Lizard people questions



  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Icke or no Icke, lizard people are a huge part of this world's history.
    Icke or no Icke, lizard people are a huge part of this world's history.

    Icke or no Icke, lizard people are a huge part of this world's history.

    Icke or no Icke, lizard people are a huge part of this world's history.
    Icke or no Icke, lizard people are a huge part of this world's history.
    Icke or no Icke, lizard people are a huge part of this world's history.

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    It has been laid out previously son.

    from wiki:

    Mythological references to reptilian humanoids
    Several ancient peoples all over the world have described reptilian beings, and some have described reptilian humanoids. Common in numerous mythologies are tales of reptilian creatures (usually not humanoid) who are hostile to human beings. Also rather common are the myths of "Serpents of Wisdom" who enlightened humanity before the dawn of civilization; but it has been noted by mythologists that here "serpent" may only have been used to symbolize strangeness.

    The Americas
    The Mayan god Gucumatz was described as a "serpent of wisdom" who enlightened humankind, as was his Aztec counterpart Quetzalcoatl.

    The Hopi refer to a race of Reptilians called the Sheti, or Snake-Brothers, who live underground. The Cherokee and other Native American peoples also refer to Reptilian races.

    In pre-columbian mythology from Colombia, Bachue (the primordial woman) transformed into a big snake. Sometimes called the "Celestial Snake" (Serpiente Celestial).

    Cecrops, the legendary first King of Athens was said to have been half man, half snake. The ancient Titans and Gigantes were sometimes depicted as winged man-like beings with serpents instead of legs, for example on a fresco on a temple in Pergamum. In these images from Pergamum, some of which depict the gigantomachy, one sees the giant Klyteios with huge serpents in place of legs.

    Boreas (Aquilon to the Romans) was the Greek god of the cold north wind, described by Pausanias as a winged man with serpents for legs [1].

    The European dragon dates back to ancient depictions on various archaeological artifacts. An early instance in literature was the dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece in the Voyage of the Argonauts. In the Middle Ages, tales of dragons seem to have become even more common. The dragon in Europe, as a rule, was not conceived as having a humanoid form, and would not qualify as an instance of a reptilian humanoid unless explicitly described as humanoid.

    In the middle ages down to modern times, the Devil was often conceived as a humanoid with reptilian characteristics, as were demons in general.

    In Indian scriptures and legends the Naga (Devnagri: नाग) are reptilian beings said to live underground and interact with human beings on the surface. In some versions, these beings were said to have once lived on a continent in the Pacific Ocean that sank beneath the waves. Indian texts also refer to a reptilian race called the "Sarpa" (Devnagri: सर्प). The Syrict?? (Greek : Skiritai, Latin: Sciritae) of India were a tribe of men with snake-like nostrils in place of noses and bandy serpentine legs.

    The Chinese, Korean and Japanese speak throughout their history of L??ng,Yong in Korean (dragons), conceived of in both physical and non-physical forms, but rarely depicted in humanoid form, though they may assume a non-reptilian human form. [citation needed] The Japanese have tales of Kappa, a basically reptilian humanoid.

    The first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang-Di, was said to be part Dragon. It was also said that his mother was impregnated by a beam of light emanating from the star known in the West as Thuban or Alpha Draconis. In ancient China, the star was known as "Right Axis" 右枢 of the constellation "Purple Tenuity, Right Wall" 紫微右垣. See Astronomical map included with Wang Li 王力, Kudai Hanyu 古代漢語 (4 Volumes, Revised Edition, Taipei: Landeng wenhua, 1989).

    In China, Korea and Japan underwater realms where the Dragon Kings and their descendents live are referred to, as well as the lineage of humans from a race of 'Dragons'. [citation needed]

    In the Middle East, Reptilian beings ranging from certain Jinn to Dragons and Serpent-Men have been spoken of since ancient times. In one of the apocryphal books purporting to be the lost Book of Jasher, a serpent race is described.

    In Africa, the shamans claim to bear extensive esoteric knowledge of a race of reptilians who they say control the Earth--called the Chitahuri. They also claim to have accounts of a Reptilian race who created Blacks and used them to work their gold mines, extremely similar to the accounts allegedly described in the Sumerian tablets.

    The ancient Egyptian god Sobek was portrayed as a man with the head of a crocodile.

    Proponents hold that in Australia the aborigines speak of a reptilian race that lives underneath the Earth and governs over men. The Aborigines have spoken of going into the Earth where these beings resided. There they claim there is extensive technology. The Aborigines say that they are descended from a race of dragon-humans that once lived on an enormous continent that spanned the entire Pacific ocean, and that most of it sank beneath the waves in ancient times, but that Australia is a remnant of it, and this is why there are so many reptilian animals there.[citation needed]

    They also hold that an Astral "dreamtime" exists outside of physical reality, which is the foundation of physical reality. Crocodile spirits and other reptilian entities inhabit this "dreamtime", and can be summoned through sound, such as via the Didgeridoo.

  • gibla74gibla74 182 Posts

    Just finished reading all that Mutwa article that was How seriously is that dude taken?

    When I was a kid my favourite programme was V & I was really into this alien reptile friendly comic:

    It's all starting to make sense now....

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    It has been laid out previously son.

    from wiki:

    Mythological references to reptilian humanoids...

    dude, if you are ever in Amsterdam it would be my supreme pleasure to pay your bartab.

    your tenacity astounds and impresses me.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    mythological history is world history.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    mythological history is world history.

    mythological history contributes to world history as a whole.

    myths, legends, rituals, belief structures and the like shape humanity by shaping our perceptions and therefore our history.

    its a big stretch to think that evidence of a current global conspiracy led by intergalactic lizards can be proven by quoting a wiki list of old legends.

    And to reiterate... i gots no problem accepting that the powers that be are out to opress, disinform and control... i just dont believe that the powers that be are lizards. (or jewzards)

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    According to Webster....

    Myth: A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology.
    A fictitious story, person, or thing

    Look up fictitious if you must.

    I'm many of you Lizard believers think that Christians are fools for believeing in THEIR God???

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Lizard conspiracy vs Scientology

    which is more plausible?

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

    today is my 33rd birthday and ill be damned if im gonna spend it drawing out the whole lizard dude thing.

    it was funny to begin with (when i was drunk) now its...

    and to think it all started with Jessica Albas bum...

    see you all in a few days.

    and one more thing,

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    Christians are fools for believeing in THEIR God???

    I am Christian. You could even call me a non church going Catholic. I believe my God is a half truth.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    According to Webster....

    Fuck Webster.

  • According to Webster....

    Fuck Webster.

  • anyway what kind of bullshit is all that? 'in africa, the shamans...' Please, is that supposed to convince anyone?

    This sounds an awful lot like plain old-fashioned European arrogance. Simply because the history you have received is written gives you no cause to dismiss someone else's oral history. Native Americans, Africans, Indians . . . all of their histories, religions and customs were largely dismissed as primitive and superstitious during colonization. No reason to continue that disrespect on a message board related to an aspect of a culture that itself is based on the African oral tradition. If you do not believe there can be even an ounce of truth in millions of years of combined native traditions, that's fine. But to shit on it is as rude as if you were to shit on all religions and insinuate that all believers in said religions are misguided, gullible children.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    According to Webster....

    Fuck Webster.

    Post of the week.....gonna be hard to top!!!

  • According to Webster....

    Fuck Webster.

    The reptilian trinity of Noah Webster, Emmanuel Lewis, and Jacko has blinded you to the truth of black magic.

    what do you think powers the movement?


  • It has been laid out previously son.

    from wiki:

    Mythological references to reptilian humanoids
    Several ancient peoples all over the world have described reptilian beings, and some have described reptilian humanoids. Common in numerous mythologies are tales of reptilian creatures (usually not humanoid) who are hostile to human beings. Also rather common are the myths of "Serpents of Wisdom" who enlightened humanity before the dawn of civilization; but it has been noted by mythologists that here "serpent" may only have been used to symbolize strangeness.

    The Americas
    The Mayan god Gucumatz was described as a "serpent of wisdom" who enlightened humankind, as was his Aztec counterpart Quetzalcoatl.

    The Hopi refer to a race of Reptilians called the Sheti, or Snake-Brothers, who live underground. The Cherokee and other Native American peoples also refer to Reptilian races.

    In pre-columbian mythology from Colombia, Bachue (the primordial woman) transformed into a big snake. Sometimes called the "Celestial Snake" (Serpiente Celestial).

    Cecrops, the legendary first King of Athens was said to have been half man, half snake. The ancient Titans and Gigantes were sometimes depicted as winged man-like beings with serpents instead of legs, for example on a fresco on a temple in Pergamum. In these images from Pergamum, some of which depict the gigantomachy, one sees the giant Klyteios with huge serpents in place of legs.

    Boreas (Aquilon to the Romans) was the Greek god of the cold north wind, described by Pausanias as a winged man with serpents for legs [1].

    The European dragon dates back to ancient depictions on various archaeological artifacts. An early instance in literature was the dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece in the Voyage of the Argonauts. In the Middle Ages, tales of dragons seem to have become even more common. The dragon in Europe, as a rule, was not conceived as having a humanoid form, and would not qualify as an instance of a reptilian humanoid unless explicitly described as humanoid.

    In the middle ages down to modern times, the Devil was often conceived as a humanoid with reptilian characteristics, as were demons in general.

    In Indian scriptures and legends the Naga (Devnagri: नाग) are reptilian beings said to live underground and interact with human beings on the surface. In some versions, these beings were said to have once lived on a continent in the Pacific Ocean that sank beneath the waves. Indian texts also refer to a reptilian race called the "Sarpa" (Devnagri: सर्प). The Syrict?? (Greek : Skiritai, Latin: Sciritae) of India were a tribe of men with snake-like nostrils in place of noses and bandy serpentine legs.

    The Chinese, Korean and Japanese speak throughout their history of L??ng,Yong in Korean (dragons), conceived of in both physical and non-physical forms, but rarely depicted in humanoid form, though they may assume a non-reptilian human form. [citation needed] The Japanese have tales of Kappa, a basically reptilian humanoid.

    The first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang-Di, was said to be part Dragon. It was also said that his mother was impregnated by a beam of light emanating from the star known in the West as Thuban or Alpha Draconis. In ancient China, the star was known as "Right Axis" 右枢 of the constellation "Purple Tenuity, Right Wall" 紫微右垣. See Astronomical map included with Wang Li 王力, Kudai Hanyu 古代漢語 (4 Volumes, Revised Edition, Taipei: Landeng wenhua, 1989).

    In China, Korea and Japan underwater realms where the Dragon Kings and their descendents live are referred to, as well as the lineage of humans from a race of 'Dragons'. [citation needed]

    In the Middle East, Reptilian beings ranging from certain Jinn to Dragons and Serpent-Men have been spoken of since ancient times. In one of the apocryphal books purporting to be the lost Book of Jasher, a serpent race is described.

    In Africa, the shamans claim to bear extensive esoteric knowledge of a race of reptilians who they say control the Earth--called the Chitahuri. They also claim to have accounts of a Reptilian race who created Blacks and used them to work their gold mines, extremely similar to the accounts allegedly described in the Sumerian tablets.

    The ancient Egyptian god Sobek was portrayed as a man with the head of a crocodile.

    Proponents hold that in Australia the aborigines speak of a reptilian race that lives underneath the Earth and governs over men. The Aborigines have spoken of going into the Earth where these beings resided. There they claim there is extensive technology. The Aborigines say that they are descended from a race of dragon-humans that once lived on an enormous continent that spanned the entire Pacific ocean, and that most of it sank beneath the waves in ancient times, but that Australia is a remnant of it, and this is why there are so many reptilian animals there.[citation needed]

    They also hold that an Astral "dreamtime" exists outside of physical reality, which is the foundation of physical reality. Crocodile spirits and other reptilian entities inhabit this "dreamtime", and can be summoned through sound, such as via the Didgeridoo.

    Thank you for posting this. I'm glad some people here actually know the deal and don't feel the need to say snide shit and pat themselves on the back for their own willful ignorance. Have a pleasant and relaxing day on soulstrut everyone!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,909 Posts

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    Lizard people, Buddhists, Hinduism, Christians, Judaism, Scientology any religion... All are based on half truths and all began with strictly oral histories (outside of Scientology). How is one better or more reliable than another?

    The Old Testament was passed on by word of mouth for thousands of years before it ever was written down. You are trusting in words that were told millions of time and continually altered like a game of telephone until someone finally was able to write it down. And how do you know the version they wrote was true? How can any of it really be taken as any truths at all? Its all faith, not truths.

    In regards to Mythology. Alot of Mythology is based in religion and vice versa. To discount mythology as not a part of world history, is deeming yourself ignorant. If you even half consider the stuff that goes on in the Koran, Bible, or any religiouos teachings as true to their word, then you would need to give the same consideration to popular and not so popular myths.

    Hell if people want to believe in Lizard People, or the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster, what does it matter? To me its all based around the fact that Humans have a need to explain the unknown and the greatest unknown is death. Whatever makes people comfortable enough to go about their lives being productive and positive contributing members to society, then I am all for it.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Hell if people want to believe in Lizard People, or the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster, what does it matter? To me its all based around the fact that Humans have a need to explain the unknown and the greatest unknown is death. Whatever makes people comfortable enough to go about their lives being productive and positive contributing members to society, then I am all for it.

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    ok school me on that one, what is that? And what religion is it associated with? Because the stories in that religion have to be amazing if they come up with that...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Lizard people, Buddhists, Hinduism, Christians, Judaism, Scientology any religion... All are based on half truths and all began with strictly oral histories (outside of Scientology). How is one better or more reliable than another?

    The Old Testament was passed on by word of mouth for thousands of years before it ever was written down. You are trusting in words that were told millions of time and continually altered like a game of telephone until someone finally was able to write it down. And how do you know the version they wrote was true? How can any of it really be taken as any truths at all? Its all faith, not truths.

    In regards to Mythology. Alot of Mythology is based in religion and vice versa. To discount mythology as not a part of world history, is deeming yourself ignorant. If you even half consider the stuff that goes on in the Koran, Bible, or any religiouos teachings as true to their word, then you would need to give the same consideration to popular and not so popular myths.

    Hell if people want to believe in Lizard People, or the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster, what does it matter? To me its all based around the fact that Humans have a need to explain the unknown and the greatest unknown is death. Whatever makes people comfortable enough to go about their lives being productive and positive contributing members to society, then I am all for it.

    The worst day in human history was whatever day it was decided that humans were the smartest animal on earth.

    Along with this 'title" came a need to have an answer to every conceivable question.

    And when we couldn't figure out a logical answer we attributed the unknown to something supernatural like a God, Space Alien, Lizard Person, etc.

    Personally I think we'd be better off realizing that the answer to every question exists in reality, we just haven't figured them all out yet, rather than believe explanations based in Mythology, Religion or Science Fiction..all of which have never been proven to be anything beyond someone's imagination.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    ok school me on that one, what is that? And what religion is it associated with? Because the stories in that religion have to be amazing if they come up with that...

    Oh dude, you don't know about Cthtulu? It's not a "real" religion (well, actually, who knows at this point) but was an invention by writer H.P. Lovecraft that has taken on a deep mythos (in fact, the first edition of D&D's Deities and Demigods manual had a whole Cthtulu pantheon. Don't ask me why I know this).

    Prepare thyself:

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    nice! If this hasn't been included in a religion yet, i can't wait until it is...

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    From Stewart Swerdlow's 'Blue Blood True Blood'
    published in 2002. All reports indicate that they are running a few years behind schedule. Teenaged fucking Mutant Ninja Turtles dude.

    The illumianti Plans for the United States Of America 2001-2010

    -Elimination of fuel reserves
    -Creation of sever weather patterns designed to consume the remaining fuel.
    -Utilities will be unable to cope with the demand
    -Regional natural disasters so large that local and civil authorities are unable to handle them
    -Rioting and chaos in major US cities
    -Polarization of minorities creating a call from the minorities for a need for segregation.
    -Martial Law declared to restore ord
    -Economic/stock market collapse as a result of the disasters, lack of utilities, and planned chaos
    -President will enact Executive Orders that in effect, will rescind the Constitution and civil rights
    -The United Nations will be called in to restore order. This comes with waves of Chinese, Russian, and German troops
    -Dissidents will be shipped for re-education to huge concentration camps already in place in the United States and Canada
    -The United Nations declares that the US is too large to be administered as is, and will order it to be split into two districts; Easter and Western
    -The Eastern district capital will be Atlanta. The Western district campital will be Denver. This is why government offices and international super-airports were built in these two cities.
    -Washington D.C. will becomes an illuminati cultural site and possibly even a religious center for them
    -New York City will be declared the United Nations Capital city for the Earth and given special status. This is why New York State is called the ?Empire State?
    -Undesirables will be eliminated via chemtrails "mosquito spraying," flu shots and other inoculations
    -Radicals will be eliminated(if all goes according to their plans)
    -Programming Centers will become standard sites for children to visit - Montauk Point, Santa Fe, Yelm, and Huntsville Space Center.
    -All airforce bases will be staging areas
    -National parks will be declared International Sites and come under United Nations jurisdiction
    -All people will be issued identity cards that will contain their DNA

    The illuminati Plans For The World 2001-2010

    -A Middle Eastern war, coupled with a world financial collapse, will center attention to the United Nations as a control factor.
    -China and Israel will attack and destroy the Moslem Fundamentalists in Central and Western Asia
    -The Earth shall be divided into three major political/economic units - North And South America, including Central America, Caribbean; Europe, Africa, and the Middle East; and, the Pan-Asia/Austrailian region.
    -A staged alien invasion will occur, forcing all nations, religions, and cultures to give up separate identities and unite under the United Nations/illuminati/Global Government. The US dollars already says NOVUS ORDO SECLOREM ie NEW WORLD ORDER. The United States new army slogan was recently changed after decades to "An Army Of One"
    -Certain alien groups will be introduced as heroes who saved the Earth. The will likely be the group from Sirius A.
    -"Peace" will be made with the Reptilians, and the hybrid-illuminati genetic mixture, blending the two groups together.
    -A New World Religion will be introduced and enforced upon all people. This religion will have the male/female, God/Godess, as Princess Diana and Emmanuel, hence the Second Coming Of Christ.
    -A cloned Christ will be sent to Earth from Mars, proclaiming the New World Order and his New Holy Empire.
    -All money and assets will belong to the New Earth Empire. A global credit system will be imposed.
    -All Earth citizens will have mandatory identification cards with their DNA imprinted upon them. These will be monitored via satellite.
    -Total mind control will be the rule of the day, with transmissions coming from satellites, amplified by ground towers, cell phones, radio, and television. Children are already programmed by shows like Pokeman, Barney, Teletubbies, Harry Potter, Ninja Turtles, and most other shows on TV.
    -The Dome of the Rock Mosque will be destroyed and the Temple of Solomon will be rebuilt there. The Ark of the Covenant will be relocated there.
    -Blacks will be eliminated from the Earth except for those that have a mixture of genetics with other races, like the Ethiopians, Sudanese, and some USA and Caribbean Blacks.
    -Atlantean technology will be revealed and exploited.
    -Interplanetary and interdimensional travel will openly be availiable to select people.
    -Jupiter will become a second sun, making this a Binary Star System. This is a result of the String of Pearls Comet(technology) that struck the gas giant in 1994.
    -Frozen moons of Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune will become Earth like after the new sun shines, and a resdistribution of Earth?s huge population will begin. At least three billion people will be recolonized on at least six new ?Earths?.
    -Earth will become the center of a tyrannical Empire that will fan out amongst the stars and universes, continuing the conquer and assimilate agenda.
    -All people will have a chip places in their skulls connecting them to a central to computer control system.
    -The so called ?indigo children? a code name for the illuminati to ?indicate? children with abilities will be confiscated from their parents and trained by the empire.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    What's not to like? I'm comfortable with this scenario. Bring on the cloned Jesus from Mars!

  • What's not to like? I'm comfortable with this scenario. Bring on the cloned Jesus from Mars!

    She's already here
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