copenhagen record stores.
28 Posts
any denmark heads who can hook me up on some nice stores? i know the accord stores and some other ones around stroget.but i need mooooooore, mmmmmmmmmm wax!
but keep droppin??
thank you so much man thats almost all i needed. just gonna get a map over copenhagen now so i could mark out the spots, and then it??s diggin time!
Have a nice trip,
Sound Station is wack. Avoid unless you like wasting money on overpriced records.
yeh.....I went into the store once when I was in CPH. I remember Bob James "Two" 650kr.=that's over $100 and bob James "One" 400kr. or 450kr.(can't remember which) that's still nearly $70. I remember Ultra Magnetics "Critical beatdown" 1000kr.=$150 and so on. Who the fuck buys that shit? I've heard stories that they once in a while underprice stuff they are not up on, but that's pretty rare.
If you want to dig just a little bit deeper then you should go to ??sterbro N??rrebro or Vesterbro, there is lots of thrift/flea/antik stores spread all around the outer city, you might just get lucky... (but be prepared for a whole lot of walking...)
peace and good luck !