bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
edited March 2006 in Strut Central
just kill me. i am still at work. we're moving tomorrow and it looks like a paper factory blew up in here. i foresee things getting throw into garbage bags and hauled out. we just went through the craziest week in two months with deadlines and shit and now we have to move. we are so not ready. boxes everywhere, shit sitting on the floor. furniture awry, paintings still on the wall, kitchen is a disaster. the new receptionist looks scared and she should be. i am freaking out.i am going nuts.ffffffuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.sorry and thank you.no phones or computers tomorrow - i will not expose you to this again.


  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    Seriously, this is one of those moments where you go, ok, this sucks, and it's gonna suck so let me just get through it and it will be over. Just throw shit in boxes and write what it is on the box with a Sharpie. The important thing is to know later what's in what box. Other than that, who cares how it's packed.

    And coffee might help.

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    Seriously, this is one of those moments where you go, ok, this sucks, and it's gonna suck so let me just get through it and it will be over. Just throw shit in boxes and write what it is on the box with a Sharpie. The important thing is to know later what's in what box. Other than that, who cares how it's packed.

    And coffee might help.

    a few moments with your avatar wouldn't hurt either

  • Options
    I feel for you having just moved myself. Go home and pet cats.

    Pddrrrrrr, K.

  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts
    a few moments with your avatar wouldn't hurt either

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I feel for you having just moved myself. Go home and pet cats.

    Pddrrrrrr, K.

    I actually thought of you...I'm sure you were more organized than we could ever hope to be.

    I did go home and petted the cats and it made me feel better and then I went to bed and listened to Lou Ragland til he sang me to sleep. Aaaaahhhhhh.

    Thank You for the kind words Lady - tonight I plan to hang out with many of your avatars!

  • Options
    What's doing tonight, A?


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    some skateboard mag party at the el mo (there's going to be jello wrestling and i expect it will smell sickly sweet) preceded by some skate shoe company party. tonight, i am *a***'s date.


  • Options
    No idea. Painting a Studio 1 mural in my record room with Symon, then I don't know what.


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    which reminds me - we gotta talk about doing another Dodd tribute night - the anniversary is early May.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    (there's going to be jello wrestling and i expect it will smell sickly sweet)

    Are you throwing down? If so.. I'll be there laying my bets on you!!! Make sure ya wear something sexy.. No MooMoo's

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    (there's going to be jello wrestling and i expect it will smell sickly sweet)

    Are you throwing down? If so.. I'll be there laying my bets on you!!! Make sure ya wear something sexy.. No MooMoo's

    um. no. but thank you for asking.

    maybe i'll push BF in the ring - that would be entertaining!

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    moving sucks, I don't ever want to have to do it again. ever. ever

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    seriously. the last time we moved - i thought i'd be smart and start moving the records the night before. we weren't even halfway through after 10 trips and BF was so pissed at me. the next day was worse. thank goodness the folks who helped us are also fiends, otherwise they would not be so good humoured about the extra time it took to finish the records and to partially dismantle the expedit before taking it down the stairs - the freight elevator was broken of course.

    i don't ever want to move house again.

    this office move is a nightmare.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    (there's going to be jello wrestling and i expect it will smell sickly sweet)

    Are you throwing down? If so.. I'll be there laying my bets on you!!! Make sure ya wear something sexy.. No MooMoo's

    um. no. but thank you for asking.

    maybe i'll push BF in the ring - that would be entertaining!

    That would be entertaining...

    I knew you wouldn't be... But the fantasy section part of the brain thought to ask!


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

  • TheGoochTheGooch 541 Posts
    seriously. the last time we moved - i thought i'd be smart and start moving the records the night before. we weren't even halfway through after 10 trips and BF was so pissed at me. the next day was worse. thank goodness the folks who helped us are also fiends, otherwise they would not be so good humoured about the extra time it took to finish the records and to partially dismantle the expedit before taking it down the stairs - the freight elevator was broken of course.

    i don't ever want to move house again.

    this office move is a nightmare.

    hey how did you move/ take a part your expedit? the woman and I are moving next month and I have one of these. is she really going to give me hell?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Depends on the woman! BF is one of those live-light people, he has hardly any possessions, so he???s not that patient with hoarders like me.

    Thankfully, we didn???t have to take the whole thing apart ??? it had to be carried down one straight flight of stairs of a warehouse building and width-wise it was fine, but too tall. I took off the very top plank and it made the rest of the shelving a little shakey, but it worked out fine in the end.

  • Options
    which reminds me - we gotta talk about doing another Dodd tribute night - the anniversary is early May.

    Where do you want to do it? Should we try the afterhours space? Gladstone?


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    yea - good question...Gladbone is a good idea...Silver Dollar has good sound, ...there's Holy Joes, too, which is nice cause it's known to be a spot for reggae.

    what's yer preference?

  • Options
    I can bring a soundsystem to Gladstone. Holy Joe's is cool. We should book soon, though.

    After hours would be nice, too.


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    i agree - i worry though that with the afterhours, we would lose a lot of people who are interested in Coxsone Dodd but not in that kind of party scene, you know?

    if we're feeling strong, we can do both!! continue the tribute, so to speak.

    too bad Boom is not in that space anymore...the D Brown thing a couple of years back was so good and no time restraints.

  • Options
    Do you have Holy Joe's number/contact?


  • No idea. Painting a Studio 1 mural in my record room with Symon, then I don't know what.


    Pics please.

  • Options
    No idea. Painting a Studio 1 mural in my record room with Symon, then I don't know what.


    Pics please.

    From the same screen I used to make this.


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Do you have Holy Joe's number/contact?


    like 10cc said - workin on it!

  • Sun_FortuneSun_Fortune 1,374 Posts
    If its not too late, just hire movers. It costs a little bit of money, but its so worth it. They came in, dissasembled my bed, wrapped the furniture and paintings up. And carried all my shit, including my intact expedit. Cost about 500 dollars, american, and took about four hours. SO WORTH IT!

    itll be all over soon, and then you have a new house!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    thank you very much Sun - it's my work office that's moving...we were supposed to get out phone/internet lines moved this morning - nothing yet. and not one thing has been packed all day. we are DISORGANIZED to the MAX.

    this will take forever to finish.

    i am breathing.
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