Lawn Strut

FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
edited May 2006 in Strut Central
I have my own yard for the first time in my life and I'm starting to care about grass. Might be my official entry into old headness. Fuck it.How do you keep it thick and green?


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    "When I was your age, hip-hop was connected to the streets!"

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    compost dirt and/or farm manure make for good (and environmentally friendly) fertilizers.

    don't water in the mornings or early afternoons of very hot sunny days - the grass will burn...early evening is best.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    compost dirt and/or farm manure make for good (and environmentally friendly) fertilizers.

    don't water in the mornings or early afternoons of very hot sunny days - the grass will burn...early evening is best.

    What about weed control? I have too many dandelions.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Week ago today dude drives up my street at twice the speed limit passed out like a mofo at 4:00PM with his 10 year old kid in the car, hits the curb 8 times goes airborne across my lawn, wipes out my mailbox and hits a tree head on. Car blows up and burns to a crisp along with my grass....... and a 100 year old tree is killed. Kid is hauled off to the Hospital and it winds up the dude has a Breathalizer that he needs to breath into to start his car because of previous DWI's. That's why his kid was with blow into the Breathalizer!!

    Some humans really suck.

    Lawns are over rated.

  • "When I was your age, hip-hop was connected to the streets!"

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    Ugh revolting.

    That story--combined with your avatar--ruined my day.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    are they choking the grass or you just don't like how it looks?

    i've never had to deal with them - i have no tips, sorry.

    my backyard looks like a small forest, it's pretty wild and overgrown. i don't really take any of the weeds out unless the are choking other stuff and then i just yank them out.

    file under: no help at all

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    There we go...

    ...cues up In a Silent Way.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    are they choking the grass or you just don't like how it looks?

    i've never had to deal with them - i have no tips, sorry.

    my backyard looks like a small forest, it's pretty wild and overgrown. i don't really take any of the weeds out unless the are choking other stuff and then i just yank them out.

    file under: no help at all

    I wanted to go for the natural look but, they are sucking up all the water. Man, even the small flowerless ones have big ass parsnip size roots.

  • I have my own yard for the first time in my life and I'm starting to care about grass. Might be my official entry into old headness. Fuck it.
    How do you keep it thick and green?

    Dude. Just moved in to my first family house with the lady and the dog. With my first lawn to. Divided half. One half I turned the top soil up and spread mashed with the soil I bought at home depot along with grass seedlings. Last three weeks of rain and NY and grass is coming in nicely. Spotty in some areas but its looking good. Also planted mint, basil, cherry tomatoes. Lookin good. I really get a kick out of this shit too. Waking up every day watering my babies. Spraying them down with vitamins and organic shit. home depot is the record shop of the new millenium for me. All types of garden tools and shit. All in all grass is not complicating. nice top soil, sunlight, water.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I have my own yard for the first time in my life and I'm starting to care about grass. Might be my official entry into old headness. Fuck it.
    How do you keep it thick and green?

    Dude. Just moved in to my first family house with the lady and the dog. With my first lawn to. Divided half. One half I turned the top soil up and spread mashed with the soil I bought at home depot along with grass seedlings. Last three weeks of rain and NY and grass is coming in nicely. Spotty in some areas but its looking good. Also planted mint, basil, cherry tomatoes. Lookin good. I really get a kick out of this shit too. Waking up every day watering my babies. Spraying them down with vitamins and organic shit. home depot is the record shop of the new millenium for me. All types of garden tools and shit. All in all grass is not complicating. nice top soil, sunlight, water.

    Well, our dog tears up everything we plant within minutes. But I am getting into to going out there and diggin around in dirt. So I don't get so mad at her.

  • I used to get bummed out about the weed and moss population on my lawn...I have a creek running thru my yard so it's not only practically impossible to keep the wild species out, I'm very limited in environmentally-friendly day I stepped back and realized, what's the purpose of my "lawn"? To have something for the kids & dog to play on, ideally with a kinda uniform green look. The grass is green and soft, but then again the moss is green and soft, and the clover is green and soft, and so on. So once I stopped obsessing about the notion of my "lawn" having to be an unblemished field of grass and accepted that the "undesireable" elements actually had the same desireable properties as long as I kept it's all good now.

    You can be Hank Hill about it,
    or you can be Lao Tsu about it.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts
    I have my own yard for the first time in my life and I'm starting to care about grass. Might be my official entry into old headness. Fuck it.
    How do you keep it thick and green?

    Dude. Just moved in to my first family house with the lady and the dog. With my first lawn to. Divided half. One half I turned the top soil up and spread mashed with the soil I bought at home depot along with grass seedlings. Last three weeks of rain and NY and grass is coming in nicely. Spotty in some areas but its looking good. Also planted mint, basil, cherry tomatoes. Lookin good. I really get a kick out of this shit too. Waking up every day watering my babies. Spraying them down with vitamins and organic shit. home depot is the record shop of the new millenium for me. All types of garden tools and shit. All in all grass is not complicating. nice top soil, sunlight, water.

    I've learned that gardening is where it's at. I've even started a compost bin, which turns weeds into something useful. Heirloom tomatoes and fresh herbs will elevate your quality of life. My project for the summer is to remove all the red lava rock from the side yard and then get some fall/winter vegetables in the ground along with some decent groundcover. Yeah, Home Depot is always a destination on my days off.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    same thing over here. sowed grass seed and wildflower seed 3 weeks ago. grass already there, growing strongly. wildflowers are there too, but no flowers yet... i planted some pumpkins and red pepper, and they are doing fine. i installed a tiny fence to stop slugs and snails. they damaged two leaves.

    the comment about watering is right. early morning or evening watering only. make sure you cut your lawn regularly. first cut ever should be down to 7 centimeters (whatever that is in inches), next few cuts about 5 centimeters. make sure the lawn NEVER gets dry during the first three to four weeks. grass seed needs water... lots of water.

    you should plant some wildflowers. they don't need an intensive care. maybe, you can plant some bulb flowers. easy to deal with. and some spices... i put spices in pots though.

    i can totally understand you. i take a look at my garden each morning. i'm a little proud... it feels very nice to plant your own vegetables and flowers.

    private real life garden =

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    I actually had to buy an effing mower a couple weeks ago... even though I'm in a rental I have a shitload of grass and its all my responsibility

    The weeds have run amok though and the grass is looking kinda spotty... its not a good time to throw grass seed out though is it (in the Southeastern US that is)??

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    i think the fist time I cut my lawn, i cut it too short. because now all the grass is turning brown.

    I need to start composing. Do you really have to spring for one of those spinner shits?

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    i think the fist time I cut my lawn, i cut it too short. because now all the grass is turning brown.

    I need to start composing. Do you really have to spring for one of those spinner shits?

    Its easy to compost on your own without buying one of those contraptions... it doesn't even take much work

    We used to just have a bigass wooden box in the backyard of my parents, with no bottom (sitting on dirt). We'd occasionally mix it up. The output looked great, not that we used it for anything.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Well, our dog tears up everything we plant within minutes. But I am getting into to going out there and diggin around in dirt. So I don't get so mad at her.

    our problem is raccoons - they even eat the heads of tulips! sadly, my herb garden was shredded before it really got to flourish. i gave up.

    i really cannot compete with the some of the biggest bad asses in the animal kingdom.

    where's the parsely at, lady?

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I actually had to buy an effing mower a couple weeks ago... even though I'm in a rental I have a shitload of grass and its all my responsibility

    The weeds have run amok though and the grass is looking kinda spotty... its not a good time to throw grass seed out though is it (in the Southeastern US that is)??

    I'm also into my push mower. It's good exercise too.

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    I need to start composing.

  • I have my own yard for the first time in my life and I'm starting to care about grass. Might be my official entry into old headness. Fuck it.
    How do you keep it thick and green?

    Dude. Just moved in to my first family house with the lady and the dog. With my first lawn to. Divided half. One half I turned the top soil up and spread mashed with the soil I bought at home depot along with grass seedlings. Last three weeks of rain and NY and grass is coming in nicely. Spotty in some areas but its looking good. Also planted mint, basil, cherry tomatoes. Lookin good. I really get a kick out of this shit too. Waking up every day watering my babies. Spraying them down with vitamins and organic shit. home depot is the record shop of the new millenium for me. All types of garden tools and shit. All in all grass is not complicating. nice top soil, sunlight, water.

    I've learned that gardening is where it's at. I've even started a compost bin, which turns weeds into something useful. Heirloom tomatoes and fresh herbs will elevate your quality of life. My project for the summer is to remove all the red lava rock from the side yard and then get some fall/winter vegetables in the ground along with some decent groundcover. Yeah, Home Depot is always a destination on my days off.

    My mint game is out of control. I didnt know how quickly it would grow. Only tip I was given regarding veggies is not to water directly on them because the sun will burn right through the leaves.

  • sneakypsneakyp 204 Posts
    dude, if you planted mint be prepared to deal with it for the rest of the time you live wherever you live. even when you think you've pulled up every last root that shit will still come back. the roots travel underground on some tremors shit and pop up way over somewhere else, and by the time you notice that, they've traveled somewhere else, etc, etc.

    aside from that, fuck lawns. i don't understand why americans love grass so much. shit is weak. plant some herbs, vegetables, trees, flowers, anything... what are you ever going to do with grass? anywhere else in the world people are growing much better shit. i take that back, grass is definitely nice to walk on and lay down in, but still, the amount of water that americans use each year to keep their grass green is fucking bullshit. in the not too distant future, water usage is going to become a really serious issue...shit it already is, and you're using it to keep you're lawn green? fuck you.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    i bought a house that already had grass. i decided to let it go natural and now i got a bunch of bald spots and mini clover things (that are dead now) and monster size dandelions. we have herbs and flowers all over the front yard--because the dog seems to tear them up in the back. i'll plant anything back there. i just don't to sit in the dirt. and yeah, fuck all the water wasted on grass, but i'm trying to decide what to do.

  • aside from that, fuck lawns. i don't understand why americans love grass so much. shit is weak. plant some herbs, vegetables, trees, flowers, anything... what are you ever going to do with grass? anywhere else in the world people are growing much better shit. i take that back, grass is definitely nice to walk on and lay down in, but still, the amount of water that americans use each year to keep their grass green is fucking bullshit. in the not too distant future, water usage is going to become a really serious issue...shit it already is, and you're using it to keep you're lawn green? fuck you.

    cosign... well i dont mean the fuck you part... but im kinda into rocks. gravel, nice rocks... it's been a while since ive done some new plants, but bonsai is where it's at. get a dope japanese maple (cha ching)... koi pond. game over.

  • i bought a house that already had grass. i decided to let it go natural and now i got a bunch of bald spots and mini clover things (that are dead now) and monster size dandelions. we have herbs and flowers all over the front yard--because the dog seems to tear them up in the back. i'll plant anything back there. i just don't to sit in the dirt. and yeah, fuck all the water wasted on grass, but i'm trying to decide what to do.

    Dude, I wish I had your lawn. My shit is like an untamed jungle. I have been raking all kinds of crazy shit out of the grass like car parts and piles of cigarette butts.

    oh and this shit is the truth.

    home depot is the record shop of the new millenium for me.

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    i bought a house that already had grass. i decided to let it go natural and now i got a bunch of bald spots and mini clover things (that are dead now) and monster size dandelions. we have herbs and flowers all over the front yard--because the dog seems to tear them up in the back. i'll plant anything back there. i just don't to sit in the dirt. and yeah, fuck all the water wasted on grass, but i'm trying to decide what to do.

    Dude, I wish I had your lawn. My shit is like an untamed jungle. I have been raking all kinds of crazy shit out of the grass like car parts and piles of cigarette butts.

    i feel for y'all
    we bought a house monday with a two & half acre lot,
    lots of grass, woods & inbetween (even a barn !?!)

    i'm thinking, wild flowers might be a good look

    oh and this shit is the truth.

    home depot is the record shop of the new millenium for me.

    look for my new record/gardening store to open soon

  • oh and this shit is the truth.

    home depot is the record shop of the new millenium for me.

    look for my new record/gardening store to open soon

    I would shop in such a store daily.

  • rpmrpm 144 Posts
    I'm sayin'.
    Me too.
    I've had my house for 4 years now with the wife and kids and the lawn is my 3rd child.

    I need to control this moss like now and shit but i don't like that moss spread that
    turns it all black and makes the lawn look like a nuclear holocaust.

    I grew up on a farm so all this city life is cray-zay.

    I need some expert advice cause shits real in the burbs.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    i bought a house that already had grass. i decided to let it go natural and now i got a bunch of bald spots and mini clover things (that are dead now) and monster size dandelions. we have herbs and flowers all over the front yard--because the dog seems to tear them up in the back. i'll plant anything back there. i just don't to sit in the dirt. and yeah, fuck all the water wasted on grass, but i'm trying to decide what to do.

    Leave the clover and dig the dandelions out by hand unless you want to use a systemic weedkiller. Spike the lawn, throw down some tough variety of grass seed for the bald spots (and a bit extra all over the lawn), sprinkle a bit of sharp sand over the top of the lawn and a bit of fine compost. Walk over it to flatten it then water the whole thing to wash the sand, seed soil down. Leave the first new grass to come up for a few weeks and don't cut it too short first time out.
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