Adidas selling advice
110 Posts
So I'm trying to eBay this one-of-a-kind/"limited edition of two" Adidas jacket and obviously I'm looking to figure out how to get this to some fiend out Adidas head. Is there, like, an Adidas-strut type community situation somewhere on the interweb? What is the best way to do this? Any advice would be much appreciated.(Back story: for the anniversary celebration of the Cambridge Adidas store (What up Cosmo!) they did two custom-made embroidered "Little Steve's House of Pizza" jackets They're just the normal black tops with the red/green/white pizza madness and date on the back. I have no idea what Little Steve's House of Pizza is, but then I only lived in Boston for like six years.)
So have custom Adidas jackets for Little Stevie's House of Pizza???? Fuck Adidas collectors, you need to reach out to former
Boston public drinking 3 AM "hey dewd sell me one o' them cans of Bud and
turn the fuckin' pinball back on" nostalgiacs like myself.
If you lived in Boston, them I'm sure you know the place. It's
the incredibly unclean afternoon prostitute hangout right next to
Looney Tunes records by the corner of Boylston and Mass Ave. Both
places have been there for decades.
Oh okay, yeah I know that place, I never knew the name. Between all the drunks and the cymbals, that is one classy block.
Here's what the thing looks lke:
IMG SRC=!/pizzadidas.jpg height=160 length=200>
Thanks to everyone for their input. In lieu of "commission on the sale," A HREF=!/ohbaby.mp3>here's a song that sounds good to me today/A>.
Oh, first post. Hello everyone!