Lawn Strut



  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    I'm sayin'.
    Me too.
    I've had my house for 4 years now with the wife and kids and the lawn is my 3rd child.

    I need to control this moss like now and shit but i don't like that moss spread that
    turns it all black and makes the lawn look like a nuclear holocaust.

    I grew up on a farm so all this city life is cray-zay.

    I need some expert advice cause shits real in the burbs.

    Are you sitting in a cow?

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    i bought a house that already had grass. i decided to let it go natural and now i got a bunch of bald spots and mini clover things (that are dead now) and monster size dandelions. we have herbs and flowers all over the front yard--because the dog seems to tear them up in the back. i'll plant anything back there. i just don't to sit in the dirt. and yeah, fuck all the water wasted on grass, but i'm trying to decide what to do.

    Leave the clover and dig the dandelions out by hand unless you want to use a systemic weedkiller. Spike the lawn, throw down some tough variety of grass seed for the bald spots (and a bit extra all over the lawn), sprinkle a bit of sharp sand over the top of the lawn and a bit of fine compost. Walk over it to flatten it then water the whole thing to wash the sand, seed soil down. Leave the first new grass to come up for a few weeks and don't cut it too short first time out.

    That's what I'm going to do. Thanks.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Some advice from a former landscaper and manager of several of my own properties. The science on dandelions is to use amonium sulfate, which is in essence a non-toxic nitrogen fertilizer. It comes in bags from your local garden shop or home depot. Using a garden hand shovel, you put a healthy amount on each dandelion or related weed (this does not work on clover). In a few days the weed will turn brown and leave a bare patch. At that point begin with the seeding suggestions you have received from Flomotion. Within a year you will have the problem mostly under control with the least amount of work and environmental impact. Plus, you are feeding your lawn.

    Grass needs water about an inch a week (enough to fill a tuna can) during the hot months. Deep waterings work better than constant small ones. Do not mow too short. As you have seen, the grass will burn. Keep the grass well watered until it greens up again.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Another tip regarding dogs or other critters eating up your garden: Try mixing a little hot sauce with water or spray it on with a spray bottle. Should deter those guys eating your prized tomatoes, that is, unless they have a taste for spicy food.

  • rpmrpm 144 Posts
    ... that would be a yes.

    I'm sayin'.
    Me too.
    I've had my house for 4 years now with the wife and kids and the lawn is my 3rd child.

    I need to control this moss like now and shit but i don't like that moss spread that
    turns it all black and makes the lawn look like a nuclear holocaust.

    I grew up on a farm so all this city life is cray-zay.

    I need some expert advice cause shits real in the burbs.

    Are you sitting in a cow?

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    Some advice from a former landscaper and manager of several of my own properties. The science on dandelions is to use amonium sulfate, which is in essence a non-toxic nitrogen fertilizer. It comes in bags from your local garden shop or home depot. Using a garden hand shovel, you put a healthy amount on each dandelion or related weed (this does not work on clover). In a few days the weed will turn brown and leave a bare patch. At that point begin with the seeding suggestions you have received from Flomotion. Within a year you will have the problem mostly under control with the least amount of work and environmental impact. Plus, you are feeding your lawn.

    Grass needs water about an inch a week (enough to fill a tuna can) during the hot months. Deep waterings work better than constant small ones. Do not mow too short. As you have seen, the grass will burn. Keep the grass well watered until it greens up again.

    Is this amonium sulfate safe around kids and pets?
    I've wanted to go nuclear on my lawn forever, but wifey is afraid of ill affects for the little ones.
    I know that boiling hot water poured over dandelions has the same effect.
    I've used that method a couple times and it works rather well, but my tea kettle is small and my lawn is large with many weeds, so I never got to far with that method.

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    ... that would be a yes.

    I'm sayin'.
    Me too.
    I've had my house for 4 years now with the wife and kids and the lawn is my 3rd child.

    I need to control this moss like now and shit but i don't like that moss spread that
    turns it all black and makes the lawn look like a nuclear holocaust.

    I grew up on a farm so all this city life is cray-zay.

    I need some expert advice cause shits real in the burbs.

    Are you sitting in a cow?
    I want to puke, but the vomit won't leave my face because the mouth melted off.

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    would you recommend aerating a lawn that doesnt seem to be absorbing the water?
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