6 foot 2 plus chicks - HOT or NOT?

BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
edited February 2006 in Strut Central
Paging Bam... you know when you advertised your old apt as overlooking a loft bldg full of naked models? Well they just had a scandinavian explosion in there. The corner bodega gets rammed up with eye-level girlies, kind of intimidating Anyway, these lasses are obviously tappable, but it's just not that feminine is it? Thoughts anyone?


  • nrichnrich 932 Posts
    hot, no question

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    hot, no question

    Long term hot or let me squeeze past you get on with my life hot? Jeez they are young, their faces look all weird. And if they got cowboy boots on you're scared they'll step on your foot. Just sayin.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    but it's just not that feminine is it? Thoughts anyone?

    NOT THAT FEMININE????? What does height got to do with it?

    Man, tall girls are the shit.

    Sorry, I have always been into the lanky ladies, taller the better! LOVE IT.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    scandinavian explosion

    scandinavian explosion

    scandinavian explosion

    scandinavian explosion

    scandinavian explosion

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Yeah but I'm talking about real life experience not pictures. Remember all through high school they were freaks.

    Realistically now


  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts

  • Rather than a this or that question...

    This sounds more like a this AND that opportunity!!

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    No, it's true, models can be pretty shocking in person -
    it's how thin they are that will turn me off...
    but I also find most women attractive in some way* so I can't hate

    *cue jpegs to challenge that statement

  • nrichnrich 932 Posts
    Yeah but I'm talking about real life experience not pictures. Remember all through high school they were freaks.

    ugly ducklings can turn into swans.
    There was a girl in college who was my height, blonde and beautiful. She may have been awkward in high school but definately wasn't then. She got a few tatoos while at school at UT and her parents transferred her to school in Miami, I think she lives in Spain now. Still think about that girl.

    Fine is fine dude. Go meet your neighbors

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Yeah but I'm talking about real life experience not pictures. Remember all through high school they were freaks.

    Realistically now

    I thought the tall chicks were hot then, I think tall women are hot now. I put the photo in as a reference to a famous tall woman because I don't have ones handy of all the tall beauties I see on the street! 6' 2" would be ideal by me if I was makin a list of favorite features in a female. Just ask my friends. A tall chick can get by with being kinda homely, I am still dazzled.

    Just because you are intimidated by someone because they can't be bent all up Gumby-style is no reason to put that on all of us!!

    And who says some of us aren't of the size that tall is not that off-putting?

    Realistically now.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Really doesnt matter at all to me. Seems like a silly thing to be insecure about, as alot of them are.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    Interesting points all round.

    Fine is fine dude. Go meet your neighbors

    I'm spoken for. This is strictly on a do I put up with their cluelessness when they are shuffling around a tiny bodega attempting make real world grocery transactions with actual money because they are uber or do I treat them with regular contempt, especially as they are tourists? I need to tell myself these things.

    And who says some of us aren't of the size that tall is not that off-putting?

    Realistically now.

    Hey, I'm the same fucking build as some of these chicks!!! If I shaved my legs and you'd probably hit on me.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    This is strictly on a do I put up with their cluelessness when they are shuffling around a tiny bodega attempting make real world grocery transactions with actual money because they are uber or do I treat them with regular contempt, especially as they are tourists?
    regular contempt sounds fine to me

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    Hey, I'm the same fucking build as some of these chicks!!! If I shaved my legs and you'd probably hit on me.

    You're probably not tall enough to dazzle me, lady! But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

  • I love tall women. Course, I'm 6 foot 2 myself, so it's a nice little effect, seeing two giants walking hand in hand down the street. As I've probably said in another thread, I once dated three six-footers with similar features within a year, and my friends were always confusing one for the other.

  • Not really keen on tall girls, but height doesn't matter if if it's a dry spell...
    However any girl with "Big Feet" (UK 7 or over) is an immediate no no!!!
    No Sasquatch gal for me...

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    once dated three six-footers with similar features within a year, and my friends were always confusing one for the other.

    Phew, for a minute I read that as your friends were always confusing you with the other.

    So any funny stories about tall girls? Ever suddenly wake up in the dark with one and get freaked out? Any of them beat you in a game of 1-on-1? They seem like fun, but more in a sisterly way.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts

    Hey, I'm the same fucking build as some of these chicks!!! If I shaved my legs and you'd probably hit on me.

    You're probably not tall enough to dazzle me, lady! But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    You see, I knew Bam needed to be in this thread. I think he might be just your type. I'm only 6'4 in Timberlands (imagine they're Uggs or something)

  • aegisaegis 261 Posts
    So, um, what bodega is this? I am picky about other things than height.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    S4th and Bedford, SW corner. The one where the owner (who wears a lot of lycra and jewelry) posts snaps of his wife on vacation back home. I shit you not, it's brimming with 19 yo model chicks.

  • aegisaegis 261 Posts
    S4th and Bedford, SW corner. The one where the owner (who wears a lot of lycra and jewelry) posts snaps of his wife on vacation back home. I shit you not, it's brimming with 19 yo model chicks.

    19, eh. That may be a bit on the young side. I guess I could buy them beer.

  • Man, tall girls scare the hell out of me. Maybe its just been my experience, but every tall girl I've ever known has always been able to get me to do things for her -- drop her off at her house, kick her a nug etc. -- with this "hey, Im the party right hur. do this for me" attitude. But I think Ive only smooched one girl taller than me and I smooched a few in my day.

    My friend though, is like 5'4" on a good day, weighs no more than 130 lbs and loves tall girls. And he gets em too. He's just not intimidated or something. But they scare the shit out of me.

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts

    My friend though, is like 5'4" on a good day, weighs no more than 130 lbs and loves tall girls. And he gets em too. He's just not intimidated or something. But they scare the shit out of me.

    He'd be like a dachshund on a greyhound.

  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts
    tall is hot. why are you asking these questions?

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts
    who cares...all women are the same

  • BigSpliffBigSpliff 3,266 Posts
    tall is hot. why are you asking these questions?

    Dude, I said, it's brimming with them. Like some sort of invasion. With the latina talent already around it's like I'm on some sort of, I dunno, it's just weird.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Tall is tha shit. I'm 6'4" and I dated a 6'5" gal. Shit was awesome.Legs and thighs for days.

  • once dated three six-footers with similar features within a year, and my friends were always confusing one for the other.

    Phew, for a minute I read that as your friends were always confusing you with the other.

    Nope, these women were all strikingly feminine, with long Bobbie Gentry-ish hair. No mannish Grace Jones types for the kid!!

    So any funny stories about tall girls?

    The "confusion" story is as funny as it gets. A friend of mine would be all like: "hey, didn't I meet her before, about six months ago? She wasn't wearing glasses then." Me: "Uhhh, THAT WAS ANOTHER WOMAN ALTOGETHER six months ago..."

    Aside from that, once me and one of the "skyscraper girls" were walking downtown when some homeless lady passed us on the street. To me, she sez "hey, you got an Amazon there, dontcha?" (To tie things together, the girl I was with was the Lisa Loeb lookalike I described over in the Lisa Loeb thread, right down to the long black hair and the glasses - only my girl had a bit of a growth spurt there.)

    Ever suddenly wake up in the dark with one and get freaked out? Any of them beat you in a game of 1-on-1?

    (a) No difference in the dark between tall women and the shorties. (b) Never had the desire to take them down to the basketball court.

    They seem like fun, but more in a sisterly way.

    I gots no problem with height. If I lived in the same town as you, I'd be making tracks for that bodega before I got through reading the last post in the thread.

  • Let me get all this down....S4 and Bedford...bodega....6 ft.2 scandinavian explosion....

    I'll investigate this matter personally and let . Strictly for research purposes only, of course...

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

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