Phobias, Fears, and Hang Ups

kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
edited March 2006 in Strut Central
I know we're all around here...scarred to show any weakness, etc.But, as I sat here picking splinters out of my hand, I was reminded of my worst fear: picking them out of my feet. If I get glass, splinters, anything in my feet, I go off the deep end. I'll ignore it as long as humanly possible, and then be the biggest wuss on the planet as my lady picks it out. I just hate it...thinking about it sends chills up my spine. It even chases me in my dreams.So, what are your Fear, phobias, and hang ups?


  • I got stitched into my feet, being sober, the soft underside. It was bearable, I can assure you, even for 15 minutes. It's just flesh, it's practical but not necessary to have it, I mean all of it. No worries.

  • I got stitched into my feet, being sober, the soft underside. It was bearable, I can assure you, even for 15 minutes. It's just flesh, it's practical but not necessary to have it, I mean all of it. No worries.

    try reading this like a spoken word poem. its fun!

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    I don't like flying. It's not a terrible phobia like I need to get drunk and doped up before getting on a plane, but I'm definitely kind of edgy the whole time.

  • I don't like flying. It's not a terrible phobia like I need to get drunk and doped up before getting on a plane, but I'm definitely kind of edgy the whole time.

    murdoch, i aint gettin on no plane, foo!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    fear and phobia: cockroaches
    phobia and fear: getting hit by a car - it's happened twice, i'm waiting for/always expecting number three. i picture it and imagine it in all its potential horror.
    hang-up: people eating with their mouth open

  • fear and phobia: cockroaches
    phobia and fear: getting hit by a car - it's happened twice, i'm waiting for/always expecting number three. i picture it and imagine it in all its potential horror.
    hang-up: people eating with their mouth open

    missbassie, i dont know if you intentionally did this, but your fears and phobias reads like the playboy centerfold biographies.

  • hang-up: people eating with their mouth open

    Aaargghhh! Eating loudly with your mouth open is the worst thing ever, especially when it's hot food and they do that weird fish gasping for air type action... Surely someone in their lives must have told these people how annoying it is?

    Fear: The ocean, especially the thought of being stranded in the middle of it and seeing a big shadow of a sea creature underneath you like in that episode of the Outer Limits....

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    i was just trying to make it easy to read.

  • Fear - falling on the stairs while running up them. During the fall, not having time to put my hands down and landing teeth first with massive dental damage.


  • Fear - falling on the stairs while running up them. During the fall, not having time to put my hands down and landing teeth first with massive dental damage.


    its really not that bad.

  • fear and phobia: cockroaches

    Same here, though i admire their tenacity to exist where pretty much nothing else can(or would want to!) If I could remove them from the face of the planet I would without a pause...

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    I don't like flying. It's not a terrible phobia like I need to get drunk and doped up before getting on a plane, but I'm definitely kind of edgy the whole time.

    murdoch, i aint gettin on no plane, foo!

    After the 2826th time, I learned not to drink anything Murdoch and the gang offered me before embarking on a mission.

  • white segmented worms...maggots grubs and shit like that

  • Thanks Shig! I'll never worry about that again. That was easy.

    But, have you ever been in a car wreck on a mountain pass and had a ski pole go through the windshield and right into your eyeball? That scares me too.

  • Fear - falling on the stairs while running up them. During the fall, not having time to put my hands down and landing teeth first with massive dental damage.

    This scenario runs through my mind multiple times a day.
    Dental damage of any sorts is massively creepazoid.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    this reminds me of when howard stern was raggin on tyra banks because she was scared of dolphins. so she did an episode where she "confronts" her fear.
    the thing they were laughing at is when the hell would she run into a dolphin? why bother facing it. hilarious.

    me i hate spiders.
    and i feel like my stomach is getting weaker and weaker. blood and cuts, etc bothers me.

  • Thanks Shig! I'll never worry about that again. That was easy.

    But, have you ever been in a car wreck on a mountain pass and had a ski pole go through the windshield and right into your eyeball? That scares me too.

    cant says i have. it helps to be stoned most the time. you wind up not thinking about much.

    oh, and a tip for those with fallingdownstepsandfuckingupteef phobias: dont run down the stairs with your hands in your pockets and you should be fine.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    But, have you ever been in a car wreck on a mountain pass and had a ski pole go through the windshield and right into your eyeball? That scares me too.

    No, but I escaped from followers after painting a train and jumped into dark garden territory and suddenly my jacket was sliced due to me jumping next to a long ass bar that was used to grow plants. If i would have jumped a bit more to the right I would have pinned myself like in some b-horror flick...still makes me think from time to time....

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Fear: The ocean, especially the thought of being stranded in the middle of it and seeing a big shadow of a sea creature underneath you like in that episode of the Outer Limits....

    you should see this movie-

  • I sometimes dream that I'm walking around a junkie neighborhood in my bare feet, and the streets and sidewalks are littered with used hypodermic needles.

    So I guess I fear dirty needles.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    Fear: The ocean, especially the thought of being stranded in the middle of it and seeing a big shadow of a sea creature underneath you like in that episode of the Outer Limits....

    you should see this movie-

    this movie bugged me the fuck out. youve gotta have some kinda fear of the water to like it.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    white segmented worms...maggots grubs and shit like that

    Word? I've eaten things like that in China!

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    I'm terrified of bugs getting into my clothes. Absolutely terrified.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    I'm terrified of bugs getting into my clothes. Absolutely terrified.

    Eat some bugs and they become a lot less scary!

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    I'm terrified of bugs getting into my clothes. Absolutely terrified.

    Eat some bugs and they become a lot less scary!
    I've eaten bugs. It's not bugs that scare me, it's the possiblity of them crawling on me or touching me.

    It's because when I was a kid my family went on vacation to Jamaica (my mom used to live there and I was almost born there). I remember going down this path and having bugs crawl all over my feet and I asked to be carried or some shit (I was like 7 years old or something). My request was firmly rejected and now I live my life every day in constant fear!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    When young:




  • damagedamage 118 Posts
    SPiders!!!!! and those big ass centipedes. scary as fuck!

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    hang-up: people eating with their mouth open

    Aaargghhh! Eating loudly with your mouth open is the worst thing ever, especially when it's hot food and they do that weird fish gasping for air type action... Surely someone in their lives must have told these people how annoying it is?

    for me its the gulping sound people make when they drink (fast)

    makes my toes curl. i mean STFU already.

    and i am constantly in fear of accidentally killing my baby, you know like "what if i dropped him" and then the scene plays out in my private mind garden. ive gotten better as now i dont have to check him every 5 minutes when he sleeps, but in still terrified.

  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts
    honest fear:
    Scared to death of tornados. I'm not a religious man, but I'd imagine it's hard to not think your maker has come for you when staring up at a beastly column of wind forces.

    rr fear:
    putting grail material back on the shelf because you don't know any better. Oh shit, done this twice in the past couple years. DAMN!

  • Spiders have always given me the creeps, and for the two years I lived in a severely shitty/low budget "apartment" cock-a-roaches[/b]....
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