
NP showing up to Cannes, bald:
LL performing in Anaheim, I mean crackhead Goldie Hawn impersonator pretending to be LL:

the apocalypse is now upon us

LL performing in Anaheim, I mean crackhead Goldie Hawn impersonator pretending to be LL:

the apocalypse is now upon us
Still blazingly hot. One man's opinion.
Mike Jones
maybe she's shooting G.I. Jane: IRAQ or somthing.
Her new 'do is because she is going to be in, V for Vendetta (comic book).
jesus christ, someone needs rehap
Insane body, but something about her face irks me....
that's worse than "bennifer garner is josh hartnett with long hair"
Looks like porn star Mary Carey. Or Cher if she was thick, going back to her Bonnie Jo Mason days.
Hands up, who thinks Cher and System Of A Down should duet?
That System of a Down guy outdoes himself in the arena of "world's most unbelievably bad singing" with every song they release. I mean, that new song & video? Good god. The only possible explanation for System of A Down's existence is that they are part of a right-wing plot to make left-wing political rock even more unappealing than it is (see Eminem, Green Day). Any other reason takes us beyond the looking glass, my friends.
MERRICK LONG ISLAND (my hometown) STAND THE FUCK UP!!!!!!! (L.Lohan)
man, Lindsey is, and always has been, BUSTED!
And to me, they remind me a bit of Anthrax. I haven't heard the new stuff.
But that Flaming Lips documentary is coming out on DVD tomorrow.
LL wasn't busted until she started on this crack diva drama trip
hosting SNL this weekend is gonna be ridonkulous unless she cancels
If Lohan is supposed to be caliber, yikes, I got some prime Finley, Washington girls you should see, weeeeeeee hawwwwww.
wow. im siding with themack!
left: before
right: after
hopefully she gets some good plastic surgery/heavy costume make-up for SNL this weekend
Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of "Classic 'Mean Girls' Lohan," LOL
John, Where the hell is Finley? NEVER heard of it!
I am in agreement.
The one time Finley received some regional news was when one of the elementary schools served taco meat which had e-coli. This was around 1998/1999. Fortunately no deaths, but a lot of kids (K and 1st graders) were sick.
Finley is on the outskirts of Kennewick.
OUTSKIRTS of Kennewick! COMEDY. I thought Kennewick was already the outskirts! Is Kennewick part of tri-cities? Richmond, Pasco, and ?
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Lindsey is, and always has been , BUSTED!!
Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of "Classic 'Mean Girls' Lohan," LOL
hopefully she gets some good plastic surgery/heavy costume make-up for SNL this weekend
LL wa NEVER busted dog. you wish you could pull a chick of that caliber
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