robstafarirobstafari 32 Posts
edited June 2006 in Strut Central
just wondering how many of you guys still skate or ever skated?.. i'm out at Alameda skatepark religiously on sunday mornings (praise jah). if you live in the Bay, cruise out. more old school styles then.. here's a clip i put together of some ill clips i found on Utube that i related to.CLICK HEREenjoy.


  • if you do a search you "might" find some threads on it. lots of people did or still do skate on these forums. i got my first board in 1980, a variflex rocker, i was five. i got my first real board in 85 i think it was. a tony hawk with the kick nose. i remember at the time it had one of the biggest noses ever on a board, musta been like 3 inches. i had tracker ultralites, which i hated so much i never rode tracker again. my current setup is an 8inch blank with a couple of strut and dilla stickers on it(im usally a 7.75 dude, thought id try this out)
    i try to ride at least once a week, usually flat ground with manual zones or mini ramp.

    some people like to clown on skaters here but it doesnt bother me, skating made me the man i am today, for better or worse. i never ever thought id be in my 30s riding my board.

    heres a pic of one of better friends. name is wayne patrick. this ramp used to be 5 feet high with a touch of vert. so step wayne almost did a mctwist on it. he did a 360 and lide the rest. kind of insane. here the ramp has been trimed by 6 inches.

    heres me, its steeper than it looks
    im a pretty average dude though.

    I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT i hate that kick push song. straight up terrible, even the beat sucks.

  • I'm 25 and I still skate to work almost daily. Not busting out much more than an ollie these days though. I've been meaning to get together with some friends and go out for a little session sometime, but I just never seem to get around to it. I could really go for a game of SKATE right now.

    Skateboarding keeps me reminded of my youth, but it also reminds me of my age, because I feel old when I skate now. Should get my ass back into shape and start hittin' the parks again this summer.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts

  • I think this needs to be turned into a graemlin...

  • Skateboarding keeps me reminded of my youth, but it also reminds me of my age, because I feel old when I skate now.

    fer shure. i'm in the over 30 skater club now and i find the older you get the less you give a shit what other chumps think. the bandwagon scene crap is what i think drove me away from skating when i was in my 20's. i started again mostly because of all the ill parks all around california now (beyond what i ever imagined as a kid) and realized it's a great way to get exercise without having to go run laps or march like a robot on some treadmill..

  • haven't seen rodney in a while.
    just picked up a usb NES controller yesterday from these guys: .. time for some backflips over the spine in skate or die 2.

  • DWGDWG 334 Posts
    I skate a fair bit still.
    I skated pretty much daily for 15 years (I was on flow from New Deal for a couple of years), until my third broken ankle and a severely torn knee put an end to that. Then I started again last year, not as much as I used to, but enough to get my 360 flips and basic stuff back.
    Through work, I get free shit from the guys who distribute DVS, Chocolate, Girl and Lakai which is really cool. At least I can pretend I'm sponsored now...

    Old video footage:

    1994-1995 and 1995-96.

    Ahhh... the good old days...

  • been skating on and off since i was a wee chap. have been longboarding more than my shortboard for the past couple of years now, but have been getting back into shortboarding as of late.

    me at landsdowne park in B-More MD circa 94'


  • I still skate almost every day. Been skating now for about 7 years. I'm not that old though.

    Does anyone know who Koston is sponsored by now? He's left es'

  • I'm 25 and I still skate to work almost daily. Not busting out much more than an ollie these days though. I've been meaning to get together with some friends and go out for a little session sometime, but I just never seem to get around to it. I could really go for a game of SKATE right now.

    Skateboarding keeps me reminded of my youth, but it also reminds me of my age, because I feel old when I skate now. Should get my ass back into shape and start hittin' the parks again this summer.

    Thats me exactly, cept im 22.

  • waaay better then i've ever skated. these days i'm stoked to get pop shuvits back.

  • KinoKino 17 Posts
    Hey what's up.

    I've been riding a skateboard and collecting records since 1985. Never quit riding and never sold an lp. Yeah, I have a shit ton of crap.

    I'm basically your neighbor although I try not ride Alameda now that Berkeley has reopened. Hit up the Walnut Creek park this afternoon and felt like a baked turkey in the overwhelming sun. Got some coffee at Royal/Cole Coffee near Saturn Records and skated the Berkeley Park. Ron Allen was there and it was cool to see him still ripping after all these years. Berkeley was about 20 degrees cooler.

    Avoided the Ashby flea, although Art and the Twins are really cool. I have enough shit at the moment.

  • KinoKino 17 Posts
    Here's a video of Neil Blender that I upped to youtube a while back. Enjoy.

  • Got some coffee at Royal/Cole Coffee near Saturn Records and skated the Berkeley Park. Ron Allen was there and it was cool to see him still ripping after all these years.

    Ron Allen defintely still rips.. i still see him all over when i'm skating. and i always roll into Royal coffee in my dumped truck post skatepark sundays.

    Avoided the Ashby flea, although Art and the Twins are really cool. I have enough shit at the moment.

    i understand.. i used to live a few blocks from Ashby flea for a few years. i'd stumble down there almost every saturday morning at 6:30AM for about a year around 1997-98.. met that dj shadow dude a few times. i could tell he'd get bummed the few times i'd get to the crates before him. i've never been competitive about buying objects, so i didn't trip...

  • I still skate almost every day. Been skating now for about 7 years. I'm not that old though.

    Does anyone know who Koston is sponsored by now? He's left es'

  • KinoKino 17 Posts

    i understand.. i used to live a few blocks from Ashby flea for a few years. i'd stumble down there almost every saturday morning at 6:30AM for about a year around 1997-98.. met that dj shadow dude a few times. i could tell he'd get bummed the few times i'd get to the crates before him. i've never been competitive about buying objects, so i didn't trip...

    I too have run into him a few times. Shadow can be a prick about that sorta stuff. I don't hold it against him, records are his business whereas for me, well.. it's just my hobby. I have plenty to listen to already.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    my boy owns Red Alert Skate Shop in Dover, NH booyah
    check out the merch!!

  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
    After quitting skateboarding for a few years and only biking, I've been back on my skateboard a lot this year---feels good to skate again. I did skate every once and awhile during my time off, just not so much.s

    Maybe you guys have seen him in magazines, a kid from my city that I'm friends with just got sponsored by Flip---Eric Fletcher. He's the second American to be sponsored by them. He's sponsored by Flip, Ogio Backpacks, Es', and two other companies I am forgetting. Yeah, he's good.

  • I haven't skated much since I broke my ankle in 3 places last September. I just copped these today, strictly for getting my skate back on.

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts
    Still skate a bit and have skated for 12 years. Was really serious about skating for the first 5-6 years but then my friend stopped skating for a while and I never really went out skating. Just from time to time kind of thing. Gonna start skating again this summer since I have a few friends getting back in the game which I'm psyched about. Gnarlyy!!!!!

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts


    awww, look at those lil tiny shoes. so cute. you must have some small ass feet!

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    Oh Landsdowne... i miss that spot. That neighborhood is some SHIT, right?

  • yup. no walk in the park thats for sure. always had to roll there with a crew, never alone or you'd have a good chance of getting jumped. i remember walking to the bowl one day when there were these 10 year olds walking around with baseball bats threatening anyone for some change. those were the days. lol.


    awww, look at those lil tiny shoes. so cute. you must have some small ass feet!

    Does that turn you on? I could insert one into your ass if that's what your into or would you prefer a size 16? They're only 8.5.

  • KinoKino 17 Posts
    yup. no walk in the park thats for sure. always had to roll there with a crew, never alone or you'd have a good chance of getting jumped. i remember walking to the bowl one day when there were these 10 year olds walking around with baseball bats threatening anyone for some change. those were the days. lol.

    Haha yeah, Lansdowne was FUCKED UP. Keep in mind I'm from Detroit originally and thought I could handle it. Really fun park but on the way out the neighborhood kids chased us with bottles which they ultimately ended up throwing at our car. Fucking savages.

    That downhill snake run was really fun and dangerous too. A similar park out here in CA is Derby in Santa Cruz. Same vintage anyway. The snake run is half as long and the rest of the park is nowhere near as challenging. Lansdowne was a world class skatepark back in its day.

  • I haven't skated in years, altho I never pass up buying beat-up cheap boards at garage sales - you never know when you'll need to haul a couch down to the curb on one. One time last year I was inspired by watching kiddies 'round the corner and started dicking around on one, just shaking the rust off...and I couldn't help but think too much about how I'm a grown-ass adult now, and if I take a spill the wrong way and twist my ankle, I won't be able to drive my manual-transmission car, so I won't be able to get to work...damn, responsibilities and all.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I haven't skated in years, altho I never pass up buying beat-up cheap boards at garage sales - you never know when you'll need to haul a couch down to the curb on one. One time last year I was inspired by watching kiddies 'round the corner and started dicking around on one, just shaking the rust off...and I couldn't help but think too much about how I'm a grown-ass adult now, and if I take a spill the wrong way and twist my ankle, I won't be able to drive my manual-transmission car, so I won't be able to get to work...damn, responsibilities and all.
    I blew my sub taler joint in my ankle to pieces & had to drive my manual transmission car 20 minutes home, not one of the nicest experiences I've had. Anyways, I've skated for about 15 years. I started skating pretty regular again early last summer but haven't had a roll since before Xmas. There is a big over-vert bowl about 5 minutes drive from my house, it is pretty cool. Most of the kids are scared of it so they really flip out when I roll in & carve it up, mainly it's filled with mud & broken bottles though.
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