going live with serato [last minute suggestions]

TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
edited April 2006 in Strut Central
so after a good month of loading the laptop and ripping, burning, IDing, BPMing etc 1000's of files, it's about that time. although the program has ran well during 2-3 hour practice sessions at the crib, the humid, stank club environment has me worried about continuous performance. is a dedicated ac adaptor a good idea? the usb popped once or twice last night. any suggestions or recommendations you guys might have, before settling in for a six hour set are greatly appreciated.


  • is a dedicated ac adaptor a good idea?

    Indispensable! Get thee to a Radio Shack post-haste (and bring your SL1 box with you to make sure you get the right one).

    Are you using 1.5? If so, I'd recommend turning on the "lock decks" feature. Nothing worse than loading a track to the wrong deck (read: the one that's already playing). You'll never control+z so fast again.

    And bring some backup records just in case. Good luck and report back.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts

    From my experience with eye-rolling at Serato gigs, Sleepmode is the one you want to keep and eye on.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Novice question that could be more easily answered on the scratch forum:

    Is there a way to automatically BPM a track within serato, or do I actually have to buy a separate BPM counter?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    mac or pc? If pc, this is the hotness, if you're 80 bpms and up.

    If mac, get a [k] of Traktor 3.

    Serato doesn't bpm automatically yet, but newer versions will.


    From my experience with eye-rolling at Serato gigs, Sleepmode is the one you want to keep and eye on.

    From my experience, it's only bitter DJs who eye-roll at Serato, and they don't usually dance anyway. Should be fine.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts

    From my experience with eye-rolling at Serato gigs, Sleepmode is the one you want to keep and eye on.

    From my experience, it's only bitter DJs who eye-roll at Serato, and they don't usually dance anyway. Should be fine.

    From my experience, light hearted banter about Serato with Serato DJs is not possible!


    From my experience with eye-rolling at Serato gigs, Sleepmode is the one you want to keep and eye on.

    From my experience, it's only bitter DJs who eye-roll at Serato, and they don't usually dance anyway. Should be fine.

    From my experience, light hearted banter about Serato with Serato DJs is not possible!

    Come on, that was light-hearted! And I'm only a half-time microwave DJ.

    [But if you rock CDs, I will fight you by the bike racks.]

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    "Rock" + "CDs"

    Oh, you mean this guy!

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    mac or pc? If pc, this is the hotness, if you're 80 bpms and up.

    If mac, get a [k] of Traktor 3.

    Serato doesn't bpm automatically yet, but newer versions will.

    heavy cosine on this program.

    hey ross: haven't tried 1.5 yet, it's still a beta right? need that lock feature but don't want to risk a mid-set software crash, ya heard?

    btw, relative mode is the next shit for DJing. i mean as in having permanant culture altering effects and such.

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    Novice question that could be more easily answered on the scratch forum:

    Is there a way to automatically BPM a track within serato, or do I actually have to buy a separate BPM counter?

    if youre on a mac, try itunes bpm . works like a champ for me.

    TREW, i would suggest building overviews as well. helps weed out and suspect mp3s and also makes the system run smoother, i think.

    and i still can't get into relative mode. whats up with that? what are the advantages? absolute has been working fine for me, but i am open to new ideas.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    From my experience, it's only bitter DJs who eye-roll and they don't usually dance anyway. Should be fine.

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts

    and i still can't get into relative mode. whats up with that? what are the advantages? absolute has been working fine for me, but i am open to new ideas.

    it's all about cue points. you can cut shit up, extend breaks, filter loops over top of other tracks etc...

    TAPPING IN MPC-style.

    plus you don't have to mess with the tone arm as much, just keep loading up songs and make sure you've got enough time on your control record.

  • make sure you've got enough time on your control record.

    B-Side wins again.
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