Star Wars Hip Hop!

Ultramagnetic sampled SW on Critical Beatdown.Divine Styler used the Cantina Band on their first album.I have a Breakbeat spoof album that samples Obi-Wan and C3PO.What other songs/albums use Star Wars samples?There has got to be more.
This is a single-sided 7" with a medley of four songs from the Star Wars movies (Opening Theme, Cantina Theme, Darth Vader's Theme and End Title Theme)
This was used on an Unkle mix like two years ago. I think I saw it on ebay for $200
Luke Skywalker vocal sample 'What about the entire message' and then it goes into GM Flash "The Message". Real dope.
That track alone is
That's the same track as on 'Ultimate Cakes & Sweets', produced by my boy Mex from Brighton, UK.
Return of the Boom Tweeps (He Never Sleeps)
You might be thinking of the Transformer music and sounds in "Be Alert."
Some Atmosphere song on "Overcast" uses the Jawa music from the OG soundtrack.
Dibbs, Shadow, and Kid Koala all use various Star Wars dialogue in their songs / mixes.
And whatchall know about that "Lapti Nek" 12" with the breakbeatstarwarsraer?
it's uploading, give it a minute
Ultimate Cakes is what I have. Good Shit.
"You are alone? Maybe I can help you."
(even Boba catches the holiday spirit)
was used on UNKLE Psyence Fiction
oh yeah, thats gotta be the most random one.
Ultramagnetic MC's
on "Break North"...
The absence of melting faces in regards to this track can only lead me to believe that no one has even listened to it.
"Y'all been fake/I got my game from Quinn tapes"
sayin..."when we go in, we go in full-throttle...that oughta keep those fighters off our back!"