Star Wars Hip Hop!



  • nope.

    (bam that shit is bleep bloop BLAZE)

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Nick you get extra props for mentioning this track a while back (like 6 months ago or more?). PROPz.

  • yeah - but i think it was someone else (herm?) who posted the original link to all those bay mp3s last summer. ya boy was on there, turf's "slumper", lotsa joints - especially with the KMEL tags and bomb drops all over em.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Anyone else have the "Star Wars Jazz" LP? It's got Ron Carter and some other CTI session guys doing loose interpretations of the main Star Wars themes. The cover is off the hook. R2D2 behind the drums in a jazz club with other characters in the band. I can't for the life of me find a reference to it or find a JPEG, and my records are all packed up.

    Someone must have this.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    I got that somewhere at home. I'll post a jpeg if I can find it later.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts


  • mcdeemcdee 871 Posts
    and while were talking bout cti, isnt there a starwars cover on dune?

  • Yall dropin dimes! Gettin artist in trouble now, wait until Primo hears about this he's gonna torch yall...

    That Star Wars Jazz LP ain't bad... Though it would be ill if Darth Vader did a KRAFTWERK cut... Instead of Tour De France it would be called Tour De Force with the deep vader breathing and lightsaber sounds, WOW that would make a ILL Video!

  • Not a sample thing but the entire second half of the The Darkside Crooks album "The Wino, The Warlock & The Shogun" (LA underground, c. 2001) is a pretty over the top marriage of Star Wars & gangsta, and worth checking out. Bob Dog (aka the Wino) is a world class MC, dirty and funny as hell like ODB but agile and mean -- "I'll rhyme shit with shit and it'll still be the shit."

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I forgot "Dark Vader" - Kool Keith SPANKMASTER ALBUM. Featuring ESham.
    Just saw Sith last night---- Pretty good ---not great.

  • Cut Chemist - Lesson 6 (the original version from Deep Concentration and the first issue of the J5 ep), and some dude did a mix CD back in like '96 that was all electro star wars beats, shit was ill...

    and a new break record just came out, I think it's called Jawa Breaks

    and Mecco did a star wars disco cover album too...

  • this thread is double dosage of nerd-dom (records and star wars)

    advanced D & D
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