Lizard people questions

GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
edited March 2006 in Strut Central
I'm above buying a David Icke book so I figured I'd ask the real headz for the answers to the questions of man...Why did the lizard people come here?how did they pick their human friends?when they inbreed to they suffer from the same defects that humans may get if they inbreed?have any lizard people been caught posing?what does a "Jewzard" look like?


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    please no joke replies either. I want to understand

  • jdeezjdeez 638 Posts
    delete this huff bullshit.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    delete this huff bullshit.

    are you scared of the truth?

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    I want to understand

    And yet you say you are above reading his book and you request a filtered response, when his well articulated theories are already widely available. The man is very accessible. If you have questions for him ask him yourself.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I want to understand

    And yet you say you are above reading his book and you request a filtered response, when his well articulated theories are already widely available. The man is very accessable. If you have questions for him ask him yourself.

    well, as you may have guessed, this post has an alterior motive.

    I'm out to prove that David Icke is the king of the lizard people.

  • SooksSooks 714 Posts
    Here's a description of them, from
    the Guardian.

    Henrick shuffled uneasily in his chair. He clearly felt that Brian's modus operandi was falling apart before their eyes. Yes, Henrick had promised to leave the lizards out of the discussion, but these were desperate times, and they called for desperate measures.

    Henrick shot me a glance. "Go for it," I mouthed.

    "There is full documentation," announced Henrick, which proves that 20 reptilian races have interfaced, intermingled and interbred with the human race, and are now controlling society from above."

    Brian stared daggers at Henrick.

    "Twenty?" said Sam, leaning forward.

    "Approximately 20," said Henrick. "Certainly it is somewhere between 15 and 25."

    "Have you got the names of these reptilian races?" asked Sam, producing a notepad from his bag.

    "Yes, I have," said Henrick, obviously pleased that Sam was showing an interest. "Okay. Firstly: Grays."

    Sam wrote down Grays.

    "Next there are the Adopted Grays."

    Sam wrote it down.

    "Then there are the Troglodytes."

    "They're the ones who live in caves, right?" said Sam.

    "In caves," confirmed Henrick. "Then there are the Crinklies."

    "What do the Crinklies look like?" asked Sam.

    "They are cuddly, pink, with old-looking faces," said Henrick.

    "Can I just point out," interrupted Brian, sharply, "this Chomsky passage regarding the oppressive subtext of the Talmud . . ."

    "Then there are the Tall Blondes," said Henrick.

    "What do they look like?" asked Sam.

    "Kind of like Swedes," said Henrick. "Next come the Tall Robots."

    "They're the ones covered in aluminium foil, right?"

    "Right," said Henrick. "Then there are the Annunaki."

    "The Annunaki," said Sam. "They're the ones David Icke goes on about the most."

    "Exactly," said Henrick. "George Bush is Annunaki."

    Sam excused himself so he could step outside for a cigarette. He returned to discover that Henrick had taken the opportunity to grab his notepad and add further names of reptilian races to the list.

    "The Elderbarians," he had written. "These are the crop-circle makers. The Zebra Repticular. The Albarians. The Interdimensional Sasquatch. The Goat Sucker or Goat Eater often found in Mexico."

    "Is there friction between these alien races?" asked Sam.

    "Yes," said Henrick. "Constant friction."

    "Do they actually fight each other?" asked Sam.

    "Yes," said Henrick. "They are constantly battling for control of the 15 dimensional portals. One is in Jerusalem. One is in Tibet. Nobody knows where the other 13 are."

    "This," said Sam. "is a very interesting conversation."

    "That was very weird," said Sam to me after Brian and Henrick had gone home.

    "It was weird," I agreed. "You know, I've been trying to keep an open mind, but now I'm pretty certain that David Icke really does mean lizards when he says lizards."

  • here's an excerpt from one f his books...

    the part where he starts talking about how everything is created by sound is pretty interesting in a sun ra kinda way.

  • You're above buying the man's books but you're not above ridiculing everything he's ever said based entirely on hearsay. He probably wasn't even on your radar before today and now he's a pleasantly easy target for your attempts at humor.

    Certainly you don't expect anyone to answer your questions after being obliquely insulted.

    All I've ever said is that people should maintain open minds and seek truth throughout their lives. The fact that I have read David Icke doesn't mean I am a devotee, that I have not read other books, that I am not a sane, grounded human being.

    You spend your time going through shitty records looking for one decent track, even two measly bars of redeemable sound within 60 minutes of crap, and yet you are above looking in a 300-odd page book for something useful before dismissing it?

  • I'm above buying a David Icke book so I figured I'd ask the real headz for the answers to the questions of man...

    Why did the lizard people come here?
    I think they were fighting with the bird people or something.. heard it second hand from my boy who is a reptillian.something about a tablet.the pentagon and streets pointing to the star and the whitehouse breast like dome.
    how did they pick their human friends?
    Maybe god picked them? there is a beautiful feathered serpent in every religion and ancient story.
    maybe they just like our latina ladies. i mean would'nt you come here.
    when they inbreed to they suffer from the same defects that humans may get if they inbreed?
    Nope.they kind of look like snoopdogs.
    have any lizard people been caught posing?
    Bob Saget

    what does a "Jewzard" look like?
    Bob Saget

  • You spend your time going through shitty records looking for one decent track, even two measly bars of redeemable sound within 60 minutes of crap, and yet you are above looking in a 300-odd page book for something useful before dismissing it?

    wow... that was deep. i'm not even kidding.

  • Fucking "A" waxidermy is the Lizzard of the Lizzard.

    Crink is Not a Lizzard, he is but a pawn.

    Reynaldo is a goddamn Lizzard I am sure of it.

    Dollar Bin is half-Lizzard and must use black magic.

    In Chicago, chris, Dante and Meaty are Lizzards nearing completion
    of their despot plan to drain Chicago of all raer soul records and
    send them to Jews and Catholics in Old Europe where they will never
    be heard again. Also Japan serious corrector arr Lizzard.

    DCastillo and Sexy B Nyce are half Lizzard that must use black magic.

    Dreas is not Lizzard but will sell out to the Lizzard and sirrius
    corrector as far as it makes him cash money.

    Most of the rest is just the 85%, content to just pull pud to
    softcroe pawn pron DVDs.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Terry, how do you know all this?

    I know bob Saget and he does seem to like laying out on heated rocks during his down-time.

    HCrink is not lizard, I know this cause I tried to feed him post apocolytic flies and he looked at me funny

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    You spend your time going through shitty records looking for one decent track, even two measly bars of redeemable sound within 60 minutes of crap, and yet you are above looking in a 300-odd page book for something useful before dismissing it?

    Dude, that's a spurious comparison for many reasons. For example, while I could find seconds of good music on one record quickly and with little effort, I could not find two useful pages between 298 of shit without a substantial investment of time and the help of a really good index. Given that I value my time, when I'm at Goodwill I won't go through every unknown book in the hope of finding something compelling, but I will do precisely this with records.

    Reading whoever it is we're talking about is not beneath me because I enjoy being entertained. Still, my guess is that internet porn is more fun than wacko theories about lizard people, so I'm going to stick with porn. Good luck on your quest for truth. I'm gonna keep looking for alba tush pictures.

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    How do you dudes feel about Credo Mutwa?

    Here, I'll get you started:

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Is the seller a lizard?

  • How do you dudes feel about Credo Mutwa?

    Here, I'll get you started:

    Credo Mutwa and the Dagon melt my face. David Icke is only fully appreciated after reading a fucking ton of other conspiracy stuff in my opinion. Coming into his books with a healthy grasp of both alternative views of history and metaphysics is helpful. Zechariah Sitchin is the basis for the Annunaki theory, and he started as a Talmudic scholar. There is a bevy of credible, well researched information on thses topics and others. There are countless ancient societies such as the Rama empire of India, the sunken Lemurian continent in the Pacific, and of course Atlantis. These ancient societies existence is being proven scientifically by connecting blood group and language data. My point is that there is a ton of other stuff to read besides Icke and writing all alternative information off as the stuff of kooks just exposes an inability or unwillingness to filter through unorthodox or challenging information.

  • lizard rock

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    How do you dudes feel about Credo Mutwa?

    Here, I'll get you started:

    Credo Mutwa and the Dagon melt my face. David Icke is only fully appreciated after reading a fucking ton of other conspiracy stuff in my opinion. Coming into his books with a healthy grasp of both alternative views of history and metaphysics is helpful. Zechariah Sitchin is the basis for the Annunaki theory, and he started as a Talmudic scholar. There is a bevy of credible, well researched information on thses topics and others. There are countless ancient societies such as the Rama empire of India, the sunken Lemurian continent in the Pacific, and of course Atlantis. These ancient societies existence is being proven scientifically by connecting blood group and language data. My point is that there is a ton of other stuff to read besides Icke and writing all alternative information off as the stuff of kooks just exposes an inability or unwillingness to filter through unorthodox or challenging information.

    Sorry man, didn't read it. Where's the lizard jpeg and/or joke?


    Fools need to look beyond their comfort zone. Especially in times like these.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    ok folls (what up Guzzo [secret handshake]?[/secret handshake])

    it has been brought to my attention that my late night binge drinking fuelled binge post/baiting has gotten a few feathers ruffled (scales shook)

    yes i said Icke was an antisemite.

    yet after reading more it seems that i kinda missed the point.

    i hereby take back that statement.


    This thought re-evaluation was made all the more easier by watching Scooby Doo...

    Let me explain:

    Remember at the end of every episode Scooby and co. would drive the mystery machine up to the dastardly crook and remove his mask and we would all gasp as it turned out to be the janitor?

    ???And if it wasn???t for you damn kids I would have gotten away with it!???

    well it???s the same with icke, you see when he rolled up to the bad guys and removed the mask HE WAS A LIZARD!!!!

    But then shaggy removed the next mask AND HE WAS A JEW!!!!

    But now, it turns out that the jewface was a mask as well and he is ACTUALLY A LIZARD!!!!

    Thank you David Icke.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    ok folls (what up Guzzo [secret handshake]?[/secret handshake])

    it has been brought to my attention that my late night binge drinking fuelled binge post/baiting has gotten a few feathers ruffled (scales shook)

    yes i said Icke was an antisemite.

    yet after reading more it seems that i kinda missed the point.

    i hereby take back that statement.


    This thought re-evaluation was made all the more easier by watching Scooby Doo...

    Let me explain:

    Remember at the end of every episode Scooby and co. would drive the mystery machine up to the dastardly crook and remove his mask and we would all gasp as it turned out to be the janitor?

    ???And if it wasn???t for you damn kids I would have gotten away with it!???

    well it???s the same with icke, you see when he rolled up to the bad guys and removed the mask HE WAS A LIZARD!!!!

    But then shaggy removed the next mask AND HE WAS A JEW!!!!

    But now, it turns out that the jewface was a mask as well and he is ACTUALLY A LIZARD!!!!

    Thank you David Icke.

    Laugh now, cry later buddy. Just keep telling yourself that you live in a free country, and you are not being lied to.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Laugh now, cry later buddy. Just keep telling yourself that you live in a free country, and you are not being lied to.

    i am under no illusion that the society in which i live is controlled by "the Man" and it is a given that 'the Man" is lying to me.

    i just dont think that The Man looks like this:

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    have any lizard people been caught posing[/b] ?

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Dance puppets Dance!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    writing all alternative information off as the stuff of kooks just exposes an inability or unwillingness to play Dungeons & Dragons and attend Star Trek Conventions[/b]

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Why did the lizard people come here?

    how did they pick their human friends?

    when they inbreed to they suffer from the same defects that humans may get if they inbreed?

    have any lizard people been caught posing?

    what does a "Jewzard" look like?

  • z_illaz_illa 867 Posts
    writing all alternative information off as the stuff of kooks just exposes an inability or unwillingness to learn not only about cultures that came before you, but cultures that you currently must live with [/b]

    Icke or no Icke, lizard people are a huge part of this world's history.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    writing all alternative information off as the stuff of kooks just exposes an inability or unwillingness to play Dungeons & Dragons and attend Star Trek Conventions[/b]

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    writing all alternative information off as the stuff of kooks just exposes an inability or unwillingness to learn not only about cultures that came before you, but cultures that you currently must live with [/b]

    Icke or no Icke, lizard people are a huge part of this world's history.

    oh please elaborate.



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