Right Thing. double

  • You guys are tripping with Breathless, it's near perfect. And there's a million films that I should've seen but haven't. For example, I've seen like eight Fellini films, but have yet to see 8?? and La Dolce Vita-- I guess I'm holding out for a chance to see them on the big screen. Movies are fun because you can catch up on a lot of stuff within a short period, books on the other hand...

  • same here, this and alphaville are to me

    You like Godard, but you don't like these two? Strange. Breathless and Alphaville
    are the ones by Godard that I really like. Pierrot Le Fou is alright aswell. But
    Weekend and Le M??pris I didn't like at all.

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts

    I havent seen nor read "To Kill A Mockingbird"...I lose my cool card in the book department as well.

    wow. this is the only fiction book ive read cover to cover. its pretty good!

    someone recently told me it was a "perfect book"

    it's not.

    in terms of weird southern female writers, carson mccullers, flannery o'conner, and eudoera welty all king harper lee.

    read "the heart is a lonely hunter"... that's the shit...

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen QUADROPHENIA.


    How are you supposed to know how to act/dance/dress/talk around your mod-60s-star-trek-convention buddies??? This is an uber offense of the highest order in the 'mod community', especially fro someone of your rank and stature. Think of the children.

    i'm sorry, but that's really funny...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    same here, this and alphaville are to me

    You like Godard, but you don't like these two? Strange. Breathless and Alphaville
    are the ones by Godard that I really like. Pierrot Le Fou is alright aswell. But
    Weekend and Le M??pris I didn't like at all.

    i know! i know! i always catch heat for this...

    i guess i'm a monster

  • ZachDZachD 318 Posts
    same here, this and alphaville are to me

    You like Godard, but you don't like these two? Strange. Breathless and Alphaville
    are the ones by Godard that I really like. Pierrot Le Fou is alright aswell. But
    Weekend and Le M??pris I didn't like at all.

    That reminds me how we tricked this college friend in to watching Godard's "King Lear". We told him "It has Woody Allen in it and you LOVE Woody Allen right? You gotta rent it, it's so HILLARIOUS" oooh and it has Molly Ringwald in it too.. she's GREAAATTT"

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    battle of algiers? is that a classic or something

    Yes it is. Big time.
    I remember reading somewhere that Pentagon was screening that movie a few years back to find out why they fucked up in Iraq.

    This classic was largly forgotten untill the run up to the Iraq war. It received an art house rerelease with the tag line that the Pentagon has been viewing it in preperation for the Iraq war. Way to intense to see with my wife. I didn't find any friends to go so I didn't see it.

    Apparently the Pentegon fell asleep during the screening.

  • Haha. Just curious wich ones you like. Maybe I should give the godard movies I didn't
    feel another try!

  • as a critic and a writer godard was fucken fierce.

    his movies have always been kinda blah to me. but, his editing choices, when theyre on theyre really really on.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    i finally have seen

    La Dolce Vita
    Down By Law
    Stranger Than Paradise

    in the last few months.

    i have never seen "Ghost Dog: Way Of The Samurai", though. oof!

  • gibla74gibla74 182 Posts
    I've somehow managed to have never seen:

    Any godfather films
    raging bull
    quadraphenia (even though I owned it)
    the shining
    apocalypse now

    I have seen battle of algiers though & my uncle is in one of the crowd scenes if that helps.

  • I havent seen nor read "To Kill A Mockingbird"...I lose my cool card in the book department as well.

    wow. this is the only fiction book ive read cover to cover. its pretty good!

    someone recently told me it was a "perfect book"

    it's not.

    in terms of weird southern female writers, carson mccullers, flannery o'conner, and eudoera welty all king harper lee.

    read "the heart is a lonely hunter"... that's the shit...

    Cosign on McCullers. I read 'Reflections In a Golden Eye' in one night. Her short stories are amazing.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Haha. Just curious wich ones you like. Maybe I should give the godard movies I didn't feel another try!

    the ones i really like are, in no order

    two or three things i know about her
    sympathy for the devil
    masculin feminin
    number two
    every man for himself
    a woman is a woman
    a married woman
    my life to live
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