San Francisco STAND UP!!! (March 2006 edition)



  • in case yalls aren't aware, mr. hugsy h_gs is the man who put this thing together! i'd be sitting in snow-ridden (but awesome) minnesota not doing an art show without this guy! APPRECIATE BATCHES!

    things are lookin good so far - i got everything up on the walls this morning.
    the KR staff is mad cool and helpful. you guys run a tight ship.

    maz photos to come!!!

  • the absense of morsecode rockface

    Believe me, I am super fuckin bummed about this. Don't worry, kingmoist'll still be there, and sergio's rockface will more than suffice.

    i'm more concerned about the absence of young morse's human beat boxing.

  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts

    this spot was called atomic burrito. or ancient burrito. or atomic rooster. or atmosphere strut. something like that.

    hahaha, ??? That was Taqueria Cancun dude! Ancient burrito, haha... now that sounds appealing.

  • oh word? i'll keep an eye out.

    this spot was called atomic burrito. or ancient burrito. or atomic rooster. or atmosphere strut. something like that.

    is there a margarita delivery service i can holler up at for you?

    If you artistes want to get your mexican and margarita on then we need to holler at Puerto Allegere on Valencia. Bomb food, strong ass magarita's, and a restaurant that is still family owned (Which is something to tip your sombrero to in the present-day mission). and it's reasonablly priced.


  • MorseCodeMorseCode 1,516 Posts
    DUDE. GOOD CALL. Can we do that Friday evening? We should get a reservation and all that.

  • doug and i say LET'S DO THIS.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    So, anyone still down for dinner Thursday night after the art thingy? I know I am, although the missus will be staying down on the peninsula doing yoga so I will be unaccompanied unless I give freakytracy a call.

  • djstefdjstef 534 Posts
    So, anyone still down for dinner Thursday night after the art thingy? I know I am, although the missus will be staying down on the peninsula doing yoga so I will be unaccompanied unless I give freakytracy a call.
    Serg and I are down for that. And then Superfriends at Milk with Morse Code and B.Cause.

    P.S. DoReMi has tambourines.

  • i'm gonna have to play dinner by ear tonight, but milk afterwards is 100% on.

    tambourines? saturday is shaping up to be the best night of our lives.

    just added to the bill: my brother's girlfriend samantha is coming to town also, and she a rill good singer. expect some romantic power ballad duets.



  • WOW!!! Thanks to everyone who made it out to my show at Kidrobot. It was a huge success and a ridiculously fun time. Enormous thank you and respect to the staff at KR - Alia, Robert, Anthony, Michelle, Daniel, Irene, and Alex the photographer. Those folks made this whole thing super seamless and enjoyable, even when I was inches away from falling off a ladder.

    Soulstrutters were in full effect: Dollar Bin, Morse Code, King Mostly, Ms Damn, Jazzsucka, Mongoslade, Stef, Serg, Ross Hawg. Got to see a bunch of my St. Louis friends who managed to make it to town, my good Minneapolis friend MK who just moved to SF, plus a grip of rappers were up in that piece too - Z-Man, Luke Sick, Alias. Word. All you guys showing up to hang out made this event a blast.

    Tons of photos from the opening coming soon, but for now, if you wanna see pics of all of my artwork from the show, go here:

  • I'm rocking the Sabath Bloody Sabath shirt, cubicle steez*

    it's only thing I had that wasn't wrinkled and was clean

  • Photos from the opening:
    Lots of Soulstrutter cameos!

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    paging Phill...

    dude what's the dilldini on some shirts?

    As usual, my dude is keeping it

    A tothemotherfucking YO!

    Congratulations, man - it's long overdue

  • word - thanks d dot a dot!

    the word on the shirts which encase the ladies were one of a kind, but i could prolly print off some iron-ons if i had to. the sabbath bloddy sabbath shirts are up in this piece and ready to ship. plaese to PMing.

    again, what a fucking fun time. karaoke will be off the thermometerz.

  • nice one!

    the burger friend is so friend.

    this pic is keeling it

  • That photo makes me out to be a much more captivating conversationalist than I actually am.

  • djstefdjstef 534 Posts
    Saturday April FOOLS evening itinerary:

    6:00 early dinner at Wayo Sushi, 1407 Van Ness Avenue @ Bush (next door to the Starbucks that had a bomb scare a few months ago)

    7:00 Shepard Fairey opening reception at White Walls Gallery, Larkin Street & Geary

    8:30 Serg and I gather What It Do ingredients at our place, Bush Street & Laguna

    9:00 DoReMi, Post Street & Laguna, (Ask for the VIP Room) to keep the mics hot, heat 'em up kids!

    11:00 After party?

  • djstefdjstef 534 Posts
    I 'll swing that if ther is still space on the list. sounds tight
    There is definitely space. IN THE VIP.

  • JazzsuckaJazzsucka 720 Posts

    See you people there!

  • 11:00 After party?

    doug sez there's something cool going on at elbo room.

    see yalls at 6pm. it'll be me, doug so-real, deerflesh, and john the family man.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Well, they took away our liquor. As you can see here, things were suitably subdued:

    Thanks to Mike for rolling through, his fine art game is on point, and King Most and Mongo Slade's rendition of The Girl is Mine brought tears to my eyes.

  • djstefdjstef 534 Posts
    Our pics are here on

    Oh, and we have some videeeeoooo...

    Thanks to everyone for coming out. Come back soon, Mike!

  • djstefdjstef 534 Posts
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