
edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
edited December 2015 in Music Talk
Do you think we really can discuss Donuts and it not turn into a big mess ??i wanna discuss Donuts ...but...... Discuss discussing Donuts


  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    Donuts are delicious.

    Now I'm hungry.

    SS makes me hungry.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    What up J? You good? How are things in Cali?

    The Jay Dee LP? LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! What is there to discuss and why will it turn into a big mess?

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    oh yeah....

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts

    The Jay Dee LP? LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! What is there to discuss and why will it turn into a big mess?
    I'm not a big fan of the recent jay dee stuff, but my friend played me some tracks from Donuts and I have to say, it's great.

    I'm still hungry though

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    What up J? You good? How are things in Cali?

    The Jay Dee LP? LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! What is there to discuss and why will it turn into a big mess?

    2006 has been a terrible year...but fuck all that

    im sayin what if some dude said Donuts sucked hairy Zebra balls .....would that be inappropriate? and would this person be stoned because of the circumstances?

    I've just heard everyone around here say this is the greatest album in ages and i'm wondering if anyone disagrees at this 100% soulstrut approved?..that would be a first

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i think it's good but on a lot of the tracks i would have rather had shit play out instead of random vocal samples or scratching.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    It's solid but I like the more abstract tracks on the album best. Donuts is taza_one approved.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I like how he flipped that Detroit Emeralds joint (among others). I ran across that shit listening to the OG LP the other night. Weirdly enough, I've been running across a lot of dude's work lately. Amazing how he chops samples and makes sluts seem like nice girls.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    P.S. I love Dunkin Donuts chocolate-filled joints.

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    The Jay Dee LP? LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! What is there to discuss and why will it turn into a big mess?

    BC et al -

    Not necessarily condoning Pete Adarkwah's business practices, but he does have a couple of tracks up from the forthcoming BBE Dilla release 'The Shining'...

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts

    The Jay Dee LP? LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! What is there to discuss and why will it turn into a big mess?

    BC et al -

    Not necessarily condoning Pete Adarkwah's business practices, but he does have a couple of tracks up from the forthcoming BBE Dilla release 'The Shining'...

    Good to see that the Pharoah Monch track is going to be on the LP. I thought that would just forever lurk in the vaults of unreleased gems. Love that.

    I like "Donuts", but "The Shining" is the the one I'm looking forward to. I don't know???I just think I was in the mood for 'songs' rather than the beautified beat tape that is Donuts. It is indeed beautiful, but listening to it I often thought "Damn, this or that MC would kill this track". I'm happy that Ghost chose two of the beats for "Fishscale".

    EdP, if you're looking for a messy Dilla thread, this is the place to be:

    Nothing but love over here???

  • boast1boast1 142 Posts
    i know ill probably catch shit from this..but whatever. i bought donuts and enjoyed the listen but i dont really see how this can be thought of as amazing as alot of people have been saying. i have nothing but respect for the man and his work but its almost mind blowing to see his name everywhere and how everyone all of a sudden since his death is acting like theyve been following the man since day one.(this doesnt really apply to the soulstrut folk as you all are more likely to have already been fans as opposed to the nonSS'ers) think about it often did you hear his name get brought up before his unfortunate death? its sad, but do you guys think that maybe alot of people might be acting like theyve always been fans just to fake like theyre down? or is it that maybe they didnt realize that they were fans before his death brought forth so much publicity to his work? also, do you guys think that he wouldve got as much attention if donuts wasnt released on the popular underground label stones throw? i guess im just sad to see the man be the most popular he's ever been and not even be around to see it... but thats the way it works i suppose. no disrespect meant at all.. these were just some questions that have been running through the mind.

  • I thought donuts was wack to be honest. Listened to it in its entirety once and on every subsequent attempt to give it another chance turned it off a few tracks in through boredom.

  • SoulmanSoulman 66 Posts
    everyone is entitled to there own opinion regardless of if the man died or not i just happen to think that "donuts" is a sampling MASTERPIECE. but then some people don't care for sampling very much either ok peace

  • Imperial_MaoImperial_Mao 1,119 Posts
    i just happen to think that "donuts" is a sampling MASTERPIECE.

    Gotta agree with you there, I don't check for a lot of instrumental stuff (never really got into Entroduing) but think this is top notch.

  • 1219197712191977 323 Posts
    I???m lovin it .... Workinonit-track2 and Lightworks-track13 are a couple of my favs. It does have a lot of random voice and chopped up stuff that breaks the organic flow of a beat but its pretty much fun for me. Anyone know about the production style he used. I could be wrong but I think I read he mainly used GarageBand and records only-no samplers ????????

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    I'm not on a crusade to convince anyone on here or elsewhere of how great Donuts is, but I do think it's over the heads of a lot of people. What about it bothers or bores some of you? I've heard some talk about the format - no, this isn't an LP with MCs or anything traditional like that. It's a collection of carefully crafted compositions. Secondly, the samples...I said this in an earlier thread, but there are MESSAGES in the music. Dilla took single words from different sources and arranged them to communicate things to listeners. Letting the samples play out, or whatever, makes no sense in this respect. Just keep in mind that he either couldn't talk or had great difficulty doing so on his deathbed while making Donuts. I just think those things should be taken in perspective during your listening, because it's significant enough under the circumstances which Donuts was created to make a difference. But aside from any detailed analysis, the beats are just FUCKING ILL!!!

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    By the way, listening in a good pair of headphones is essential.

    That's when my

    went off...

  • I've yet to give Donuts the thorough listen it deserves, but anyone here that likes it needs to listen to Jay Dee's 'Beat Tape #3'. This was, without a doubt, my favorite album the year it came out. I don't know the story behind this, but I don't think it was really ever meant to be just a beat tape. If so, it is truly in that regard. If not, it's just an amazing listen start to finish.

    As for Donuts, my man told me yesterday that these beats, in large, were originally being made for use on the third season of the Dave Chappelle show. They were going to be the score for all the skits done in the then upcoming season. However, when the show went on hiatus, the idea come forward to make them into an album. I can't speak to the validity of it, but it came from someone that works at the show and may be involved in seeking replacement music for the remaining shows Comedy Central plans to air.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I don't usually even check for dilla but I dl'd the "donuts" advance before he died and was bumping it pretty consistantly. alot of my friends were on some "what's that shit" and I get them up on it too.

    which isn't to say "I was there first" as much as I don't really like dilla's ish that much and I was really feelin "donuts" even before he died.


  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    I like "Donuts", but "The Shining" is the the one I'm looking forward to. I don't know???I just think I was in the mood for 'songs' rather than the beautified beat tape that is Donuts. It is indeed beautiful, but listening to it I often thought "Damn, this or that MC would kill this track". I'm happy that Ghost chose two of the beats for "Fishscale".

    First track on this MySpace page apparently from that project:

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts

    I like "Donuts", but "The Shining" is the the one I'm looking forward to. I don't know???I just think I was in the mood for 'songs' rather than the beautified beat tape that is Donuts. It is indeed beautiful, but listening to it I often thought "Damn, this or that MC would kill this track". I'm happy that Ghost chose two of the beats for "Fishscale".

    First track on this MySpace page apparently from that project:

    Aah, nice, but I think "Jay Love Japan" and "The Shining" are two seperate posthumous projects. Looking forward to that one too.

    -> Drewn, I hear what you're saying. I'm gonna give "Donuts" a proper headphone re-listening.

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts

    Aah, nice, but I think "Jay Love Japan" and "The Shining" are two seperate posthumous projects. Looking forward to that one too.

    MDJ -

    You're right, I should've been more explicit in distinguishing that it's a different project unrelated to BBE...

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    some of the beats on Donuts are the best i've ever heard...there is also some garbage on it.....but i'm sure if any great producer released a beat tape in his prime it would be dope also.....

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    The thing I like most about Donuts is that it seems like, very unrestricted by the choices a producer has to deal with, ie, what tracks an artist takes or likes, what the label does, etc. It shows his genius in a real pure form. I haven't heard the miscellaneous beat reels floating around, so this stands in stark contrast to other work he's done.

    And I will put money on this - it's stuff that you appreciate more if you understand sampling from a technical standpoint, what he does with those samples is just amazing and beyond what I hear on his more "rapperdude" productions. You don't need to be a producer to appreciate it but it takes it from being "just good music" to being fully

  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    Donuts is straight up amazing. The way he flips those samples are just
    And all those hidden messages. It's like a big old puzzle to sort out.
    The Madlib joint is probably the best thing that he's done in a while. Can't say that it's better than Donuts IMO.
    Also i think madlib was infulenced by Dilla more than the other way around.

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    Modern production don't get much better than "Time: The Donuts of Life" in my opinion. That 1/2 time break down is some heavenly stoned laidback shit. Shit is so soulful man, the illest Detroit producer of all time. Luckily, dude created a very large discography for us to jam out to for years

  • SoulmanSoulman 66 Posts
    Donuts is straight up amazing. The way he flips those samples are just
    And all those hidden messages. It's like a big old puzzle to sort out.
    The Madlib joint is probably the best thing that he's done in a while. Can't say that it's better than Donuts IMO.
    Also i think madlib was infulenced by Dilla more than the other way around.

    your probably right when you look at the whole picture. definitely i believe they both influenced each other though. like other than RZA i'd say Dilla really pioneered that "calculated sloppy" style of producing, then maybe you could say madlib took it to another place, then jaydee got influenced by that then took it another step with donuts... i dunno just random thoughts about it all

    btw, those hidden messages... has that ever really been confirmed by anybody close to Dilla or is that really just a new school urban legend?

  • mcdeemcdee 871 Posts
    i guess im the only one who doesnt like it. the grooves were just too stressed for me. let me put it this way, you can be offbeat in two ways.. either you hit the notes before the beat (stress), or hit em afterwards, the relaxed way. to me hes just too much on the wrong side here. i dont know how to explain, but i think the music just sounds too forced because of it. just not my style, not saying its bad or anything. and i guess madlib had something to do with the mix/mastering cus theres way too much compression for me.

    when are they gonna release his bbe album? i was really looking forward to that one!

  • BeatChemistBeatChemist 1,465 Posts
    and i guess madlib had something to do with the mix/mastering cus theres way too much compression for me.

    Really?? You think Madlib's stuff is overcompressed?? I guess some of his more recent beat work for MCs like MED, Wildchild, Oh No, etc is pushing the needle kinda hot. But I always thought of him as more of a 'ah let's just use the beat tape version, sounds good enough. fuck mastering!' type of dude. I remember reading an interview with Peanut Butter Wolf where he was talking about how much trouble they had mixing and mastering the Further Adventures of Lord Quas because it was alll over the place sonically when Madlib gave it to the label.

  • mcdeemcdee 871 Posts
    and i guess madlib had something to do with the mix/mastering cus theres way too much compression for me.

    Really?? You think Madlib's stuff is overcompressed?? I guess some of his more recent beat work for MCs like MED, Wildchild, Oh No, etc is pushing the needle kinda hot. But I always thought of him as more of a 'ah let's just use the beat tape version, sounds good enough. fuck mastering!' type of dude. I remember reading an interview with Peanut Butter Wolf where he was talking about how much trouble they had mixing and mastering the Further Adventures of Lord Quas because it was alll over the place sonically when Madlib gave it to the label.

    yeah i do think his stuff is overcompressed, i think of him more of a 'ah let's just use the beat tape version, sounds good enough. fuck mastering! lets just put this massive compression over everything'
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