Why DJs get no Respect from Musicians.



  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    Like wholewheat said, I think this is mostly the attitude of older musicians. In my experience, the younger players don't have the same animosity towards DJs and 'machine' musicians.

    That being said, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THESE GUITAR PLAYING MOTHERFUCKERS?. Thinking they've got some kind of mythical insight and their dick-protracting instrument is somehow better or more relevant than everything else.

    Pfffft, GTFOOHWTB.

    Man, I remember when the whole DJ/electronic musician thing exploded about 10 years ago. Who were the most conservative guys around? That's right - guitar players! Drummers, bassists, ivory ticklers, kazoo players, whatever - everyone (under a certain age) was more or less open to these "new" tools, the reactions ranging from wholehearted embrace to silent acceptance. Except those leopard spandex wearing, poodle mane sporting, axe noodling Steve Vai wannabe jerkoffs.

    "Oh no, the chicks don't think I'm cool anymore when I play "Stairway To Heaven" by the campfire."


    guitars are so fucking over

    OK, I actually love guitars. This was not directed at you, Malus. I just hate the arrogant attitude of a lot of guitar players. I'm reporting to the Gabor Szabo thread right now.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    Haha, yeah Taza. My ass is hurting slightly. I grew up with a guitarplaying stepfather who only listened to Led Zep, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and the likes. He was constantly on my case, dissing the music I was listening to and the way I was approaching it, like: "this is not real music, this is just some guy talking over a drum machine, why are you listening to this garbage?".

    He forced me to take guitar and piano lessons and I absolutely . The first record I ever bought with my own money was Kraftwerk "Electric Caf??" in '86, and when I brought it home all exited he started this big family discussion about what I was spending my money on and how musically inferior Kraftwerk was to Stevie Ray Vaughn or some other guitar schmuck. We were having these arguments all the time.

    Since then, I've encountered the same attitude from sooo many guitar players. I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. Except I'm trapped in the local music shop with all these hairy dudes playing "Under The Bridge" or whatever, going "yeah man, this rocks".

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    guitars are so fucking over.

    believe it or not, for every shitty "DJ" there are 10 shitty "bands" so yeah, most small venues can make more money off a DJ.

    somehow I can't stop laughing about teeny hipsters reworking those same tired ass three chords and getting up in some DJ's nuts because he's taking "gigs"

    S*%$# and I were down at the river a couple of weeks ago and this dreadlock trustafarian was strumming no woman no cry and other assorted dorm room lighter in the air fair for his girlfriend. It looked like it was working to get her out of her pants. So as long as its helping collage kids get laid it will never be totally over. That said, I wanted to beat dude with his guitar and drown him in the river.

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts

    I when people don't respect DJing, it's usually due to ignorance. Most people are familiar with DJing but don't know what it entails technically.

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    collage kids

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    collage kids

    I can't spell for shit.
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