Classic Old Film Late Pass Confessions

FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
edited June 2006 in Strut Central
What's a film that you just saw for the first time in the past month that might revoke your cool card if you really had to admit it?Don't be scared.for me...watched last night And I have not seen Rossellini's "Open City"


  • i dont get it. battle of algiers? is that a classic or something cuz i never seen it either.

  • i'll play. over the last four weeks i saw:

    * the conversation
    * five easy pieces
    * the jerk

    ...for the first time.

  • The Hidden Fortress

    I still haven't seen The Searchers

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    i'll play. over the last four weeks i saw:

    * the conversation
    * five easy pieces
    * the jerk

    ...for the first time.

    I recently watched Five Easy Pieces, Monty Python Life Of Brian, Cool Hand Luke all for the first time.

    I keep watching these 60s/70s anti hero movies and most of them suck. Many I saw back in the day and liked but did not care for much today.

    Cool Hand Luke was good though.

    I just saw Strangers On A Train on the big screen. Hitchcock classic. I'd seen it before. Great double feature with Throw Momma From A Train.

  • Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen QUADROPHENIA.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    don't tell any of my fellow film school snobs

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen QUADROPHENIA.


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    not sure if it's considered a classic, but just saw the original guncrazy - pretty good...i wish i had not seen bonnie and clyde before it though.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Lifeboat by Hitchcock. From a story by Steinbeck.

    Good stuff.

  • Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen DUETS.

  • Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen DUETS.

    Maybe the greatest movie about karaoke starring Huey Lewis EVAR!!!

  • Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen DUETS.

    Maybe the greatest movie about karaoke starring Huey Lewis EVAR!!!

    for serious? another 'roketeer told me it wasnt that good.

  • Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen DUETS.

    Maybe the greatest movie about karaoke starring Huey Lewis EVAR!!!

    for serious? another 'roketeer told me it wasnt that good.

    Read closely.....

  • What's a film that you just saw for the first time in the past month that might revoke your cool card if you really had to admit it?

    Don't be scared.

    for me...watched last night

    Just saw this for the first time last year. Intense. Loved it.

    I havent seen nor read "To Kill A Mockingbird"...I lose my cool card in the book department as well.

  • Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen DUETS.

    Maybe the greatest movie about karaoke starring Huey Lewis EVAR!!!

    for serious? another 'roketeer told me it wasnt that good.

    Read closely.....

  • goatboygoatboy 371 Posts
    don't tell any of my fellow film school snobs

    I just saw this for the first time a few weeks ago, but i have to admit that it didn't grab me...

    Maybe I was in the wrong mood for it or something because I thought it would be a movie I would really dig...

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    don't tell any of my fellow film school snobs

    I just saw this for the first time a few weeks ago, but i have to admit that it didn't grab me...

    Maybe I was in the wrong mood for it or something because I thought it would be a movie I would really dig...


    now that I thnk about it I haven't "loved" any Godard films.

  • I havent seen nor read "To Kill A Mockingbird"...I lose my cool card in the book department as well.

    wow. this is the only fiction book ive read cover to cover. its pretty good!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    don't tell any of my fellow film school snobs

    I just saw this for the first time a few weeks ago, but i have to admit that it didn't grab me...

    same here, this and alphaville are to me

  • I havent seen nor read "To Kill A Mockingbird"...I lose my cool card in the book department as well.

    wow. this is the only fiction book ive read cover to cover. its pretty good!

    someone recently told me it was a "perfect book"

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen QUADROPHENIA.


    How are you supposed to know how to act/dance/dress/talk around your mod-60s-star-trek-convention buddies??? This is an uber offense of the highest order in the 'mod community', especially fro someone of your rank and stature. Think of the children.

  • I havent seen nor read "To Kill A Mockingbird"...I lose my cool card in the book department as well.

    wow. this is the only fiction book ive read cover to cover. its pretty good!

    someone recently told me it was a "perfect book"

    well, there werent any pictures. but from what i remember, i read it real fast and the author isnt all wordy. 2 important details for me at least.

    the movie is great too!

  • Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen QUADROPHENIA.


    How are you supposed to know how to act/dance/dress/talk around your mod-60s-star-trek-convention buddies??? This is an uber offense of the highest order in the 'mod community', especially fro someone of your rank and stature. Think of the children.

    I think if you've seen 'Riot On The Sunset Strip' and 'Smashing Time' you get a pass on Quadrophenia...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    I havent seen nor read "To Kill A Mockingbird"...I lose my cool card in the book department as well.

    wow. this is the only fiction book ive read cover to cover. its pretty good!

    someone recently told me it was a "perfect book"

    but there's no dirty bits!

    more perfect than catcher in the rye?

  • ZachDZachD 318 Posts

    I just saw Strangers On A Train on the big screen. Hitchcock classic. I'd seen it before. Great double feature with Throw Momma From A Train.

    Are you freals?!! That's a hillarious double feature.

    I love when you are at a party and you hear people say "It's just like in ________" "I've never seen it" "OH MY GOD YOU HAVEN'T SEEN __________"?

    I know people who haven't seen Star Wars... or Raiders of the Lost Ark.
    No one's seen everything.. well except those crazy people in NYC that watch 5-7 movies a day (as documented in some documentary I saw about them).

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Hard to believe, but I still haven't seen QUADROPHENIA.


    How are you supposed to know how to act/dance/dress/talk around your mod-60s-star-trek-convention buddies??? This is an uber offense of the highest order in the 'mod community', especially fro someone of your rank and stature. Think of the children.

    I think if you've seen 'Riot On The Sunset Strip' and 'Smashing Time' you get a pass on Quadrophenia...

    Naw, not with mods, Lar. Next Marco will be saying he never rode a Vespa! Horrors!

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    ...well except those crazy people in NYC that watch 5-7 movies a day (as documented in some documentary I saw about them).

    Do you happen to recall the name of this? i'd love to check it out.

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    ...well except those crazy people in NYC that watch 5-7 movies a day (as documented in some documentary I saw about them).

    Do you happen to recall the name of this? i'd love to check it out.

    Some of the deleted scenes are just

  • goatboygoatboy 371 Posts
    don't tell any of my fellow film school snobs

    I just saw this for the first time a few weeks ago, but i have to admit that it didn't grab me...

    same here, this and alphaville are to me

    I liked Alphaville a little more than Breathless, if only for the weird sci fi angle, but overall I have to admit that I just don't "get" Godard.

    I used to be embarassed by this, but now I think I just don't care...

  • battle of algiers? is that a classic or something

    Yes it is. Big time.
    I remember reading somewhere that Pentagon was screening that movie a few years back to find out why they fucked up in Iraq.
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