NY Apt Strut (NRR)

My homegirl Julie is moving there to attend NYU and is looking for housing. This is the message:
Any help is appreciated. If you got something or know of something either PM me or just write it up on this here thread. Thanks yall...I'm hoping for a nice space in the W. Village, Soho, E. Village, Chelsea/Tribeca (roughly in that order of preference). Given that housing in NY is what it is, I'm completely open as to living situations (roommates, share, studio, 1-bdrm). $1100/mo. would be pref. but am willing to pay up to $1500 for the right space. It's important that my apt be close to school (Wash Sq Park), that the place has internet, and that my room has windows/light and is a decent size (hopefully no smaller than 10x10). I'll hoping to find a place that I can stay for a good chunk of time--who likes moving?
$1100 is Bushwick, or Greenpoint if she doesn't like guns.
$1500 is a studio in Williamsburg or Lower East Side or waaaaaay uptown.
The neighborhoods she listed, $1500 and up will get you a share, fuggedabout natural light though, that's a grand extra!
It's been almost four years since I was last in the market, but I found Craigslist to be extremely effective.
It may not be effective in the neighborhood she's focusing on, but I really think she should expand her search anyway--no reason to pay through the nose down there for what's probably not going to be a very desirable space.
Honestly, this sounds like Brooklyn.
Ditto FauxRillz' remarks on craigslist - that is the best way... that is the #1 way most people out here search for apartments... she should also try Village Voice though... NYPost/Daily News have listings too.
Paying a broker fee is almost mandatory in this city, so she might want to get over that. And quite frankly it is a lot easier said than done to find an apartment close to NYU so she should probably get used to the idea that she might have to live over a bridge or at least far enough up or downtown to take the train.
I would also advise her to contact alumni from NYU or from her highschool or undergrad who may be able to help. She may need to expand her locations list, Chelsea/Tribeca, SoHo and the West Village dont come cheap. For the money she is willing to spend she should try East Village, Chinatown/Lower East Side.
best advice is finding a spot that has access to preferrably two subway lines w/i 10-15 min walking distance. Being reliant on one line exclusively will cause you headaches eventually (especially the L).
This is perhaps the lamest, non-neighborhood in the city.
NYC brokers are mad
this and also tell her to start checking the obituaries - grandfathered rent-controlled places are swell.
I found my place in SF just by walking around and looking for rent signs. Don't neglect the foot traffic. I looked at dozens of places before finding one the I liked and where the landlord liked me. Pretty good price too. A few hundred dollars below market value.
If she wants to live with roommates she can find something in any of those neighborhoods for $1100-$1500. She can find a 1-bedroom for that much in South Williamsburg.