So it's the Dap Kings helping out..very interesting. I thought the musicians sounded better than your average session guys.
In my opinion, purely in the context of a cover version, this kills it. I'm really impressed. Love the guitar parts arranged for horns like that, very good job.
dollar_binI heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
Nice, but I would like this better as an instrumental.
speaking of daptone/truthandsoul type stuff, anyone know if those El Michel's Affair Wu Tang instrumentals are ever coming out?
I kinda like it. It's a really good arrangement and all, but a bit cheesy too. Heard it on a Quantic mix and thought it was something he did himself, now I know better.If it's the Daptones playing and some other guy singing, exactly what did Mark Ronson do on it, if I may ask?
You're basically correct, except he also gets artists like The Dap Kings and Ghostface to do shit on his albums and projects, then gets credit for it when he in fact just made a couple of phone calls. Or is this an unfair generalisation? (Not saying anything about his DJ skills though, I don't know about that.)
You're basically correct, except he also gets artists like The Dap Kings and Ghostface to do shit on his albums and projects, then gets credit for it when he in fact just made a couple of phone calls. Or is this an unfair generalisation? (Not saying anything about his DJ skills though, I don't know about that.)
i think he actually makes some hot beats, and although ive never seen him dj, ive heard hes actually pretty talented.
that said, hes also a silver spoon fed ex male model with celebrity parents. But i think he probably has a better reason for being famous than am or smething.
i am sure he has his fair share of hatters out there though.
I didn't think this was that bad, in fact i sort of enjoyed it. I am a huge Radiohead fan. Probably my favorite band in rock. The band is funky, the instruments all sound nice and old. I probably could've done without the singing. Not that its bad, he's got the Tom Yorke thing going on but I would've liked to hear Thom himself on this. Ronson must have lost his number or something. I don't know what he did on this track besides maybe come up with the idea. Damn, I wish I had the money and the phone book to pull off stuff like this, so many opportunities. I just wanna know how he gets his name on this stuff.
I dig this a lot. I'm a big Radiohead fan though... which I think strays quite a bit from the general soulstrut consensus on them. I gotta agree though, that I'd like this more if it was instrumental.
Speaking of Radiohead covers... has anyone heard the live Brad Mehldau solo piano cover of Paranoid Android. Dude fucking KILLS it on the piano man... taking melody lines and just going off by playing little trills and arpeggios based on them... I can post it up if anyone's interested. It's worth a listen.
Speaking of Radiohead covers... has anyone heard the live Brad Mehldau solo piano cover of Paranoid Android. Dude fucking KILLS it on the piano man... taking melody lines and just going off by playing little trills and arpeggios based on them... I can post it up if anyone's interested. It's worth a listen.
Mark has definately had a privaledged background but is good at what he does . He played at my night once and came across very down to earth & regular, did a good set too.
Surprised that Just tune hasn't been mentioned on here before as it's already big in the UK, been getting mainstream radio play & been in clubs for some time. Is it definately the Dapkings? I'd not heard that before..
I was just clowning a bit, anyway, background doesn't matter. What matters is if you're CONNECTED TO THE STREETS. There's a bunch of people I'd rather see get his level of exposure though... Myself not included. Ain't mad, doggie! The song is growing on me like so much fungus, as well.
that's hilarious
I can tell folls on here aren't going to be feeling it, but I think it's good for what it is. The Onsulade joint from that is good, too.
but then again i am a huge radiohead fan...
how can you not like this?
In my opinion, purely in the context of a cover version, this kills it. I'm really impressed. Love the guitar parts arranged for horns like that, very good job.
speaking of daptone/truthandsoul type stuff, anyone know if those El Michel's Affair Wu Tang instrumentals are ever coming out?
Apparently there will be a tidal wave of new wax hitting the streets in the very very near future. 45s, 12s, LPs.
Come on Jeff, I know you read this. post up.
Just yours was funnier.
Who is this Mark Ronson? I thought he was a celeb DJ-lurker?
i think he actually makes some hot beats, and although ive never seen him dj, ive heard hes actually pretty talented.
that said, hes also a silver spoon fed ex male model with celebrity parents. But i think he probably has a better reason for being famous than am or smething.
i am sure he has his fair share of hatters out there though.
Speaking of Radiohead covers... has anyone heard the live Brad Mehldau solo piano cover of Paranoid Android. Dude fucking KILLS it on the piano man... taking melody lines and just going off by playing little trills and arpeggios based on them... I can post it up if anyone's interested. It's worth a listen.
id like to hear this...
It's kinda slow to start... but really takes off towards the end.
this is great! thanks
if i hadn't known it was a radiohead song, maybe i wouldn't have turned it off 1/3 of the way through.
Surprised that Just tune hasn't been mentioned on here before as it's already big in the UK, been getting mainstream radio play & been in clubs for some time. Is it definately the Dapkings? I'd not heard that before..
There's a bunch of people I'd rather see get his level of exposure though... Myself not included. Ain't mad, doggie! The song is growing on me like so much fungus, as well.